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Redefining Bloom

Ghost Girl

This Months Sets

The Latest Fashion

Come Try Meta Shift!

Cojos Interview

Redefining Bloom
By Fairy Serena
Dark dream
I scream
Come save me
It seems this is my reality
(Multiply my loneliness
subtract the thoughts of bloodiness
Fill my void of emptiness
And warm my hearts coldness)
To the future, race on
Before everything is gone
No getting left behind
Strive--to be redefined
The trampled flower blooms once more
I pick myself off of the floor
Lead by my hearts rebellion
Supported by my battalion
(Dream of a better dream
Make it your grand scheme
Forge a new reality
To prevent the lethality)
This is my redefining bloom
Where my willful roots allow me to plume
The light that made my status raise
Despite all of the nights delays
From the past, I left behind
An infertile world so unkind
The fruitful flower is abloom
Amour--lifes new perfume
Aromatic dream
Set agleam
Become your own hero
And crush each arrow
(Divide the pain and joy we feel

Add to lifes appeal

Search to reveal
A life we can call ideal)
Where my willful roots have allowed me to plume
I made my redefining bloom.

Ghost Girl
By Fairy Serena
Lost on the futures foggy path,
I got indecisive and fell through the dividing fissure
I wasnt yet ready for the aftermath
I never learnt to shout, so like a ghost I whisper
Not alive yet far from dead
Unable to move forward
Yet its impossible to turn back
Resurrect my heart
Reincarnate a new me
The game restarts
Ill take form to who I want to be
The things I want I can never grasp
As they forever slip through my reach
My words are but a whisper
The fact Im never heard only leaves me bitter.

This Months Sets

Iso Joe (Hawlucha) (M) @ Eject Button
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Tailwind
- Drain Punch
- Acrobatics
- Swords Dance
Made by Cojo
Melanie (Lapras) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 180 HP / 180 SpA / 148 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe
- Freeze-Dry
- Frost Breath
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Surf
Made by Cojo
Aomaru (Hitmontop) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Endeavor
- Bullet Punch
- Sucker Punch
- Revenge
Made by Serena

The Latest Fashion

This seasons latest fashion is all about Alola. Ribombee scarves and Primarina skirts and hair
accessories are on the rage!

The cute brown scarf of this adorable Pokemon are

perfect for the upcoming cold season.

The beautiful tail of this pretty Pokemon can

be replicated to serve as an elegant skirt, while its beads and stars are a muse for hair

Come Try Meta Shift!

Girl: *sobs* My Sunflora isnt strong enough to be on my team. Its my favorite Pokemon though.
Guy: Dont worry Ojou-chan, Just visit my server Celestia and itll be all good.
Girl: *nervous* W-what?
Guy: U-uhh I mean MetaShift is a meta that breaks the old and gives all Pokemon new
potential! In Metashift, your Sunflora has Drought, which powers grass too now. Give it a scarf
and it can sweep fairly well. ...Serenas gives me nightmares.
Girl: THE Serena? Your tier sounds really cool, could you tell me more?
Guy: Sure! *stomach growls* Over dinner!
Girl: *glares and takes out phone*
Guy: O-okay Here.

Cojos Interview
Fairy Serena: Here we are today interviewing our very own Uncle Cojo!
Fairy Serena: How are you today?
cojo: I'm doing mighty fine, thanks for asking!! How are you?
Fairy Serena: I'm doing well.
Fairy Serena: How do you feel about the couch you insist on sleeping on?
cojo: Ohh man, that couch and I...we go way back...It's tough to put it in words...our bond...the
memories we've created, let's just say I wouldn't trade that couch for any other in the
world. Not even those new fancy couches that have built-in seat warmers.
Fairy Serena: lol
Fairy Serena: I've heard you've become interested in finally getting a job.
cojo: Yeah haha, crazy huh? Uncle P has finally realized it's time to get some real money. I've even
been working on a resume for all them potential employers out there who come across this magazine.
I should have it ready sooner than later.
cojo: I gotta say, I've been pretty productive as of late...I'm becoming a changed man!
Fairy Serena: I'm sure we all would be very interested in seeing it. It's good to hear that you're doing
Fairy Serena: Do you have any words for future employers?
cojo: YES, actually, I do!
cojo: Do yourselves a favor and hire me, I'm like...super qualified and stuff.
Fairy Serena: I'm sure they'll all be glad to hear that.
Fairy Serena: The type you use is rock, correct? Is there a reason for you using that over another type?
cojo: Ah well, my first choice would have been psychic, but rock is a close second. It's a tough type
that is underrated and underused. The perfect combination to entice a guy like me haha
Fairy Serena: Rock is a fine type imo.
Fairy Serena: Your bio mentions a struggle, would you care to elaborate?
cojo: O man, that's deep. On a more serious note, my struggle has revolved around the thing I enjoy
most: basketball.
cojo: I wouldn't mind elaborating a bit.
cojo: Basketball, or sports in general, is fun as long as it remains what it is. It's just a game, but it's a
game that can absorb your life and brings about pressure and expectations that can mess you up if
you let it.
cojo: I've gotten better at making sure it remains just a game, but I'm still working at it.
cojo: That's about it (:
Fairy Serena: I see. I'm sure your effort will we rewarded
Fairy Serena: We're running out of time though. Any final words?
cojo: Yes, actually. Just wanna give a s/o to all my fellow Uncle Freeloaders out there, stay tru my
brothas, the future is ours!!
Fairy Serena: lol
Fairy Serena: Thank you for your time
cojo: No problemo, Uncle P is happiest when he's behind the mic.
cojo: Thank U for the dope interview

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