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This is the new update from Khun Ploy aka Bittersweet on her official Facebook p

age. She's such a sweet person, I can't say that enough. :D

'Secrets of SOTUS'
Actually, it's not really a secret. But take this as a detailed behind the scene
s look at when I was helping to develop the script for SOTUS The Series.
(The warnings for this post is too long.)
1. I have to clarify first that SOTUS the novel was written 3 years ago, so when
I go back to read it again today, I have a different perspective of it. A more
grown up view on it, even though I'm the one that wrote the content myself. But
I feel that there are some parts that I wanted to fix, and of course I can't fix
them since the books have already been printed. So I brought those things over
to the series instead.
For example:
"I like my ass being taken by men!"
... You probably remember who's order this was.
For this line, I had it changed in the series to...
"I like men!" Instead.
Because I felt that what I wrote in the novel was too strong. I considered it to
be a lesson for myself, writing something without thinking of the overall conte
nt can lead to it being too inappropriate.
Also, I had switched up the timeline of the events from the novel. This also hel
ped give the characters more reasons to do what they did in the series.
2. The addition of the characters for the hazing group: Prem, Toota, and Bright.
As you all know that it's impossible to adapt everything from the novel onto the
screen to it's fullest. And for those that have read the novel, you know that t
here was so much thinking going on in P'Arthit's head.
Example: "Did you eat the public records or something?!"
... This changed to be one of the best lines said by someone else, whom you all
probably remember.
The hazing group helped fill up the gaps that were there, and created lots of co
lorful moments for the series. I have to praise the young actors that came in to
take these roles, they had so much chemistry with each other. It made me want t
o create a FC for the hazing team!
3. Aim and May
I was determined, even though it was a boyslove series, to not only focus on jus
t one couple. Because in real life, we live with many different types of people.
And having a crush on a friend or a senior can happen to anyone.
So for that reason; May liked Kong, Aim liked May, Namtarn and Jay, or the very
surprising couple of Bright and Pern, these were the stories that were going on

around P'Arthit and Kongpope at the same time.

4. The SOTUS System
I think I've said this many times, but I want to say it again to repeat my stanc
e on this.
I'm not supporting the harsh hazings for welcoming new students, but I want to s
pread what the freshmen students encounter in these cheer meetings.
It might not be very detailed in the novel, but in the series I tried to incorpo
rate the good and the bad points of SOTUS.
For example: When Wad didn't bring his hands up to bow (wai) to Prem.
This led to a big argument and also to Arthit telling Prem that he was using his
emotions too much during the hazing.
Actually, the view points on the SOTUS system is up to the viewers. Some people
don't like it, some people do. But for me, my view points were given to Kongpope
as he said:
"The SOTUS system is up to the person who uses it. If it's not right for that so
ciety, it will be changed. Or it will be used less and slowly disappear."
5. The confusion of Arthit's feelings that he had towards Kongpope.
In the novel I have to admit that I didn't add enough details to this area. So I
took the chance and added more in the series. I had Arthit talk to Namtarn, and
basically had him choose if he feelings for men or women.
When I was thinking up these scenes, it was fun. It was as if I had gone back an
d was thinking up plots for this story. I was starting to regret that I didn't a
dd these scenes into the novel. It would of had created a more intense plot line
, and Arthit would of had to endure more heartache. (Oh, I adore you.)
6. The lovey-dovey scenes.
I still stand by my words that in SOTUS the Series, I will not permit those scen
es. And if anyone is wondering why...
You want to know about that night that P'Arthit went to sleep over at Kongpope's
dorm, the crumpled up bedsheets and the two pillows... did they or didn't they?
I want to answer this question with this saying...
"Somethings that are left hidden are sexier than somethings that are left open."
There are many more little details, that I added when we were developing the scr
ipt. And if I was to talk about all of them, I'd have another novel.
Most importantly, #SotusTheSeries wouldn't be this perfect without the helps of
the writers, the director, Nabu Publishings, and the production company Felloww,
who gave me the privilege and created a series based directly on my work.
During the 6 months that we spent turning the novel into a script for the series
, then turning it over to the director and the production team, and then to this

day when it aired it's final episode.

All these things are considered to be some of the best experiences for me, it wa
s worth all the effort I put in.
And I hope that the people who read the novel or people who haven't read it yet
will all be happy with #SotusThe Series.
And I'll see you again in our new journey.
7. The 'missing puzzle' question.
Who put the new nametag in Kongpope's locker?
Who nominated Kongpope as the Moon for the faculty?
... It's the person that you are thinking of...

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