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Summary Sheets

Buying Extra Dice

A character may buy up to three additional dice before attempting a Task.

Dice may be bought by the following methods:
o Spending saved Momentum from the groups pool; 1 Momentum = 1d20
o Adding Threat to the GMs pool; 1 Threat = 1d20
o Spending Power from the ships supply, where applicable; 1 Power = 1d20
o Spending 1 Crew Support assigned to the character, where applicable; 1 Crew Support = 1d20
o Spending 1 Determination; gain 1d20 which has already rolled a 1
Additionally, characters may have Assistance on a Task. This doesnt count towards the normal limit. The
assisting character rolls 1d20, against an attribute and skill of their choice, and adds successes rolled to
any rolled by the character being assisted.

Common Uses of Momentum

Immediate uses can be paid for out of the Group Pool, or by adding to Threat. Repeatable uses can be
used multiple times per Task.

Create Opportunity: Immediate, Repeatable. Spend 1 Momentum to purchase +1d20 for a Task.
Create Obstacle: Immediate, Repeatable. Spend 2 Momentum to add +1 to Difficulty of an enemy Task.
Obtain Information: Repeatable. Ask the GM one question about the situation, that must be answered
Improve Quality of Success: Spend Momentum to succeed more spectacularly, or effectively than before,
at GMs discretion. This includes dealing additional damage (+1 damage per Momentum, Repeatable).
Increase Scope of Success: Spend Momentum to affect additional targets, increase the area affected, or
otherwise enlarge the effect.
Reduce Time Required: Spend Momentum to reduce the time a Task requires to complete.

Combat Action Order

In each Round, every character takes one Turn. The GM selects a character to take the first Turn of the
first Round. After a character has completed their Turn, the player hands the action to the opposing
side, who will choose a single character to act next. Alternatively, the player may spend two Momentum
(Immediate) to keep the initiative, handing the action to another player character instead. Once a player
has opted to keep the initiative, nobody on that side may keep the initiative again until the opposition
have taken at least one Turn of their own. In any case, no character may take more than one Turn in a
Round. Once all characters on one side have taken a Turn, then any remaining characters on the other
side take their Turns in any order they choose, one at a time, until all characters on both sides have
taken one Turn. Once all characters on both sides have taken a Turn, then the action goes to whichever
side did not take the last Turn, and the whole process begins again for the next Round.

& 2016 CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

Combat Actions
During a Turn in combat, a character can attempt one Task, and several Minor Actions. A character can
perform one Minor Action for free, and then each additional Minor Action costs one Momentum
(Immediate) or adds one to Threat, plus one more for each subsequent Minor Action performed that
Turn. Each Minor Action can only be attempted once per Turn.
Minor Actions
Aim: The character may re-roll a single d20 made on an Attack during this Turn.
Draw Item: The character may pick up an item within Reach, draw a weapon or other item carried on
their person/stowed in their gear.
Drop Prone: The character immediately drops to the ground, making himself a smaller target. A character
may not Stand and Drop Prone in the same Turn.
Interact: The character interacts with an object in the environment. Particularly complex interactions may
require a Task instead.
Movement: The character moves to any point within Medium range. This Minor Action cannot be taken if
the character performs any movement-related Tasks.
Prepare: The character prepares for, or spends time setting up, for a Task. Some Tasks require this Minor
Action to be taken before the Task can be attempted.
Stand: If the character is prone, he may take this action to stand, losing all the benefits and disadvantages
of being prone. A character may not Stand and Drop Prone in the same Turn.
Combat Tasks

A character may attempt one Task, but some circumstances allow a character to attempt a second Task
spending Determination, spending two Momentum (adds +1 difficulty to second Task), or being
granted an extra Task by a leader.

Assist: The character performs some activity that will grant an ally an advantage. The character nominates
a single ally they can communicate with, and assists their next Task.
Attack: The character Attacks an enemy or another viable target.
Direct: This action is available only to a leader. The character nominates a single other character present,
who may immediately attempt a single Task, assisted by the commanding character.
Exploit: The character takes additional time and concentrating readying an Attack.
Guard: The character finds some defensible position, focusses on their surroundings, or otherwise gains
additional readiness for attack.
Pass: The character chooses not to attempt a Task.
Ready: The character declares that they are waiting for a particular situation or event to occur before
attempting a Task.
Sprint: The character attempts to move further and more quickly.
Treatment: The character attempts to treat the injuries of a character within Reach.
Other Tasks: A range of other Tasks can be performed during a combat, the limits of which are left to the
discretion of the GM.

