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Being Prosperous Asmat


Report on Fifth Semester of The Third Year

Oct 2015 March 206

1. Background
Asmat Makmur project has entered the third year. We got a colorful dynamics along with
Local Genius Mainstremer (LGM) 'Aices' opens a new path that the forces of change lies on
society it self. One Aices invites family, fam and clumps around them, even sharing experiences
among clumps becomes a collective strenght in Asmat. The ebb tide of ware, the marker of the
Asmat region, is a challenge and mutual support for Aices. In this third year, Aicess role which is
the local language of LGM has a really important existence. The DELSOS staffs tidal dynamics
does not occlude Aices spirit. Story after story were strung in the development of their
respective territories. Will be slightly different from the territories who does not have Aices
because theyre still on search stage.
The second objective of this project is directly linked to the dynamics of the Diocese
simply sketched through the DELSOS. Still need a serious efforts to get the goal reached as
expected. Nevertheless, some of the existing staff can provide help in the series of this semiannual report material. They include Peter Simon Sarkol (Staff Project), Margareta Reti & Ronald
Mberak (project new staff/Voulenter) combined with Florentina Y.S.E. Bifae (finance staff /
DELSOS), Salmon Pirap Saky (DELSOS) and report from DELSOS Chairman (Aji Sayeti) and Asep
Nanda Paramayana and Maria Sucianingsih (Program Officer). At the beginning of the second
semester of the third year, we didnt even know yet who would be officially involved in this

Figure 1: Engraver Activity in Jae / Jew (Asmat traditional house)

2.Implementing the project and achieving its objective
Objective 1 : People of different indigenous groups are able to sustainably produce more food;
(a)the existing customary pattern related to cropping period calculation has been re-established;
(b) the existing custom is implemented in daily practice in the project areas in all 3 districts;
Activities for objective 1 : 1.2 kampung meetings (in society level) as a learning forum to
learn about local custom related to food sovereignty

The Kampung Meetings in the fifth semester of this project still discused about the
mixing between project area and general Asmat area being assisted by DELSOS Collaboration
between funds from Misereor support and existing efforts of Delsos were utilized for the success
of prosperous Asmat. Other results obtained in village meetings refer still to the original purpose
of the program, namely: (a) custom compilation related to food sovereignty, (b) identification on
herbal plants and crops, (c) development on alternative herbal plant and post harvesting of crops,
and (4) Several roomates will be special activities and arrange Decide by the community it self.
The Live In activity was done in the form of Kampung activities with different themes
and technical assistance (TA) along with LGM and his family. In the third year of this program,
kampung meetings were used by field staff and PO to begin pushing the LGM to have more of a
role in the process of organizing, even to become a good facilitator of the meeting in their home
as well as a meeting in another village. Live in or staying with relatives in other villages as a form
of community strengthening should still be started from the next of kin either in their own
village or in other villages. This activity has been started in the region Ats (Kampung Ats, Yasiew,
Bakasei, Yaosakor and sakor) and region Sawa Erma (Kampung Sa, Er, Sona and Erme).
Field staff and PO, only helped to prepare plan activities, transportation and particularly
the discussion material used by LGM as facilitator. The common materials prepared by LGM with
Staff Courses and PO include how to speak in public, gardening, organizing communities, home
economy, cultural preservation, preservation of forests, strengthening the village apparatus,
learning the budget of Dana Desa (Official Village Fund). Some LGMs initiated to visit the head
village to do the lobby, discussing the proposed kampung regulations regarding the teritory limit
of hamlet to protect the forest from the threat of illegal logging. The meetings in several gerios
can be seen in the graph below (Regio Pirimapun was no longer accompanied in this semester
because no staff responsible for the area and no DELSOS staff has been specifically placed there)


