French Lesson 1

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900 Fifth St.

, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5

Questions to Address in Lesson Planning

Planning for instruction is a complex process of reflective decision-making. The following
questions are designed to guide you in this process. An effective lesson plan answers
these questions in sufficient depth that someone else could teach your lesson.
1. What sources have you used to create this lesson?
2. Why is this lesson relevant at this time with these students? What do they need to
know about this topic in order to learn about it? (rationale & background for
3. What are the Big Ideas for student learning (understand)?
4. What are the Core Competencies & Language Areas for this lesson (do)?
5. What are the content standards, and language goals for this lesson (know)?
6. What is your plan for summative (of learning) and formative (for learning) for this
7. What sources of evidence will you have that the students have learned?
8. What will you look for in that evidence (criteria)?
9. What resources, materials and preparation are required for this lesson?
10. How will you introduce this lesson in a manner that engages students and
activates their learning?
11. What steps and activities are you going to use to help students acquire the
knowledge, skills and/or attitudes needed to meet the outcome?
12. How much time will you allocate for each portion of the teaching/learning
13. How will you solidify the learning that has taken place and deepen the learning
14. How will you plan for students who have learning difficulties and for students who
require enrichment?
New: March 2012

900 Fifth St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5

15. What is your plan for reflecting upon and improving this lesson for future and
diverse learners?

New: March 2012

900 Fifth St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5

Lesson Plan Template


Katie Winterbottom


Monday, November 28,

Topic French Objects in the classroom

Allotted 30 min

STAGE 1: Desired Results

Cite sources used to develop this plan:
- Core French Grade 5-7 Teacher Handbook.
Rationale & Background for Understanding: Why is this lesson relevant at this time
with these students?
This lesson is relevant at this time as students have already briefly been
introduced to objects in the classroom. Students will be reviewing what they have
already learned and then will be doing some activities to deepen their
understanding. Objects in the classroom are important for students to know so
they can ask for them/talk about them properly during French class.
Provincial Learning Outcome(s): What Big Ideas (Understand,) Core Competencies
(Do), Language & Content Standards (Know) does this lesson develop?
Big Ideas:
- Listening and viewing with intent helps us understand a message.
- Reciprocal communication is possible in French, using simple, high- frequency
words and patterns.
Curriculum Competencies:
- Respond appropriately to questions, simple commands, and instructions.
- Exchange ideas and information using complete sentences, orally and in writing:
Ask and answer simple questions in context.
Describe people and objects.
- Use visuals or technology to assist in communicating.
Content Standards:
Student Name:

900 Fifth St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5

- French phonemes.
- Common, high- frequency vocabulary and sentence structures for communicating
Asking and responding to different types of questions.

STAGE 2: Assessment Plan

(Of Learning)
What will students
Students will be
learning about objects
in the classroom.
Students will be able to
properly pronounce the

Formative Assessment
(Of Learning)
How will students show their
Students will show their
learning through orally
responding to me.

Sources of Evidence
What product or action will
show what students have
- I will be looking for students
who are actively
participating and repeating
the words after me.
- I will be looking for students
correctly pronouncing the
objects in the game of
snakes and ladders.

STAGE 3: Learning Plan

Resources, Material and Preparation: What resources, materials and preparation
are required?
- Core French Grade 5-7 Teacher Handbook.
- Snakes and Ladders game boards.
Lesson Development:

Introduction: How will you introduce this lesson in a

manner that engages students and activates their
I will introduce this lesson by saying Bonjour mes
amis, comment ca va?. I will then ask quelle est la
date daujourdhui?. I will then show a short YouTube
video to introduce classroom objects:

3 min

Student Name:

900 Fifth St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5

Student Name:

900 Fifth St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5


Teaching/Learning Sequence: What steps and

activities are you going to use to help students
acquire and practice the knowledge, skills and/or
attitudes needed to meet the outcome?
1. I do: pass out French duo-tangs to students.
Students do: each students at the end of rows will
hand them out.
2. I do: show and instruct students to turn to the page
Fiche dactivit 2: Les objets de Fadia.
Students do: look at correct page.
3. I do: read 8 objects on Les Objets de Fadia one at
a time.
Students do: repeat objects one at a time after
4. I do: handout objets dans la classe worksheets
with the help of Ms. F and Ms. A
5. I do: read objects on the sheet with students one at
a time and place cards in pocket chart as we go.
Students do: Repeat objects after me.
6. I do: Explain snakes and ladders game to students:
roll the dice, and move, you must count in French,
and wherever you land, you must say the object in
French and then translate it to English for your
partner. Partners are the people in your table
Students do: Play game with partners.
I Do: Float around the class and make sure that
students are properly pronouncing the words and
numbers in FRENCH.

1 min
30 seconds

5 min
1 min
5 min
15 min


Closure: How will you solidify the learning that has

taken place and deepen the learning process?
3 min
To close the lesson, I will restate my learning
intention. I will also have each student orally tell me
one classroom object as their ticket out the door.
Accommodations (adaptations, extensions, other): How will you plan for students who
have learning/behaviour difficulties or require enrichment?
- For students who finish the assignment early, I will have them practice saying the objects with a partner.

- Early finishers can play Serpents et Echelles with a partner.

- For those who are struggling with pronunciation, I will repeat it for them and have them repeat it back to me.

Student Name:

900 Fifth St., Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5

- I will shorten the list of words if we are running out of time.

Student Name:

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