& 2016 CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

Weapons have a number of common traits and values that determine the specifics of how they function.
The key elements of a weapon are what type of weapon it is, its damage rating, the size of the weapon,
and any qualities it possesses that influence how it is used.

Type: This will either be Melee or Ranged, determining how the weapon is used.
Damage Rating: This will be a number of [CD], and possibly one or more benefits that trigger when
Effects are rolled. All weapons gain a number of additional [CD] to their damage rating equal to the
Security skill of the character.
Size: This will be a number, with higher values representing larger weapons. If the characters Resilience
is lower than the Size of the weapon, any attacks using the weapon increase in difficulty by two, unless
the character uses the Prepare Minor Action before making an Attack. If the weapon is being used in one
hand, the characters Resilience counts as half (round up) for this purpose.
Qualities: These are additional rules, providing additional restrictions or benefits that apply to the
weapons use.

Damage Effects
Area: The attack affects a wider area, and can affect several targets at once. The attack automatically
affects any character or damageable object within Reach of the initial target, and then one additional
target within Close range of the initial target for each Effect rolled, starting with the next closest (as
determined by the GM).
Intense: The attack is designed to inflict massive harm on a target, incapacitating them far more swiftly.
The Cost to resist an Injury caused by an Intense weapon increases by one for each Effect rolled.
Knockdown: If one or more Effects are rolled on this Attack, then the target is knocked prone. The target
may resist this effect by adding a number of points to Threat equal to the number of Effects rolled.
Piercing X: The Attack ignores X points of the targets total Soak for each Effect rolled.
Unforgiving X: If the Attack is benefitting from an Exploit Task, then the Attack gains Vicious X.
Vicious X: The Attack inflicts X additional damage for each Effect rolled.
Charge X: X is the number of Charges the weapon possesses, which are restored at the end of a scene.
Charges can be spent on the following effects: +1[CD] damage (1 Charge), Area (2 Charges), Intense (2
Charges), Piercing X (1 Charge), Vicious X (2 Charges). Multiple Charges may be spent on a single attack,
and must be spent before the dice are rolled for the Attack.
Cumbersome: The weapon is awkward and tricky to use. The weapon cannot be used to Attack unless a
Preparation Minor Action is performed during the same Turn.
Deadly: The weapon can only be used to Kill.
Debilitating: Medicine Tasks to treat or heal Injuries caused by this weapon increase in difficulty by one.
Hidden X: The weapon is easy to conceal, or designed to be disguised as something else.
Nonlethal: The weapon can only be used to Stun.

& 2016 CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

Combat Momentum (Personal)

Momentum Spend
Create Opportunity
Create Obstacle
Obtain Information
Keep the Initiative


Extra Minor Actions

1+ I R

Bonus Damage






Re-Roll Damage
Second Wind
Secondary Target


Swift Task

The character gains one extra d20 on his Task (maximum +3d20)
The character adds +1 Difficulty to an enemy Task (maximum +3)
Ask the GM a question about the current situation
Pass the action order to another ally instead of the enemy; may only
be done once before the enemy has taken at least one action.
Take additional Minor Actions, cost is equal to number of Minor
Actions already taken that Turn.
A character can increase the damage inflicted by a successful Attack,
regardless of the type of Attack. Each Momentum spent adds +1
One weapon held by the target is knocked away and falls to the
ground within Reach. This costs 2 Momentum if the target is holding
the weapon in one hand or 3 Momentum if the weapon is braced or
held in two hands.
The damage inflicted by the current Attack ignores an amount of Soak
equal to two for each Momentum spent.
The player may re-roll any number of [CD] from the current Attack
The character regains one point of lost Stress.
A second target within Reach of the Attacks target is also affected by
the Attack, and suffers half the attacks damage, rounding down.
The character may attempt one additional Task, increasing the
difficulty by one over what the Task would normally require.

& 2016 CBS Studios Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

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