Kampung Meetings

Technical Asistance


Regio Ats

Regio Sawa

Regio Agats

Figure 2: Group dynamics to refresh the atmosphere of Kampung meetings

Activities for objective 1 : 1.3 Workshop in kampung level: strengthening and capacity building
kampung organization
The Kampung Workshops in the fifth semester (October 2015-March 2016) were
implemented in several categories. The inter-region kampung workshop were done 3 times and
workshops between villages in one region was done once. The first Inter-Region Kampung
Workshop was held on 29-30 September 2015 at the Regio Yaosakor. This workshop took the
theme "Caring for the Earth" because it coincided with the commemoration of World Food Day.
The purpose of this activity is that the participants can have a better understand on the natural
changes especially forests around them which the natural resources have been running out. The
event was attended by 25 participants from several District. The expectation is that they can
have appreciation towards their forests (village) by reapplying the traditional customary rules
that can keep the forest alive. One of the workshop material is watching a doc film together
about the loss of indigenous forests for industry, followed by a group discussion about the film.
The understanding of the participants in this activity can be seen from one of the daily review, as
said by Pace Cornelis from Kampung Ats "Cooking nutritious food so that the body becomes
healthy". Pace Ambo of Yaosakor saying "I want to do something for Asmat". Pace Herman of Sono
said "May what happened in Tribe Malind do not happen to us in Asmat", and Pace Felix of Bakasei
revealed "Cooking nutritious so that the body will be strong and we can do something for Asmat
because we are children of Asmat".
The second Inter-Region Kampung Workshop took place on 15 to 18 November 2015 in
the area of Warse, Regio Agats. This workshop focused on the regeneration process of young
people to become the next drive, as well as to bridge the transfer of knowledge already gained
by Asmat senior friends in previous training. Material presented includes building awareness,
daily routine, household economic management, compose the images ideals / hopes / dreams
for self, family, fam, village, district. In this workshop we took a disciplinary approach for LGM to
understand such knowledge, some were having difficulties, some were feeling regret why they
got this knowledge in the old age. It can be seen from the passage of these opinions "Why didnt i
get this kind of science at school? i should have get this at school, so i would know where to bring
the family and our life." Said Ambo.
The third Inter-Region Kampung Workshop was held on 29 January- 1 February 2016 in
Agats Diocese Pastoral Center Building. The "Training for DELSOS (PSE Commission) Agats
Diocese Alumni", involved people who already had knowledge of the training or the like outside

Asmat, such as: Kuperda, Bina Desa, Asmat Makmur driving force, Jayapura Agriculture, Credit
Union, etc.). This activity aims to (1) Looking back at the concrete actions that have been carried
out by the alumni after joined the trainings (2) Looking back at condition of Asmat today which
is increasingly pressured by development in their own homes (3) Recall the training materials
which can be distributed to the young people who are increasingly losing their Asmat identity.
Notes for the workshop from the facilitators were that it is extremely difficult to change the
mindset of assessing the problem to the mindset of prioritizing human resource potential and
natural resources. We should utilized times to actually see the potential of human and natural
resources to develop themselves, their families and communities.
The last workshop was held in the Regio Ats, Kapung, Yaosakor, Sirets District on Jan 1116, 2016. It was the meeting between the women group of Yaosakor and Aices with the theme of
"Workshop for Utilizing Old Coconut and coconut oil for healthy food" The aim of this activity
are (1) Utilization of gardens potential and lawns for the fulfillment of their daily needs; (2) LGM
information Room to transfer the inormations to the mothers and teenage daughters of the
Village Yaosakor and Sakor. The knowledges are more easily accepted and practiced by mothers
and young women in both these villages (Yaosakor and Sakor), with expectations to reduce
household expenditure of coconut potential oil in both of this villages.

Figure 3: Results of village workshops for the next 3-5 years of each Aices
Activities for objective 1 : 1.4 Special activities
This special activities is used to increase the network among LGMs, giving more space on
them to try to live the dynamics of surrounding communities and to increase self capacity for
LGM. Several activities are already performed this fifth semester:
Increasing capacity of LGM in the form of training "Exploring the Potential of Nature" phase
The event was held on March 12, s / d 11 April 2016 in the Diocese House of Building
Merauke. The process of selecting participants to participate this training took a long time
because the particupants should go through the liveliness selection and concrete actions to
build family food security through the gardens in their villages. Starting in December 2015

