Fasttrad Registration Form JAN.2017

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FASTTRAD Portadown (St. John the Baptist P.S.

Registration Form Jan-Mar. 2017
Family Form Surname NEW / Existing Member (please circle)


Name...................................................... Instrument/s..............................................
Name...................................................... Instrument/s..............................................
***email .......................................................................................................................................
Home Address ..............................................................................................................................
Tel No: ..................................................../ ***Mobile: ................................................................
***Signature: ...................................................(over 18yrs) // Amount paid ... Initial ____allset
Term Fee - I instrument - 30 / 2 instruments - 45 / Max per family - 135
(incl.mixed instrumental group class if applicable)
Further details 07711987182 / // / fasttrad on facebook

Parental Consent Form Sept-June 2016/2017

*** A signed consent form is a condition of participation in the fasttrad programme
for those under the age of 18
* I am willing for my child /children to attend the Fasttrad music classes. I confirm that he/she/they is/are
willing to participate as fully as possible. I accept responsibility for my child/children and will ensure
he/she/they understand not to leave the premises until he/she/they is/are collected at end of class.
* In the case of an emergency, we understand that we will be contacted. I have disclosed details of my
childs medical condition if necessary Medical condition - ............................................................................ / Assistance required yes / no
* Photographs Please see Child Protection Policy appendix 14 /
Your childs photo may be used for publicity purposes in connection with Fasttrad only, please state if you
* Use of mobile phones Please see Child Protection Policy appendix 15
Mobile phones can not during Fasttrad only be used for recording music under guidance of the tutor and
Signature of parent / guardian ..........................................................................................................

Fasttrad Jan Mar 2017

Receipt of payment
Name . ...............................................................

Amount paid ............................ Initials (All Set) ..............

***Music exams via lcm can be undertaken and are generally taken every two years. Marks attained in higher grades
are accepted by UCAS for University entrance points. Students who wish to undertake exams must realize that extra
music practice is required. A minimum of 15mins for those doing step or grade 1, 25 mins - grade 2 or 3, 40mins for
grade 4 or 5 and up to an hour for grade 6,7 or 8. If you have full attendance, you will learn all the music and
ornamentation required for your grade. You must take responsibility for your own practice, as the exam fees are very
The All Set Project, which delivers the Fasttrad programme is open and inclusive for all irrespective of age, religion or
Please go to website page for the complaints procedure and all relevant policies on the
home page.
..............................................................................................Please Keep............................................................................................

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