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Tracks for MB&B

MB&B.......................................................................................... 2

Computing and Informatics..................................................................2

Molecular Medicine..............................................................................3
Structural Biology...............................................................................4

OTHER MAJORS............................................................................. 5

BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING...................................................................8

I was thinking of 3 concentrations: (1) Computing/informatics, (2) Molecular Medicine, and (3)
Structural Biology, where each requires 4 additional courses- each from a different area.
Ive proposed some areas that would might be important for those fields, and classes that might
demonstrate competence in that area.

Computing and Informatics

Math: Choose 1
o MATH 222: Linear Algebra with Applications
o MATH 225: Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory
o STAT 230: Intro to Data Analysis
o STAT 238: Probability and Statistics
o STAT 241: Probability Theory
o STAT 242: Theory of Statistics
o CPSC 202: Mathematical Tools for Computer Science
Programming/Computing: Choose 1 from CPSC or the following:
o CPSC 100: Intro to Computing and Programming
o CPSC 112: Intro to Programming
o CPSC 201: Intro to Computer Science
o BENG 249: Intro to Biomedical Computation
o ENAS 130: Intro to Computing for Engineers and Scientists
o PHYS 478: Computing for Scientific Research
Data Analysis: Choose 1 at or above CPSC 223/STAT 251
o CPSC 223: Data Structures and Programming Techniques
o CPSC 445: Intro to Data Mining
o CPSC 437: Intro to Databases
o STAT 262: Computational Tools for Data Science
o STAT 312: Linear Models
o STAT 361: Data Analysis
o STAT 365: Data Mining and Machine Learning
Biological Application: Choose 1
o BENG 449: Biomedical Data Analysis
o MB&B 435: Quantitative Approaches to MB&B
o MB&B 452: Biological Data Science, Mining, and Modeling
o CPSC 453: Computational Methods for Analysis & Modeling of Biological Data
o CPSC 475: Computational Vision and Biological Perception
o MCDB 261: Intro to Dynamical Systems in Biology
o MCDB 461: Concepts and Applications in Systems Biology
o BIS 648: Statistical Methods for Sequence Data Analysis
o BIS 692: Statistical Methods in Genetics and Bioinformatics

Molecular Medicine

Chemistry: Choose 1
o CHEM 252: Intro Inorganic Chemistry
o CHEM 418: Advanced Organic Chemistry
o CHEM 421: Chemical Biology
o CHEM 423: Synthetic Methods in Organic Chemistry
o CHEM 437: Chemistry of Isotopes
o CHEM 452: Organometallic Chemistry
Biology: Choose 1:
o MCDB 202: Genetics
o MCDB 205: Cell Biology
o MCDB 350: Epigenetics
Research Applications: Choose 1
o MB&B 425: Basic Concepts of Genetic Analysis
o MB&B 443: Advanced Eukaryotic Molecular Biology
o MB&B 445: Methods & Logic in Molecular Biology
o MCDB 415: Cellular and Molecular Physiology
Medical Applications: Choose 1
o MB&B 449: Medical Impact of Basic Science
o MCDB 310: Physiological Systems
o MCDB 320: Neurobiology
o MCDB 370: Biotechnology
o MCDB 320: Biology of the Immune System
o MCDB 450: The Human Genome

Structural Biology

Math: Choose 1
o MATH 222: Linear Algebra with Applications
o MATH 225: Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory
o STAT 230: Intro to Data Analysis
o STAT 238: Probability and Statistics
o STAT 241: Probability Theory
o STAT 242: Theory of Statistics
o CPSC 202: Mathematical Tools for Computer Science
Basic Programming/Computing: Choose 1
o CPSC 100: Intro to Computing and Programming
o CPSC 112: Intro to Programming
o CPSC 201: Intro to Computer Science
o BENG 249: Intro to Biomedical Computation
o ENAS 130: Intro to Computing for Engineers and Scientists
o PHYS 478: Computing for Scientific Research
Physics: Choose 1
o CHEM 332: Physical Chemistry for Physical Sciences I
o CHEM 333: Physical Chemistry for Physical Sciences II
o CHEM 440: Molecules and Radiation I
o CHEM 470: Intro Quantum Chemistry
o PHYS 420: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
o PHYS 439: Basic Quantum Mechanics
Applications: Choose 1
o MB&B 420: Macromolecular Structure
o MB&B 435: Quantitative Approaches to MB&B
o CHEM 425: Spectroscopic Structure and Determination
o PHYS 341: Biological Physics
o PHYS 478: Computing for Scientific Research


