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Lead Sheet Key: G] i He Is Faithful eee mean ee tye Tera Kate Towa ‘av Syn Pc Rock fool « = 126 ta Driving ke. Gtr. only 2 Elec. Gt load c G (Fail band) eer ce heard @ sound com ing onthe wind, cchang-ing seen alight like the break of dawn ‘wv ing bro - ken-ness. 1 feet hearts and minds, lame men walk. 2*-Duet 1 see. blind” men sight break - ing through des - pale ear 3 gen - er - 2 - ton with “res. ured mae = ton ‘ite We ne a gen ser - a > ton full © de cla A 9 filed wth of Ch. % Qut of the dark - ness, we will tise ai Out of the dark - ness, we will rise ana Lead Sheet He Is Faithful - page 2 of 3 : (SAT) Ker: He 6 fath = ful He te glo = ous. And He ls Je + sus and all omy hope Is in Him, He ls free - dom, He ls heal - ing right now. He ls og Pe. Gr. nTeK on quarters tot ® hope, and joy, love, and peace, and fel 6 co me love, and peace, and el on, Lead Sheet He ts Faithful - page of 3 : (SAT) Ker: yo Em? c G tis We wit praise Him with our tes Rapa Boe D tos Em? c 6 — = ht = {TT — = a Se z i —¥ —_ ‘and pro-elaim our tove for Him. whos and pro - claim our love for ae = and pro - elim = our, tower Hi

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