and in February 2016 the decision of those who were entitled to join in the training was
made. 12 participants passed the selection. It was undeniable that the support from the
parish priest has determined the next process in addition to the condition of the body before
departure. Some of the reasons are no permission from the parish priest due to the periods of
Easter, family deceased, malaria and one person got no support/permisssion from his family
because these activities are considered moneyless.
In addition to the accompanied selection results of the project, the PSE Commission
also opened up opportunities for the Region Agats with the minimum terms and conditions
similar to other regions. There were three people from the Region Agats coordinated directly
by the chairman of the PSE. The total number of participants leaving for the training were 11
people. After two days of training, 2 participants of the Parish Senggo joined (on the
recommendation of the chairman PSE) but they had to quit training for violating training
rules and did not seriously follow the training process. Participants complete profile can be
seen in Aices training modules Aices in Merauke. The modules is also used as training reports.
This training uses several methods and integrates the materials directly with many
events happening in the villages. The method used in the training are group discussions,
games, film reviews, live in together with the community, writing diary, creating gardens in
groups as part of realizing love for the environment. The materials are about self-realization
(self-potentials), field trips, advocacy, public speaking and managing finances. Obed of
yaosakor, one of the youngest participants comments "We can live here without worrying
about eating, drinking sleeping, so we are able to learn a lot and will use it for the benefit of

Figure 4 : Training Aices in Merauke

Documentary Film as a medium of learning, public education and advocacy.
Sharing information and series of discussions to formulate the theme of the film have
been started since December 2015. It is expected that through audio-visual media, many eyes
and hearts will open in favor of Asmat. Speaking through films is easier and interesting so
that the fulfillment of rights that must be met by the state (advocates) will be opened bit by
The following is a summary of the story contained in the documentary. The need for food
is a fundamental need for humans in anywhere in the world, as well as with the Indonesian
people. If we remember the times in elementary school before we were introduced to staple

in every area, for example Madurese, they eat the corn, the Javanese are rice-consuming, and
the Papuan people consuming Sago. The type of food that is a staple food is indeed genuine
food types in the region. Indonesia's natural georgrafis conditions are not the same one
region to the other because the diversity of food is used as a staple food. Today, the global
influence is inevitable. With the pace of industrial development, the public were introduced
to the kind of instant food. The food that can be obtained with ease, and practically can be
eaten (including government programs called "Raskin" that is increasingly abundant in
Asmat). Foods like these make stomach full but do not guarantee the welfare and life. Asmat
people today are also affected by the instant lifestyle. Many Asmat children do not recognize
sago or even could not eat sago. Many Asmat adults dont want to plant sago anymore.
Perhaps due to social change and the challenges of different nature today. How Asmat adapt
themselves to survive the challenges of the times, is an important question for all of us. How
will sagos fate in the future and also the fate of Asmat? Is it still relevant to retain sago? Even
if the answer is yes, the next question arises, why?
The film will revolve through a mother, as a woman who provides food for the entire
family, facing the challenges and temptations that she and her children have, daily struggles
and efforts to rediscover the philosophy of life as Asmat people. Currently the production
process is running. There will be 2 times of film reviews (in Gramedia Bookstore
Soejadmoko and ISI Campus, both in Solo, Central Java). The movie is planned for
completion in May 2016.

Figure 5 : Proses took the documentery film

Activities for objective 2 : 2.1 Monitoring/evaluation Technical assistance DELSOS & SATUNAMA:
Agats (include monitoring & evaluation)
The technical Assistance (TA) activity consists of two parts, the TA conducted by the
Program Coordinator and Program Officer. (1) Techinal Assistance by Program Coordinator was
conducted on 11 to 20 September 2015 and 28 November 2015 - December 5, 2016. In
September 2015 TA was held in conjunction with the village workshop in Pirimapun and
followed by discussions in Agats regarding the program strategy. While TA in November December 2015 was done with the discussion with the chairman DELSOS to prepare the
sustainability of the program and ensure the readiness of the discussion with Misereor along
with visiting Asmat. At the same time, program coordinator took the finance staff of SATUNAMA
to organize and support capacity building projects so that the second goal of the Accountability
and transparency can be achieved. (2) During the month of October 2015 - March 2016, Techinal
Assistance by Program Officer (PO) is done to encourage the processes of change in kampongs
along, done by the field staffs and Aices directly. TA was also conducted by the PO for

