Edc 370 Thing 14 Powerful Presentations

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Thing 14 Powerful Presentations

Common Core standards addressed in Lesson

Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that probe reasoning
and evidence; ensure a hearing for a full range of positions on a topic or issue;
clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions; and promote divergent and
creative perspectives.
Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different
media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to
address a question or solve a problem.

Propaganda Poster
____Uses a form of propaganda (3)
3- Form of propaganda is clear and used effectively
2- Form of propaganda is ineffective

1- Form of propaganda is unrecognizable

0- None

____Addresses a social issue (3)

3- Social issue is clear and effectively addressed
2- Social issue is vague and ineffective

1- Social issue is unclear

0- None

____ Includes an appropriate visual (3)

3- Visual connects and is effective to the propaganda
form and social issue
2- Visual ineffectively addresses the propaganda form
and social issue

1- Visual does not connect to the propaganda

form or social issue
0- None

____Includes a slogan or wording (2)

2- Slogan connects and effectively addresses
propaganda form and social issue

1- Slogan does not connect or effectively

address propaganda form or social issue
0- None

____Organization and Neatness (2)

2- Poster is organized and well-thought out
1- Poster is somewhat organized

0- Poster is disorganized

____Use of Color and Space (2)

2-Color is used appropriate and space is used
1-Color is ineffective

0- Color is weak or space is not used effectively

_____ /15

The rubric fits the lesson perfectly because it is detailed and thought out.
The project is to create a propaganda poster that follows the different forms
that were discussed using the presentation. For the grade level I designed
this for, it is useful for the students to have clear expectations and clear
grading tactics.

This is a slide presentation from a lesson I created and taught on


This lesson involves SAMR levels because it involves teacher led and group
led discussions as well as giving them group work. The lesson needs a
presentation in order for students to understand the different kinds of
propaganda techniques. They would use this presentation to take notes and
participate in the group discussions. I feel that this presentation is an
effective way to teach these concepts that are normally taught in higher high
school grade levels.

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