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shorter than the coherence time

. We can now use the assumption of stationarity and the

p f : ei0t
fact that during

to write

g1 g 2


f B1 , t f B2 , t exp i0 p


Assume for simplicity that the optical stethoscope is constructed so that the intensities

f Ai

f Bi

incident on the two fibres are equal, so that

f B1 f B2


f A1 f A2
at all times. We then have from (11.35):



I1 I 2 f A f A2 exp i0 p f A f A2 exp i0 p


f A1 f A2 A`1 A2 0
the form

A`1 A2 0 ei

which can be written as

we can put (11.38) in

BP I P I1 I 2 2 A A 0 cos 0 p

`1 2

I1 I 2 2 I1 I 2


A A 0 cos 0 p
1 2

2 I 1 A1 A2 0 cos 0 p


From the definition (11.32) it now follows that the visibility of the fringes is
V A1 A2 0

I1 I 2
when the intensities
. The value of in A (11.39) can be read from the shift of the
fringe pattern from the symmetrical position ( = 0) on the screen. It is a measure of the
actual mean phase difference between the wave fields at A1 and A2. The optical stethoscope
thus provides us with direct means of measuring the degree of coherence of a wave field
between any two points A1 and A2. It can actually be constructed, although not perhaps in the
flexible form envisaged above. In later sections, we shall discuss in detail two

implementations: the Fourier transform spectrometer (11.6), which measures the temporal
coherence using a Michelson
interferometer (9.3.2) and the Michelson Stellar
interferometer (11.9.1) which measures the spatial coherence of a light wave. Both were
ideas originated by Michelson, and their origins are discussed in his book Studies in Optics
(Michelson, 1927, 1962).

11.5 Temporal coherence

11.5.1 The degree of temporal coherence
We now return to the situation described in Fig. 11.4(a). Since the source is small, A 2 sees the

A1 A2 0 A1 A2

A1 A2 c

wave as it was at A1 a time earlier so that

where =
; in
this section we can drop the position variable. The visibility of the fringes in the stethoscope

is then


f t f t

f t f t
f t f t

which is the complex degree of temporal coherence. Now for a pure sine wave we have

f (t ) a exp i0t

( ) exp i0

( )
It is therefore common to refer to
whose departure from unity represents the departure
of the waveform from a pure sinusoid, as the degree of temporal coherence. For a quasi-

( )
monochromatic source

has a typical form illustrated in Fig. 11.5. By definition,

(0) 1

( )
and as increases,

falls monotonically to zero. For any wave with such a

( )

( ) 1 e

we can define the coherence time

as the time at which

; for instance the

c 2
random collection of Gaussian wave groups mentioned in 11.2.2 has
(see Problem
11.1). The form shown in Fig. 11.5 is not typical for laser light which will be discussed in
It is easy to show from (11.31)- one can check it for (11.42) that

f R t ,i.e
the real part of () equals the degree of temporal coherence for the real function

f R t f R t
f R t

2 f R t f R t

11.5.2 Temporal coherence and auto-correlation

The form of

in (11.41) is the same as the auto-correlation function discussed in 4.7.1,

f t
when we use (11.1) to express the average values by integrals. When
is real and the
average is taken over a long time , the Wiener-Khinchin theorem (4.85) relates the power

f t
spectrum of

to the Fourier transform of

,which is now a symmetrical real function

. We then have

e i d





T 1 F

The spectral intensity


, which is independent of the averaging time

T. However, as we have already done in (11.16), we shall ignore the factor

T 1

. Equation

(11.45) shows that if

can be measured, the spectral intensity
can be deduced by
a Fourier transform; this leads to an important form of spectroscopy, appropriately called
Fourier transform spectroscopy, or interferometric spectroscopy.
11.6 Fourier transform spectroscopy
In 1898 Michelson showed that a two-beam interferometer could be used for spectral
analysis. At that time the idea was difficult to implement because of the necessity for a
Fourier transform in order to convert the observations into a conventional spectrum, although
Michelson made some headway by intuitive methods and even constructed an analogue

computer for the purpose of reconstructing spectra. The advent of electronic computers has of
course changed the situation. Because of the basic simplicity of construction of a Michelson
interferometer, its efficiency in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (11.6.2) and its ease of
application to wavelengths other than the visible (in particular infra-red), Fourier transform
spectroscopy has become of considerable practical importance in modern physics and
chemistry (see, e.g., Bell, 1972).