institutional management together with the Delsos chairman including discussions with Bishop,
assessment in outdiser villages in preparation for LGM field practice as the Kampung facilitator
(Kampung Yaow, Kampung Biwar Darat, Kampung Yamas, Kampung Yeni, Kampung Yakapis).
Here are the TA recaps conducted by program coordinator and program officer at fifth
semester combined with village meetings and kampung workshops:
Kampung Sona (TA)


Kampung Ayam (TA)


Kampung Yamas (TA)


Kampung Ats (TA)


Kampung Biwar Laut Ats

Kampung Erma (TA)
Kampung Biwar Darat Ats
Yaoskaor Ats
Kampung Ats (TA)

29 Agts - 2
sept 2015
12-13 Sept
23-24 Sept


Discussion and garden visits with woman group
Farming management and the sale of the crop
Assesment in Yamas Yeni as well as DELSOS Partner
gardens assessment
Village meetings with the parish priest, as well as
youth group, to select some of the LGM and youth to
participate in workshop in Kampung Warse with selfhelp vegetables and Misereor visit plan
Advanced Aerial Mapping with village institutional
relations with 5-year trend analysis material
Sharing knowledges on agriculture, especially plant
nutrients to other communities by Liberatus Bos
Notification to the elders about Delsos and LGM
activities in Kampung Biwat Darat
Discussions on assistance activities planning in Biwar
Darat with Bapak Ambo and garden visit.
Discussions on assistance activities planning in Biwar
Laut and Yaow with Bapak Pius and garden visit.

One of the discussion held in TA PO in this period launched the theme of 'Learning and
reading of local budgets' in conjunction with the second year internal evaluation process. Asmat
drought happened in fifth semester became a challenge in gathering the people. The field staffs,
Evaluator and POs had to come visiting kampungs to study together with the same theme. The
visited kampungs were Pirimapun + Aworket, Sakor + Yaosakor, Ats + Bakasai, Sawa-Er-SonaErma-Ayam. The internal evaluation was performed by Valentina Wiji of the Knowledge,
Network and Media Management Department (PPJM - SATUNAMA) in Oct - Nov, 2015.

Figure 6: Discussion on "reading the state policy budget"


At first glance, the conclusion made by the evaluators related to the cooperation between
Agats Diocese, Misereor, and SATUNAMA has already completed the second period of the threeyear plan is that until the end of the second year of Project, there are some points to be noted
based on participatory evaluation conducted in October 10 s.d. 26 November 2015. With a
human rights-based approach that not only emphasizes on benefits (the achieved significant
changes) but also from access-control-participation and overview of the Project. The program
work design was considered appropriate and relevant to the circumstances and needs of Asmat
Recommendations from the second year evaluation is that the project management
needs to continue, as well as needs to solve the barriers of the program. The working
atmosphere needs to be improved towards the level of equality and better appreciation.
Regarding the sustainability of program benefits, all the parties involved need to ensure the
sustainability of capacity building (knowledge, skills) of the Aices. Also needs to be ensured that
the growth of the heir knowledge in Asmat. The Agats Diocese could pioneer the Asmat version
of Kuperda, parishes could soon take the role to assume responsibility for the sustainability of
the program benefits. In this regard, the Agats Diocese also needs to ensure the recruitment and
movement/mutation of Agats Diocese staff to support the sustainability of program benefits.

Figure 7: The evaluation process together with the community and the parish priest
Activities for objective 2 : 2.2 Knowledge sharing on development issues of Asmat,
Berikut kami lampirkan rekap aktivitas knowledge sharing yang telah dilakukan di
semester lima ini:



Activites Description

Sept PO and field staff were invited to look at the success and the
challenges during the second year of the program to be
managed well. In addition of sharing experiences of
mentoring (inter-region / region), this activity is also
expected to become a new force that can improve the team
performance in the future.

