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(3) ‘Al -1/PART -1 ara Frere a frensel/ CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY Peter : Frafiterd wet & care Ft & here wae afer Peer BP: 1 dare fren fat at fer 8 sre aed & ais () Fe Stan ar aT art Te (2) we ait a arr 8 A and z (3) ae afer at at BF aed = @) 4e afer BAAS aesaacTat aT uf wal oath 2 Reet at onghe der } erga, seme a ger ata Pani ateq cD ast at (2) Ba at 3) artreatt a (4) oes at cm Farr oe waite ue ga fea att @ ora att @ ? () Reeatsr ) Sete (3) Tare crarefire oPrart (@) serie aA Cat.-3/41. Directions : Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option : 1. Present day education cuts off the man from life because (1) itis not an integral part of life (2) it is unable to provide bread and butter to man. (3) itis unable to provide job to man (4) it is unable to fulfill the basic needs of a man 2, According to modern concept of teaching, teacher should play mainly the role of a (1) Philosopher (2) Friend (3) Working partner (4) Instructor 3. Which source will provide maximum and up-to-date information about a subject ? (1) Eneyclopaedias (2) Internet (8) Latest academic journals (4) International conferences P.T.O. 4. anal aa 3 |S eel a am wa a sem 2) am aa eM ge ae wel & fay aa corr ett ? ) Sei anita: Pret aT (2) ate & fre wer ay Preifaet area (3) 33h at am ar & fag BEAT (4) Fa0 @ Sa % Ree ase 5. Fa Sea were are serra A aT HT a 38 ae act arte (Premera (2) Berea % garners } at FH (3) meager & at 7 (4) oR od ori S art F 6. ere viet arr aes rer at sroreth ari ant & CD sre Bren genet (2) saree ferent were (3) ara Bet Brat rent (4) eee Bren were Cat-B/4t (4) Some students of your class have become inattentive; which strategy would you use to regain their attention ? (2) A brief physical activity (2) Suspending the class for sometime (3) Asking children to be attentive (4) Sending the class out for games When a teacher enters in the class room for the first time he should talk about (1) school building (2) school headmaster (3) textbook (4) himself and students ‘The education system developed by Mahatma Gandhi is known as (1) Basic education system (2) Vocational education system (8) Child centred education system (4) Handicraft education system a. 10. wee a ae ar oT aT aac sar} Hee eh RCT ? @) va a ger a aa ST (2) weat a eee at He BT 3) Tat A oy sett A creer BT ar (@) set at Pele arr Pre 3 a ara eet S gas a aot ef ai? G) sreferet ener arta 2) seme a vero aa (3) aga afte ye ard (4) age sft gat we ea EB A Mee aT wea aa & at ae seat aT I aa? Cb ager} Pry a (2) sara & Fray ar (3) sua & PH aT (4) arate aren & Pes a seer } orga Ret a aa et afer Q) wer 2) Ta (8) Tear (4) ota #8 AE Te Cat.-3/41 (5) 10. A Which of the following acts of the teacher does not help in creating proper learning environment ? (1) Providing the children with feeling of security (2) Giving the children sense of freedom (3) Allowing children to other children criticize (4) Making children fearless Which of the following is not the cause of truancy of students ? (1) Uninteresting school programme (2) Teacher's partial behaviour (3) Too much home work (4) Too many holidays When a teacher gives the learner the sense of success, he is using (1) the law of readiness (2) the law of practice (3) the law of effect (4) the law of mental set According to Naturalism, the centre of education should be (1) Teacher (2) Child (8) Curriculum (4) None of the above P.T.O. i. 12, 13. 14, armel ear & ws faert t ge det aed 3) amy sae we Far sae we? ge 1 aa 3 hq wet oa favara Fe ce qmst as (2) (3) w sivarart seat A rar} fee alae WaT (yarn & sree oe AE aT (2) ated aia Sar (3) orbey a eae eat (4) fate Reneal an araert ape aie Pron ft, 1986 & srgare Brat ae Rae ge ata gare a after ert arte, () 6% (2) 10% (2) 4% (4) 3% Fa gee ape aeat F fare omar afar wait 7 A ap anya one own 21H sen 3 eq A ome sar ofan eri? CD sitar Be, ate aa aah at (2) Pela & guitare an ame ae (3) Randel @ sé fh 7 ard Gar ae (a) g@ at after S ey Fede att Cat.-3/41 (6) ue 12, 13. 