As shown in Fig. 11.6 the incident wave is split into two equal parts, each with real amplitude

f R t
, which travel along different paths before recombining. If the two paths have lengths
differing by d it is clear that the waves arriving at a given instant at D originated at the source

d c
at times separated by
. This is essentially the situation described by Fig. 11.4(a). The
instrument is adjusted so that the interference fringes form a circular pattern (like Fig.
9.13(b)), at whose centre D the detector is positioned. Ideally, the detector can be as large as
d max
the central fringe when d has its maximum value,

recombined wave:

. It measures the intensity of the

IM f R t f R t


f R t

T 2

We note that
is taken as zero outside a certain time interval
measuring time is finite. Using (11.44), (11.47) can be written as
I M I 1 R

T 2

since the



Thus the Fourier transform of

is equal to that of
which, from (11.45), is
. The signal Im is real and symmetrical and so is
(11.46), however the part of the
spectrum for
has no physical significance. Writing the transform out explicitly and

d c
replacing by

we have:

1 d max
I I M d c exp i d c dd
2c dmax


The minus sign in (11.47) results from the unequal phase shift introduced by the
beam-splitter into the two optical paths. This effect, which is often ignored in the
literature, causes the zero-order fringe to be dark. The final result is independent
of the sign used.

Figure 11.6 Michelson interferometer as used for Fourier transform spectroscopy.

is a

d 2 OM 2 OM 1
detector. The path difference is

symmetry, the interferogram only needs to be measured for one sign of d (with a short
excursion into the other to allow the zero of d to be identified exactly). As a result the integral

k c
above can be written in terms of wave-number
J k

1 dmax
I I M d c cos kd dd
c 0


This equation is the basic algorithm for Fourier transform spectroscopy; the measured data is

IM d c

and the derived spectrum is

for > 0. In (11.49) we have introduced finite
limits to the Fourier integral because there are no data for d > dmax and so the best estimate for
this region would be
. This sharp cut-off to the integral results in a spectrum with
limited resolution (see Problem 11.5). Furthermore, it introduces 'false detail' into the
spectrum, in the same way as will be discussed in 12.3.5, and the technique of apodization
(12.5.1) is often used mathematically to improve the line-shape obtained. The above
treatment can be extended to the case where a material with unknown index of refraction
() is inserted in one arm of the interferometer. One then gets non-symmetrical functions


, and consequently the Fourier transform will have an imaginary part. The
value of () can then be calculated from the ratio between the imaginary and the real parts
of the transform. This is called asymmetric Fourier transform spectroscopy (Parker, 1990).
11.6.1 Two examples of Fourier spectroscopy
In Figs. 11.7-11.8 we show two examples of Fourier spectroscopy. The first illustrates
Michelson's original approach, via the visibility function, and shows its limitations; for this
reason we shall work it through in some detail. The second example is typical of a modern

commercial Fourier spectrometer. (a) Let us consider a spectral line with fine structure

around frequency

. Its spectral intensity can be represented by a


convolved with a 'fine-structure function'

= 0
region of frequency
. The function
symmetrically about the origin (11.5.2), is

which, as its name suggests, is limited to a

, which is the spectrum repeated

J s 0 s 0


Its transform, which from the inverse to A1.45) equals

, is

I R S exp i0 S exp i0
2 S R cos 0 S I sin 0

This gives

, (11.48). Now since the fine-structure is restricted to a small frequency

region , the transform S has scale , so that it is appropriate to describe (11.52) as an

oscillatory function (fringes) with a slowly varying envelope. Therefore the real and

imaginary parts of

can be deduced by carefully observing the modulation and phase of

I S exp i0
the fringes. However, the complex function associated to (11.52)


information) we

. If we were to measure this visibility only (and reject the phase

Figure 11.7 Parts of the Fourier interferogram
when the source spectrum is an
asymmetrical doublet, to show how the asymmetry is encoded in the fringes. In (a

g R t cos 9t 2 cos 11t

g R t 2 cos 9t cos 11t

. In (b)
which is the same in both cases, is shown in (c).

. The visibility,

should know
only and so the fine-structure
calculated from it would be wrong. An
example will illustrate this (Fig. 11.7). A source emits a narrow asymmetrical doublet consisting of

0 2
two waves with intensities a2 at frequency

0 2



0 2 t b
f R t a cos 0 2 t a b cos
It is easy to show that that its power spectrum is given by (11.51) with

s a 2 0 2 b 2 0 2
From (11.44) and (11.53),

a 2 cos 0 2 b 2 cos 0 2
a 2 b2


cos 2 cos 0

Note that the values of

a 2 b2
sin 2 sin 0
a 2 b2


cos 0


are unimportant. On comparing the coefficients of

sin 0


with those of (11.52), we find the complex


cos 2 i

to be

a 2 b2
sin 2
a b


whose inverse Fourier transform is indeed the fine structure function (11.54). Equation (11.55) is
clearly the real part of the complex

a 2 exp i 0 2 b 2 exp i 0 0 2
a 2 b2


Figure 11.8 (11.54). Interferogram from a function broad-band infra-red source, and the
calculated spectrum.