The Importance
Field Recording

of 14

This activity aims to recall the importance of making field

notes. Parsing back the form of field notes, as well as the
benefits of field reports made by field staff.

of 3 Desember
financial reports, staff 2015
and village meetings

Re-examine the delayed financial report after postsupervision by Setyo (SATUNAMA). The report has not been
follewd up by the finance staff. Performance review of staffs
and re-scheduling the village meetings.

Staff 18
field Desember
strategy Januari - April 2015
2016 and finance

Rearrange the field staff, determine the distribution of

human resources in the field and the development of new
finance staff capacity (related to financial report writing and
Delsos internal program)

Training; and capacity
building for Finance
Agats Diocese Training

Januari Organizing the workshop preparation; and to continue
assisting the PJUM, UM activities and selling table. And also
mechanisms and recording the flow of money between
booker and cashier.
26 Januari Check the technical needs, material and human resources
according to previous meetings agreement.

Various methods were used to increase the capacity of the staff to be able to adapt to the
running program.. This is done because the frequent staff turnover. Capacity buildings and
sharing experiences is a good needs to be continued. Sounding Asmat outside Papua is also
important as learning media. Collective strength (people power) will contribute to the
bargaining position of the people (mainly women & children) in making just and fair policy,
namely: (1) collecting the data and information about the Asmat region, (2) technical assistance,
(3) capacity development for staff especially for empowering capacity and program
On the other hand, the dynamics of composition and staff performance as well as the
low-labor standards in the commission of PSE (DELSOS) of Agats Diocese have made the
knowledge sharing at this fifth semeester time still struggled on governance and finance
3. Challenge and Changce
The involvement of each person contributed to the change. Aices, diocesan staff (Delsos)
and SATUNAMA have their respective roles in implementing the joint program. Agreements
were made long before the program is done, even at the beginning of the project a consensus
was made again. The roles were indeed not a simple choice, because in this narrow streets, the
ups and downs will always come with its own dynamics. The first goal was relatively smooth as
it was conducted directly with the people and did not require bureaucracy and joint decisions. At
the beginning of the second year, there was no Delsos staff played the function as a promoter of
empowerment. At the same time, some volunteers joined to replace the position of Delsos field
staff despite their low standard capacity.


Figure 8 : Aices activity in kampung / organizer (left : Pius, right : Ambo)

The dynamics of the staff is a challenge, so at some points PO must accompany Aices. The
activities to improve the Aices capacity have to develop. The expectations on Aices grows
stronger amid the current changes. The changes from outside (external) has not become
everyday things for Asmat people. The government and businesses sectors still exist around the
Asmat with their promisings. It requires compactness of all partners. The community works can
not be considered simple. It requires willingness, integrity and compactness. But the fact shows
that the community works have been frequently marred by unnecessary things. Conflicts of
political interest, the use of undue work tools, etc.
Note from the results of the meeting between Misereor and SATUNAMA conducted on 3
March 2016. It was the continuation of the Misereor-Delsos meeting in November 2015, these
meetings are regular meetings made by Misereor towards its partners in Indonesia. It discussed
the project second objective. Delsos still have great trouble to provide a number of staffs, even
the condition does not get better despite a direct meeting with Misereor. The high rate of Delsos
staff turnover, undisciplined, unfocused (Delsos as a sideline) greatly disrupt the rhythm of
work and the quality of the results.
The staff turnovers happened in all lines of the project: This sort of thing is compounded
by lax governance work in the diocess. Programs and program staff in this context can not afford
and do not have the authority other than suggesting. Uncertainty rules the staff impacts on the
performance of the field staff outside the diocese (Peter) and the two volunteers (Ronald and
Rety), which is characterized by delays in the collection of financial reports, the use of the money
for personal, skipping without notice (permit). The lack of changes after knowledge sharing even
PO had to give a warning letter to the three staffs, and on their own decision, the three voluntary
Ronald and Rety (volunteer) and Peter (Staff Courses) decided not to continue the contract
because they are not able to keep up the pace and targets in the project. PO is currently only
works with the Chairman of the PSE KA (DELSOS) V. Aji Sayekti as a substitute for field staff and
Sister Emma FSGM as financial administration staff.
In relation to finance. Financial accountability is the most elementary measure of trust
and quality of work. But until the beginning of 2016 no improvements have been made. The
quality of the resulting financial report are still far from expected. Some reasons for this are: The
finance staff of Delsos Agats Diocese stagnated and experienced frequent turnover, after the