14. A student of your class is in the habit of tolling a lie. How would you deal with him ? (1) tell him not to tell a lie (2) punish him (3) just ignore him (4) will take him into confidence and counsel ‘The best provision for the education of the talented children is (1) Ability grouping (2) Giving double promotion (3) Enriching programme (4) Providing special schools As per National Policy on Education, 1986 percentage of national production must be invested on education (D 6% (2) 10% (3) 4% (4) 3% School administration assigned you some extra classes which are meant for weak students, What will be your reaction as a teacher ? (1) Protest and not take classes (2) Request decision (3) Tell student to prepare on their own reconsideration of (4) Accept it as your responsibility 15. 16, Ww. aor # veit & eT A are were 3 at 8 Refit sent a cert at A. GR Tar BE A AS CH HAs Ber 81 B. Peat at sneer gh a art % far Sita ae ag ae searaget wereft & 1 wt @ ava get ae? 2? a) aaa A (2) 44a B (3) ATHB aM (4) TATB fem art oret ae & od Pre at (1) rat a aT EAT aTfeR (2) oat Bares wT 8 tae ae afer (3) re @ as eT sey (4) ot a gy wet} Re ser ate Rem ad wT arat at B at oe amet oer & ae wet aes ct ony (1) SeeeT RET BIS BT Te FAT HLT qe mitt (2) Brit & asa BH aah gf oh wa die ae A (3) opt at See aT wer BY (4) writ a ete Frere Cat-3/41 7) 15. 16. 17. A Study the following statements about lecturing as a method of teaching A. Ibis an efficient method of giving information. B. It is an efficient way of making students think critically. Which of these statements is/are correct ? (1) Aonly (2) Bonly (3) Both A & B (4) Neither A nor B Before starting to teach a teacher must q) (2) make the students stand make the students mentally ready (3) clean the black board (4) ask the students to keep silence While teaching if you realize that what you have taught is not correct, you would (1) leave the topic unfinished and shift to another (2) tell the students that it was a mistake and correct it (8) divert the attention of the students (4) Scold students P.T.O. 18. aay wie 2 Foma & oeq afer F se ae oe Ten aa S oe S ey a ony waite at ea BEA? Q) sea set Baie a ag afer (2) waa tir steer aa at vee (3) aeb aftraedt A gare ara Sth (4) Sat wh fe ae afer A ot ore seat ax wear & cite a aftide rTM TTT Ter at aT a a CD) orate aegfies carta ae 2 19. (2) sade aa afar & sacar fas fades art é Peat a wom & (3) artes 4 & ait @ 20. eH aa are at a ee eas aT te 4 ee ter are era area afer . a @ (3) a 7 a ger ater 4) oe orePrT seer nee Cat.-3/41 (8) 18. 19. Salim is very good in Music but is not able to do well in Mathematics. As a teacher of Mathematics, how will you handle Salim ? (1) Tell him that Music does not have a future (2) ‘Tell him to leave Music and study Maths 3) Call his parents and talk to them. (4) Tell him that he ean do well in Mathematics and explain the Mathematical concepts to him A talented child can not be identified through observation because (2) observation is not an objective technique (2) observation is a subjective technique (3) observation is used by those who are expert (4) All of the above While delivering a long lecture what a teacher should do? (1) Should break in between (2) Should speak continuously (3) Should ask questions in between (4) Should change own posture 21, 22, cant war A oa get a oft eda F @ ak ae vids A ae Shae at aera red Bory 8 eu Test FH? () astett a Ba aa A ae afro aie (2) 38 onrh areier at yf Bq aele Gert act ae (3) 38 Ras oorg F eae art A wet 4) asf Och cee ae ae aa wae 3 artis wy & aesie ett & gfe & fae Sea wer wer Tee? ) Ge dat H aaa? (2) gfe WEN eat FR at ata 2 (3) gfe oem ae at drat & (4) gfe adr RR Baer sa at a ara & aalfees ward) agai at a) anf: afer genet (2) agers Then gent (3) ex wre (4) Tepes wer Fae Cat.-3/41 (9) 21. 22, A A girl of your class is interested in sports and wants to pursue her career in sports. her? What will you suggest (1) Girls have no future in sports (2) She should put in hard work to achieve her ambition (3) Ask her to be focused only in academics (4) Girls can not excel in sports as they are not physically strong Which is not true about intelligence ? (1) Intelligence is the ability to learn (2) Intelligence is the ability to solve problems (3) Intelligence is the ability to work hard (4) Intelligence is the ability to adapt to novel situation ‘The most effective evaluation method is (1) Annual examination method (2), Examination with book method (3) Semestral method (4) Objective question paper method P.T.0. 