The Chemistry Department has 4 specializations, which they also call their programs in []
They also say that you can consult the DUS for a list of courses appropriate for a particular
1. Chemical Biology
a. CHEM 421: Chemical Biology
b. 2 from:
i. MCDB 300: Biochemistry
ii. MB&B 300: Principles of Biochem I
iii. MB&B 301: Principles of Biochem II
2. Inorganic Chemistry
a. CHEM 450: Physical Methods in Inorganic Chem
b. CHEM 452: Organometallic Chemistry
c. CHEM 457: Modern Coordination Chemistry
3. Physical Chemistry
a. CHEM 430: Statistical Mech and Thermo
b. CHEM 440: Molecules and Radiation I
c. CHEM 442: Molecules and Radiation II
d. CHEM 470: Intro Quantum Chem
e. Grad course in quantum mechanics
4. Synthetic Organic Chemistry
a. CHEM 418: Adv Organic Chemistry I
b. CHEM 423 Synthetic Methods in Organic Chemistry
c. CHEM 425: Spectroscopic Methods of Structure Determination
d. Selected grad courses
5. Consult the DUS

From their website: MCDB offers a standard track and three interdisciplinary programs of study
in biotechnology, neurobiology and quantitative biology. Once the requirements for the area of
concentration have been met, students can choose electives from MCDB and from certain other
The structure of MCDB concentrations is: each track is defined by 1 course, and then you take 1
more course out of a selection.
1. Neurobiology
a. MCDB 320: Neurobiology
b. Any of:
i. BENG 410: Physical/Chemical Basis of Bioimaging/Biosensing
ii. CPSC 475: Computational Vision and Biological Perception
iii. MCDB 240: Biology of Reproduction
iv. MCDB 310: Physiological Systems
v. MCDB 315: Biological Mechanisms of Reaction to Injury
vi. MCDB 415: Cellular and Molecular Physiology
vii. MCDB 430: Biology of the Immune System
viii. MCDB 440: Brain Development and Plasticity
ix. PSYC 200: Statistics
x. PSYC 270: Research Methods in Behavioral Neuroscience
xi. STAT 101: Intro to Statistics: Life Sciences
2. Biotechnology
a. MCDB 370: Biotechnology
b. Any of:
i. MB&B 420: Macromolecular Structure and Biophysical Analysis
ii. MB&B 421: Macromolecular Interactions and Dynamic Properties
iii. MB&B 443: Advanced Eukaryotic Molecular Biology
iv. BENG 351: Biotransport and Kinetics
v. BENG 352: Biomedical Signals and Images
vi. BENG 410: Physical/Chemical Basis of Bioimaging/Biosensing
vii. MB&B 435: Biomaterial-Tissue Interactions
viii. BENG 457: Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
ix. BENG 464: Tissue Engineering
x. CENG 410: Principles of Chem Engineering and Process Modeling
xi. CENG 411: Separation and Purification Processes
xii. CPSC 437: Intro to Databases
xiii. CPSC 445: Intro to Data Mining
xiv. CPSC 470: Artificial Intelligence
xv. CPSC 475: Computational Vision and Biological Perception
3. Quantitative Biology
a. MCDB 261: Intro Dynamical Systems in Biology
b. Any of:
i. MCDB 320: Neurobiology
ii. MCDB 361: Dynamical Systems in Biology


BENG 467: Systems Biology of Cell Signaling

MB&B 302: Principles of Biophysics
MB&B 435: Mathematical Methods in Biophysics
MB&B 452: Bioinformatics: Simulation and Data Mining
PHYS 402: Advanced Classical Physics
MATH 246: Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 251: Stochastic Processes
CPSC 440: Numerical Computation
CPSC 475: Computational Vision and Biological Perception
CENG 320: Immunoengineering

Biomedical Engineering has three tracks: Bioimaging, Biomechanics, and Molecular
Engineering. I believe you have to choose one of them to major in BME.
The structure of MCDB concentrations is: you take 3 courses out of a selection.
1. Molecular Engineering
a. 3 From
i. BENG 410: Physical/Chemical Basis of Bioimaging/Biosensing
ii. BENG 434: Biomaterials
iii. BENG 435: Biomaterial-Tissue Interactions
iv. BENG 464: Tissue Engineering
v. BENG 465: Dynamical Systems in Biology
vi. BENG 467: Systems Biology of Cell Signaling
vii. MENG 361: Fluid Mechanics
2. Bioimaging
a. 3 from
i. EENG 310: Signals and Systems
ii. BENG 410: Physical/Chemical Basis of Bioimaging/Biosensing
iii. BENG 421: Fundamentals of Medical Imaging
iv. BENG 436: Biophotonics and Optical Microscopy
v. BENG 445: Biomedical Image Processing and Analysis
vi. BENG 475: Computational Vision and Biological Perception
vii. BENG 476: Advanced Computational Vision
viii. BENG 485: Fundamentals of Neuroimaging
3. Biomechanics
a. 3 from:
i. MENG 185: Mechanical Design
ii. MENG 280: Strength/Deformation of Mechanical Elements
iii. MENG 361: Fluid Mechanics
iv. BENG 410: Physical/Chemical Basis of Bioimaging/Biosensing
v. BENG 434: Biomaterials
vi. BENG 453: Continuum Biomechanics
vii. BENG 455: Vascular Mechanics
viii. BENG 456: Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics
ix. BENG 457: Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
x. BENG 458: Multiscale Models of Biomechanical Systems

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