meeting with Misereor a new nurse was assigned as the finance, but she still needs additional
intense technical assistance. Financial accountability tends to require rechecking due to Delsos
finance staff does not fully embrace the principles of transparency and accountability.
4. Conclusions
On the third year of the project, we do not have field staff of Delsos. This role had to be
replaced temporarily by the chairman of Delsos. The Field staffs also no longer joined because of
frequent illness and family matters. Diocese help with their financial staff from outside Delsos.
Even this decision can not be ascertained for its deadline for the nurse duty relies on the
decision of diocesan congregation, not on the diocesan alone.
The narrow street is still full of hope. Aices increasingly are capable of being promoters
of their territory. The direct and indirect increased capacity are the opportunity to run this
program. Aices have already started to move in the regeneration stage. The youths joined in to
change the kampong respectively. The spark of changes in society always burns if we have the
will to be friend and family. Approachment methods addressing people as agents of change
continues to shine. It will be very unfortunate if the PSE staff changes are not immediately
addressed to offset the huge expectations of the community.
The DELSOS - SATUNAMA cooperation based on known and signed contacts and
cooperation. There are numbers of work targets to be achieved by working together, but from
the experience of working together until the end of last year, some difficulties arose caused by
things above. (also noted in the results of evaluations conducted each year). This prpject has two
target results expected to be achieved by the end of the program. The first relates to
strengthening the capacity of the staff and the Delsos Agats Diocesan organization regarding the
governance of the organization, staff capacity and working in the field. Secondly, concerning the
work with communities, community-based parish. Program divides it into three regios. Up until
now, there have been discrepancies between achievement in Delsos and community level.
Community has grown far with its cadres, while Delsos lives in poor conditions, has not been
anywhere. It was reminded that this program must find a point of equilibrium of those goals.
As working partner of DELSOS, SATUNAMA understand the complexities experienced by
Asmat community, but it is not easy for SATUNAMA to understand the complexities experienced
by Delsos Agats Diocese that has many opportunities and chances to make improvements
necessarily. Some decisions made after meeting with Misereor and also considering the
achievements of the program so far are: (1) Re-exemine the cooperation agreement and
formulate some changes deemed necessary, particularly in relation to the time line, (2) Find
staffs who really have commitments (both from the diocese staff and project staff). We are aware
that it is not easy but its not impossible. (3) Financing, Project will only finance in accordance
with the position and working capacity. Transfers based on the value of the contract are not
allowed anymore, but based on the fact the actual conditions and the number of staff as well as
project work areas. Budget transfers will only occur if its in accordance with the designation, (4)
Technical support for new financial staff to be able to perform the administrative and financial
reporting that can be justified.
The following is the Action Plan for April - September2016

ISI Campus & Balai
Solo, Central Java

Feb Mei
Early Mei

Film Production
Film Review


Has been started since
February 2016
Notes from film review will be
the input for the finalization of
the film.


Yogya - Agats


KS Training Moduls



17 Juli 2016

Asmat Photo



Agustus 2016

External Evaluation




Training For Youth




Oktober 2016

Youth day Forum


Asmat (Ats Region

and Agats Region)


Kampung meeting and

Workshop Kampung

------ Dormom..... -----


Part of the training final report.

The printed books will be used
as public education materials.
Sharing information about the
Asmat culture in The 6th
Guyub Bocah Gathering.
Evaluation of the third year as
the closure of the program and
the subject of reflection for
further program
The next stage of training for
Aices, part of the regeneration
Supporting Aices capacity
(especially the younger) to be
involved in a youth day with
terms and conditions applied.
Based on availability staff
(DELSOS recommendation)

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