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Miss L.

s policies:
Cell Phones: Cell phones are not permitted for use unless
permission is given. Using a cell phone in class will result in an
automatic write-up.
Bathroom Policy: You do not need my permission to use the restroom; however, please do not get
up and leave the classroom while I am speaking, teaching, giving directions, etc.
Late W ork: Work is to be done and turned in on time. Late work will face half of a letter grade
deduction for each day that it is late, and late work may only be submitted up to three days after the
original due date. Anything submitted thereafter will only earn a 50%.
M ake-up W ork: If you miss a day of class, you may make up missed work; however, it is your
responsibility to obtain what you need in order to complete the work. You only get the number of
days you were absent to complete any assignments.
Quiz Policy: Throughout the semester, you will periodically have reading quizzes for reading
accountability. You will know when you will have a quiz well ahead of time, so you may only make up
one missed quiz. If you anticipate on being absent, make arrangements with me prior to missing a
quiz. Just like last semester, one quiz will be dropped at the end of the semester.
Essay Policy: This class is graded on a point system, so it is easy to still pass the class with a high
grade, even without the submission of an essay. With that said, failure to turn in an essay will only
earn you a C in the class, regardless of your current standing in the class. One essay will be dropped at
the end of the semester as long as: all steps of the writing process were completed (rough draft,
peer editing, etc.), all essays were submitted on time, and all essays earned a 70% or better.
Plagiarism : Plagiarism is not okay and comes with serious consequences. Such consequences
include but are not limited to: an automatic zero on the assignment with no chance of making it up, a
breach of integrity, an F in citizenship, a deduction on your final grade, and a call home.
Respect: In our classroom, it is expected that we treat one another with respect.

Units to cover:
Juvenile Justice
Language, Gender, and Culture (Literature Circle)
Bullying: A Research Project (To be done with a partner)
Into the Wild, by John Krakauer

*All units are subject to change

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