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Your challenge is due to start in a few short days. The official start date marks the date that your BEFORE photos
are to be submitted by, we accept photos taken 7 days prior to the official start date of your challenge.
Below, please find the requirements for the photos and details of how to submit them.

How to take Before & After photos

Show as much of your physique as possible by wearing

shorts/ sports bra/ bikini/ speedo etc.
Show your entire body, head to toe, preferably on a solid
white background.
Stand straight-on, no posing or flexing, with your arms at
your side or with slightly bent elbows in a natural stance.
Newspaper front with date must be clearly visible in your
Before & After FRONT photos.


No magazine will be accepted as proof of date.

After photos must be taken in the same stance as your
Before photos. You are encouraged to shave and use false
tan in after pictures in order to highlight your improved
physique more clearly. This however is not a requirement.
Back (Before and After) photos must be taken on the same
day as the Front photos, but do not require a newspaper.
Photos must be emailed in a reduced resolution, but retain the original photos as they may be requested
especially from the winners.
Photos taken before the stated 7 day period and after the official finish date will be DQ.

Optional additional (creative) AFTER photo

For judging purposes the front and rear photos in a normal stance will be used. However, we would love to
show-off your incredible transformation and would like to encourage you to submit an after photo which does
not meet the criteria but compliments and highlights your physique. This is only due at the end of the challenge
and your coach will give you tips on how best to display your physique.
These photos will be used exclusively for marketing purposes.

Submitting your photos

Due to the number of entrants on the challenge, we request that all photos sent be of a reduced resolution so
that they do not get blocked.
Please email your before photos to and cc your chosen coach on his/her email
address only.
Andrew Hudson:
Tammy Dreyer:
Melissa Jooste:
Do not send your photos to any other coach.

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