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NEW ZEALAND FOREIGU AFFAIRS TRADE 1 December 2016 195 Lambton quay Private Bag 18-902 Welinaton 5005 New Zealand Jordan Williams 464 4.472 9506 +466 4.439 000 Dear Jordan Williams I refer to your email of 11 November 2016 in which you request the following under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA): Go .. relating to funding of the Clinton Health Access Initiative by the New Zealand ernment. We request: 1. a list of all payments to the Clinton Foundation; the Clinton Health Access Initiative; and related entities since 1 January 2008; and 2, a list of all pledges to the same since 1 January 2008. We also request any information held which would explain: 1 what taxpayers have received in return for the payments/pledges; 2. precisely how NZ Aid’s objectives have been furthered by the payments/pledges; and 3. The Ministry of whether taxpayers have received value for money for the same.” f Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), through the New Zealand Aid Programme, has provided funding to a project managed by the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) which aims to significantly reduce child malnutrition and raise incomes from agriculture selected African countries. Please note that CHAT has been a separate organisation from the Clinton Foundation since 2010. MFAT has provided a total of NZ$7,726,315 to CHAI for the agriculture strengthening component of that project In Rwanda and Ethiopia through a Grant Funding Arrangement signed in early 2014. Payments to date have comprised: NZ$358,039 in February 2014 for design work; N2$2,727,445 in March 2014 on activity commencement; NNZ$2,087,962 in May 2015 following MFAT approval of the first progress report; and NZ$2,552,869 In May 2016 following MFAT approval of the second progress report. enquiias@mfat ve won nfat.govtz Page 2 of 2 The goal of the project is to reduce the burden of childhood malnutrition in Africa through the production, promotion and uptake of nutritious, locally produced fortified foods for 6-23 month olds and for pregnant and lactating women, as well as increased exclusive breastfeeding rates for children less than 6 months of age. The intended results to be achieved by the project include: + Improved yields of smaliholder farmers; + Generated export growth through product sales; + Reduced stunting prevalence in children 12-23 months; + Reduced wasting prevalence in children 12-23 months; and + Reduced underweight prevalence in children 12-23 months. The project has so far delivered: + Technical assistance on improved farming methods to 15,622 farmers in Rwanda; + Easier access to credit for farmers enabled them to purchase farm inputs resulting in a bumper maize crop in Rwanda and increased income for farmers; + A joint venture company to finance and operate the food processing facilities in Rwanda and Ethiopia; and + The Rwandan Ministry of Health is supporting the project to distribute the fortified food through its health clinics. ‘The project's progress so far is favourable and payments have been made on that basis. Further annual payments of approximately NZ$2.5 and NZ$3 million are anticipated if agreed results continue to be achieved. You have the right under section 28(3) of the OTA to seek a review of this response by the Ombudsman. Yours sincerely f Joana Johnston for Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade

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