and therefore


a 4 b 4 2a 2b 2 cos
a 2 b2

is invariant on interchanging



and , and from (11.59) we can only deduce e (from its



modulation period) and the ratio

(from its depth of modulation). This was

a 2 b2

a 2 b2

Michelson's method of analysis, but the question of whether

can be answered only
by studying the phases of the fringes themselves. Of course, this is implicit in the Fourier
transformation (11.50). (b) The second example (Fig. 11.8) is from an automated Fourier Transform

Spectrometer. It measures

IM d
by recording



scans the region from

d max

. If the

I M d I M d
instrument is adjusted perfectly,
but the inclusion of a small negative region
allows the zero of d to be determined accurately. The example shows a small central part of an
interferogram and the spectrum deduced from it, using ( 11.50).
11.6.2 Resolution and sensitivity
The resolution limit of Fourier spectroscopy can be seen from the first example above. The

d max
modulation of the fringes will only be discernible if
of the modulation. Thus from (11.57)

is sufficient to expose at least half a period

max d max c 2

min 2 c d max
which is satisfied by
resolvable wavenumber

. This is most intuitive when expressed in terms of the smallest

k min c 2 d max ;

at a given wavenumber

the resolving power is then

k0 k d max 0

It is interesting to compare this with a diffraction grating (9.2.2). The resolving power of the
interferometer is the same as the very best that can be achieved with a diffraction grating of the same

d max 2
physical length
! So once again it is the physical size of the instrument, measured in
wavelengths, which determines the resolving power - independently of details. But in a Fourier
spectrometer, this resolution can actually be achieved (compare 9.2.2) ! When background radiation
at the detector can not be neglected,

the Fourier spectrometer has an advantage over conventional spectrometers that use diffraction
gratings or prisms. If the output of the latter is measured with a single detector, the spectrum must be
scanned in some way, and so for much of time very little light reaches the detector from the source,
although background radiation is always received. On the other hand, with the Fourier spectrometer
an average of half the input light reaches the detector at any instant (the other half leaves in the
direction of the input where, in principle, a second detector can be placed). The Fourier spectrometer
then has a distinct advantage (called the Fellgett advantage) in the signal to noise attainable. This is
the reason for the success of this type of spectrometer in the infra-red region.
A further advantage, the Jacquinot advantage, over grating or prism instruments arises in the
throughput of radiation, which may be an order of magnitude higher in the Fourier spectrometer. This
applies to all spectral regions, including the visible.
11.7 Spatial coherence
The concept of temporal coherence was introduced as an attempt to give a quantitative answer to the
following question. At a certain instant of time we measure the phase of a propagating light wave at a

A exp i0t
certain point. If the wave were a perfect sinusoidal plane-wave,
, we should then know
the phase at any time in the future. But in a real situation, for how long after that instant will an
estimate made in the above way be reliable? The gradual disappearance of our knowledge of the

phase was seen to result from uncertainty of the exact value of
to the finite width of the spectral line representing the wave.

, and could be related quantitatively

The second coherence concept, that of spatial coherence, is concerned with the phase relationship at a
given instant between waves at various points in a plane normal to the direction of propagation. If the
wave were a perfect plane wave, this plane would be a wavefront, and definition of the phase at one

in it would immediately define the phase at every other point; this can be done for each
component wavelength if the wave is not monochromatic. In practice, we can ask the question: if we
know the value of the phase at
of the phase?

, how far away from

can we go and still make a correct estimate

In a similar way that we found temporal incoherence to be related to uncertainty in the frequency

of the wave (and hence in the magnitude of the wave-vector,

), we shall see spatial incoherence

tobe related to uncertainty in the direction of the wave-vector

. And uncertainty in the direction of

arises when the source of the light is not a point source, but is extended.

11.7.1 A qualitative investigation of spatial coherence

We saw in 11.4.2 that if we sample the wave train with our optical stethoscope at two points



c c

A1 A2

situated one behind the other we see interference fringes only if the distance
is less than
Spatial coherence can be approached in the same way, and can be illustrated by the following simple
one-dimensional experiment. Suppose that an incoherent, quasi-monochromatic source, of linear



dimensions a, is used to illuminate a mask containing a pair of pinholes

and separated by
(Fig. 11.9). The appearance of a fringe pattern on a screen indicates coherence between the wave
amplitudes at the two pinholes. The source is at distance

and the screen at distance

from the

L, H ? a , x
pinholes; for simplicity assume

and all angles to be small.

