Charge of The Light Brigade

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Charge of the Light Brigade

Set 1
(a) In stanza 1, how many soldiers were in the cavalry?
- 600.
(b) In stanza 2, which word means a mistake was made?
- The word blundered
(c) In stanza 3, which line shows the cavalry is very courageous?
- The line boldly they rode and well.
(d) Was there a man dismayed?
What other feeling would the soldiers feel before the battle?
Provide a reason to support your answer.
Answer: Anger
Reason: The soldiers are angry at the commanders for making a fatal mistake.
Set 2
(a) In stanza 1, which word in poem suggests the meaning on horsebacks?
- The word rode.
(b) In stanza 2, which phrase shows they will fight to death?
- The phrase theirs but to do and die
(c) Who do you think have made the wrong decision?
- The leader of the cavalry.
(d) Into the jaws of Death
Suggest one suitable word to replace Death
Provide a reason to support your answer.
Word: Hopelessness
Reason: They do not stand a chance in seizing cannons.

Set 3

In stanza 1, how far is it to reach the battlefield?

Half a league.
In stanza 2, which line shows the commands be questioned?
The line theirs not to reason why
In stanza 3, what is surrounding the cavalry when they are in the valley?

(d) Cannon in front of them

What equipment do you suggest the soldiers to bring to save them from getting
Provide a reason to support your answer.
Equipment: Metal jacket
Reason: The jacket can prevent weapons from piercing their bodies.

Set 4
(a) Where were the soldiers going?
- Into battle
(b) In Stanza 2, the word theirs refers to
- The soldiers duty
(c) What does the phrase volleyed and thundered in Stanza 3 refer to?
- The shooting of the cannons
(d) State one quality that you find interesting about the soldiers in the light brigade. Give
your reason for your response.
Quality: Brave
Reason: The soldiers is brave to fight even though they know that they do not have
chance to win the battle

Set 5
1. Who does he refer to in Stanza 1?

The commander of the brigade

2. In Stanza 3, which line showed that the soldiers went bravely into battle despite being
targeted by cannons?

Boldly they rode and well

3. The phrase the Valley of Death is repeated several times throughout the poem. What is
the Valley of Death ?

The battlefield

4. Someone had blundered

1. What does blundered mean?

to make a mistake

2. What do you think would be the result of the blunder?


The soldiers would face certain death as a result of the blunder.

Set 6
The Charge of the Light Brigade
(a) Which word in the extract means a weapon of war?
- Cannon
(b) Which phrase indicates that the soldiers were brave as they charged?
- Boldly they rode and well
(c) Why do you think the soldiers rode into the jaws of Death when they knew it would be
- The soldiers had no choice but to obey their commanding officer.
(d) Stormed at with shot and shell.
Besides the cannons, what other weapons do you think the soldiers had to face?
Provide a reason to support your answer.
Weapons: Guns, shells, and mortar fire
Reasons: This is a war fought with guns and shells.



What does the Light Brigade refer to?

Who said Forward, The Light Brigade!?
What was the order?
Into the death valley

1. Based on this stanza, describe the personality of the soldiers.
2. The word Theirs refer to the soldiers.

3. What is the meaning of blundered?

1. Describe the scene of the battlefield.
2. What Volleyed and thundered?
3. What do you think happened at the end of the poem?
1. In your own words, describe how the soldiers felt when they went into the battlefield.
2. In your own opinion, was it the right thing to do for the soldiers to follow the captains
command? Give a reason.
3. What do you think of the captains command?
4. Give two suggestions on how we should show our appreciations to those who defend our

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