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The Sixties, the era of a new society without taboo

Have you heard this noise ? Have you heard this sound ? It spreads, it
goes global, it's the beginning of a revolution.
How could we define the sixties ? Maybe the end of a conservatory government
? The beginning of a swinging world ? Yes, but it was not only that, furthermore,
it was the sound of a young, baby-boomers society moving.
It began with the arrival of the Rock'n Roll in Britain. At the start, illegally, with
pirate radios's ships, Rock'n Roll lovers were broadcasting Rock'n Roll music
from the ocean. But this was only the outset of the movement that was to take
The real epicentre, the heart and the symbol of this decade was The Beatles,
they brought this era to fame as much as it brought them to fame. They
dominated the world with their music, struck it by the revolution they had
They were the new trend, and their music influenced the spirit of the time.
From their arrival has resulted a series of changes.
First, in the people's minds, there were no longer taboo about sexuality and
everyday life. In fact, at this period, homosexuality became legal, censorship
was banned from cinemas, and also, thanks to the pill, the girls could have sex
without fearing the pregnancy !
For people who lived during the sixties, it was the greatest movement in
everything, because even art, dance, music and drama were influenced by this
striking change.

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