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Ashley Taylor

Ms. Trotter
Brit. Lit. P.3
17 November 2016
Annotated Bibliography
Craig, Heidi. Why is Education For All so Important?. RESULTS: the power to end poverty,
gfhrhfi2011 September. Web. 15 November 2016.
In this article, the importance of education for the empowerment and success of student
lives is touched upon. This organization launched a global commitment aimed to cut extreme
poverty in half. Statistics regarding the percentage of children attending schools in designated
countries is also included and provided by the Millennium Development Goals. According to this
article, lack of funding for a quality education, tuition fees, disabilities, lack of sanitation, and
poorly qualified teachers are the barriers preventing students from obtaining an education. A
proper schooling system is a crucial element in the development of children, communities, and
countries. A rise in knowledge entails gender empowerment, improving child and maternal
health, reducing hunger, peacebuilding, and economic growth. This information is crucial to my
project because it provides me with a driving force for my campaign to collect supplies. In order
to appeal to individuals to donate to my drive, I will present this as a form of credibility and

Donate or Collect School (or Office) Supplies. Develop Africa, 2016 February. Web. 16
fhrychiNovember 2016.
This organizations mission is to collect school supplies in order to change lives, nations,
and destinies through the form of education. They list recommended school or office supplies
and explains the donation process. After receiving the materials, they send the donated supplies
to children in africa and elaborates how the lack of school supplies negatively affect the quality
of the education students receive. Donations include items such as calculators, colored pens,
graph paper, and pocket dictionaries. Money can also go towards uniforms for the children.
Finding this specific agency allows me to fulfill my mission of giving to those in need in order to
improve the quality of their education. Children all around the world deserve the right to
knowledge and providing these supplies will help against this fight.

Right to Education. Humanium Together We Can, 2015 March. Web. 14 November 2016.
In this article, the writer discusses how children around the world, specifically third
world countries, do not have access to a proper education. These topics are supported by
providing statistics regarding the percentage of child attendance in schools and how these
numbers are linked to a variety of circumstances. An overview of education around the world is
also provide in order to show the scope to the areas a lack of education is affecting. According to
Humanium, children are restricted by inequality, such as sex, health, and cultural identity.
Poverty within the family, health complications, and a lack of resources are all factors that afford
to the low attendance of children in schools. This information allows insight into how to fix this
problem in developing countries. Since I am seeking the best way to give towards the fulfillment

of education, knowing money and health issues prevent learning shows me that other supplies
rather than just school items are necessary. These items may include money donations, or even
donations that go towards medicine for families in these impoverished countries.

Educating the World. The Guardian, 26 September 2013. Web. 15 November 2016.
Howard White delves into how to get children originated in third world countries
involved in the school system and what topics they must be taught in order to fulfill a successful
life. White includes data produced by the Indian NGO Pratham stating that over half the students
in these countries read below a second grade level. Also presented are studies from the
Oportunidados in Mexico Project and the Female Secondary School Assistance Program. From
this data, he concludes that because organizations are pushing to get children in schools, the
quality of their education has dramatically decreased. He believes that increasing the resources
available to teachers, computer-assisted learning, and teacher practice will ultimately produce a
better learning experience for the children. This information is important because illustrates not
only the facts as to why children are uneducated, but analyzes the best ways to fix this. Having
this background knowledge will give me a perspective on to what items and other educational
materials will best impact the children. According to this article, math is one of the lowest taught
subjects so as a result, I can gather math related programs that will potentially address this

Yuthas, Kristi. Redefining Education in Developing Countries. Stanford SOCIAL Innovation

Review, 2012 June. Web. 16 November 2016.
Stanford SOCIAL sought to redefine education in developing countries in order to help
build relevant marketplace, entrepreneurship, and healthcare skills. Yuthas accounts her visit to
educational related programs in Asia, Latin America, and Africa and relays the information given
to her by the government officials. She also presents information regarding her organizations
newly developed education model that makes a positive impact on the economic and social well
being of students and their communities. This model focuses on health curriculums, conceptual
knowledge, higher order skills for developing and executing complex projects, and
entrepreneurship skills. They believe that this shift in education will produce drive in the children
to head toward college and remain involved in their communities. From this article, I am now
aware of the different approaches to changing the education in developing countries. I want to be
able to have a credible background when telling adults about my mission and for my donation
collection. Higher leveled books are now a high item on my list because of this organizations
positive feedback about this particular necessity. .

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