Consider the point
at one end of the source. This point on its own illuminates the pinholes
coherently and therefore produces a fringe pattern on the screen. The zero order of the fringe pattern

1 1

appears at

corresponding to zero difference between the optical paths

S1 P2 Z1 Z1


on the line joining

to the point

O half-way between the two pinholes. The period of the

H x
interference fringes is given by

. Now consider

at the other end of the source. This gives a

fringe pattern with the same period, with its zero order at the point

of fringes overlap, and since

Z1Z 2

, on the line

. The two sets


are mutually incoherent, tend to cancel one-another out. When



is equal to half the fringe spacing, the fringe patterns from

will be spatially in
antiphase, and so no fringes will be visible on the screen. We can say that the spatial

coherence between the two pinholes has disappeared when

H x Z1Z 2 aH L
; (11.63)

x L 2a
The result can be stated as follows. Because of the size of the source, a, or more usefully its angular

a L
, coherence between neighbouring points on the mask only occurs if the distance
between the points is less than

xc 2

This maximum distance

is called the coherence distance in the plane of the pinholes. Notice in

particular the reciprocal relationship between

effect of all points such as



. We have neglected, in this discussion, the


, and thereby introduced an error of about

2. This will be corrected in 11.7.3 by a more complete analysis.

When the argument is extended to two dimensions, a source of limited angular dimensions defines a
two-dimensional region within which both pinholes must be situated in order to be coherently
illuminated. This region is called the coherence area or region. The relationship between the
coherence area, or strictly the coherence function, and the source dimensions will be shown in
11.7.3 to be that between Fourier transforms, at least when the source has a small angular diameter

. This relationship can be very useful in practice, and is the basis of the technique of 'aperture
synthesis' which will be discussed briefly in 11.9.3.
11.7.2 The degree of spatial coherence
We return now to the idea of the optical stethoscope probing a quasi-monochromatic wave field and

assume that


are approximately on the same wave-front,

To be more exact we assume that

is much longer than which is the difference between the times of arrival of the wavefronts at

c A1 A2 0


. Equation A1.39) is again valid, but now


depends only on the lateral distance


since the only effect of a change in their longitudinal distance will be to multiply

A1 A2 0

A A 0


A1 A2 0

1 2

. We can then call

the degree of spatial coherence. Often

complex degree of spatial coherence, depends only on the vector


, the


it can then

be written

. An instrument which implements the above scheme almost exactly is the Michelson

stellar interferometer (11.9.1) where


are the entrance mirrors and

the second pair of mirrors.


The importance of
being w" hin a coherence length of the same wavefront
will be emphasized in the discussion of aperture synthesis in 11.9.3.

11.7.3 The van Cittert-Zernike theorem

This theorem is the spatial equivalent of the Wiener-Khinchin theorem (4.7.1) and was proved

independently by van Cittert and by Zernike. It relates

by a Fourier transform to the intensity

I x , y

in the source. To derive the theorem in one dimension, we consider a distant

quasi-monochromatic incoherent source of angular extent (outside which its intensity is zero - Fig.
11.10) illuminating the observation plane. All angles in the figure will be assumed to be small. The

amplitude at point

on the source is

f 0

P x 0
, and the amplitude received at

is then

g exp ik0 SP d
L source

At Q we have

F x

g exp ik0 SP x sin d

c x f 0 f x
The product

is then given by

c x

g exp ik0 SP d g exp ik0 SP x sin d


g g exp ik SP S ' P exp ik x sin d d '




where we have replaced 0 in the second integral in (11.68) by

integrals as a double integral (cf. 11.4).


so as to express the product of two


c x
can be written from its definition (11.29) in terms of the time-average of

x c x

c 0

, i.e.

since the intensities at


c 0
equal to

f 0

f x


respectively, can both be considered to be

c x
. In calculating

from (11.69) the only term which has to be averaged over time

g g '

since all other terms are geometrical. When the source is incoherent,

g '
are uncorrelated. It follows that this average is zero unless


, when it

,the source intensity at the point

c x

. Introducing this into the double integral we have



I exp ik0 x sin d



This integral is reminiscent of Fraunhofer diffraction (8.2). The value of

x c x


c 0

I exp ik x sin d
I 0 d

I 0

outside the source, the limits of integration can be written as


. Then, for small ,

I exp ik x d
I d

is therefore the Fourier transform of


expressed as a function of

normalized to unity at


. This relationship is called the van Cittert-Zernike theorem. The theorem can easily be
extended to a two-dimensional source in the same way as any Fourier transform. It then reads as

x, y
follows. For two points in the observation plane

r, r
connected by

is the Fourier transform

I k0 x , k0 y

.We shall apply it to a circular star as an example. The source has unit intensity

within a circle of small angular diameter

the Fourier transform which is (8.2.8)

and zero outside it. The correlation function is therefore

2 J1 k0 r 2
k0 r 2

r 1, 22 2
it has its first zero when

0, 07 arc sec

3, 4 107

For example, if a star has angular diameter

, or about
radians, coherence in
green light extends throughout acircle of radius about 1.8 m around a given point (Fig. 11.11). After
the first zero (11.74) predicts there to be further regions of correlation, both negative and positive, but
these result from the sharp cut-off assumed at the edges of the star and are observed only in

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