24, 25. 26. Rreifattad a gata aie AL RRS SeRRT) 3s9 ETT Baa Gi) 3 a Cae Gil) 227-42] ST D. srarst RAST Gv) HAT BET A B Cc D Mi Gi) @ & (2) (iv) (ii) Gi) @ @ Gi) tw Gg ©@ @@ @ did dv) oe ana ygtiers! ar aT & (Do errata Rat art are area 2) seat bo aye a Par a ART Rai (3) ai caf $ ag Re 4) fret a dake Sah oF aesatre sari ar yea ageii dam 8 oa 2 amt gas 7 fratia ddl & oa ae Cy graft sere Fa (2) gf Beer ere F eh (3) gf frat caer ® a (4) sttventtas Bra oer # et Cat.-3/41 (10) 24, 26. Match the following : A, Slide Projector (i) Visual mean B.TV (iAudio mean ©. Chart (iii) Audio-visual mean D. Voice Recorder (iv/Projective mean A B c D O@ @ @ ww (2) (iv) Gi) (iii) w @ Gi) dy Gi) 4) @) Gp Gi) Gy) The term ‘comprehensive evaluation means (1) Evaluation conducted at several points of time (2) Evaluation by a group of teachers (3) Several test for long duration (4) Evaluation of curricular & co- curricular aspects of pupil growth The capacity to arrange objects serially is developed in the child when be is in (1) Sensory motor stage (2) Pre-operational stage (3) Concrete operational stage (4) Formal operational stage 27, aR eae A aka at aert H fore creer ef ae aafeg a) ee Bier at acanfet eT (2) wea at waft Ht steer eT (3) as am thet a fart eer 4) arte 1 set TAT 28, aa ag sear fae re ar ae SeaeT aunt at ong ea ei? Cy) #87 BRA ae ae (2) Ge eae aaa (3) Tet Gearer & fare Ga Tey 4) ar 7a sardh Cd aot Age a oma e () aaa (2) wept wae a eet (3) wae A Bar (4) wa a Ra oat § ad ante & gr Fa wea fea on aaa & 7 GQ) SE aed aaRar oe Hig Bae 30. (2) SS Tela ast SSR FUaT (3) Se afte aie Gar ard (4) Se ancia ater 8 ofa wT Cat.-9/4L ay 27, 28. 29. 30. A For enhancing the ability of transfer of loarning the teacher should not @ (2) @) encourage self activity encourage the habit of rote learning develop the habit of learning by insight (4) emphasise on generalization When a child mispronounces a word, what will you do? (1) Tell - don’t say like this (2) Tell the correct pronunciation (3) Rebuke the child pronunciation for wrong (4) Ignore ‘The basis of effective and successful leadership is (1) Appreciation (2) The interest of entire group (8) Service of group (4) Self interest How the virtue of good citizen can be inculeate among students ? (G) By lecturing them on good citizenship (2) By familarising them with national heroes (3) By assigning them —_ some community service work By familarising them with Indian Constitution 4) (12) aT ~ 1/PART — 11 ‘TST —1 (8-4) /LANGUAGE-I (HINDD, . Per § a sin’ } salaardi sedi or aye & Q) Fate, ariel, Bem (2) eeu, Bern, sa (3) Tart, afer, afer (4) afer, deen, Pett Fr mee at adi ord gig a - a (wee - ad (2) age - aaae (3) ve date ayer - 1a (4) Ge ard - Rea ar ‘aa’ a ad 2 (ert ay ait (2) art (3) 4 gages (4) SIgae a ea & Pais sree ghar a a (2) a (a) ag (a) wat aaa aex Pats ae7s ? a) wat (2) oat (3) Fara (4) orig Freer: spifeiers reer ah Tea et TF reat (997 Fo 36-89) F aie wat ofa Mary wer fee ae vey StaeT a ite, crews teen at otk ote orai-aigt sacs S eek wy ar H preifers B, ve var are & Be 32. 33. 34, 35. Cat-3/41 aE ot Ma wd we dan Bote aS He aH Grd fin 8? am arm BR qaetera a err a at aay aa ae ete Roger Fa TET oe “a a tt Gam’ de wh? wa aa al dt wei, ot fee oe tae 2, tie ate thar ae - mae it waa’ AR ae ar age er ca ate) Fam, teed at often dom a ogy cil 8, waar Bee, Taal deel oir wa 8, At ae aa ae 7 ager at ga wa Praha & oH ay andiea a coat €, tel oft Prefer ai wea aad B) Pra Reet air or ai 3, saat Pratat gee & ae 21 fia ail & de em 2 wl sea ae & anh %, a ae ne 3d wen aed %, eH ats Sreraiensit & G8 8 stadt ef shar sarge tsi 9 sien & ai wea ay ara see Get oe onan Bae aerate 3 feat aerh ge we a sac 7 agect at catty Rew Bi 36, ‘sPiar’ ar Party & Q) Bier Q) ute (3) oie ga (4) fist eae 87. ger a Prat 8 G) gat & Rt wer (2) gaa ye ahi a eRe (3) Préae aird ear (4) Teast ar Bret aa Siag ar & an @ See a cred & (Lae strane eT (2) age Proavardt et (3) aga ar a (4) age see BAT 38. Sat ore BART AL TEE a @ git 3 war (2) ae Bi S aa (3) era teed gat (4) ora 4 8 ag ae Freer + sneered vet ah Tear Fe 7) Bet (7eT Ho 40-44) & GAT wae stad Rawr gaae difire rin zat } are S ma aeG soar 8, amas a a fer ey & ret aT tea BI wer oT aL a rat A fl Peal qa wear 1 wa war Pros areas saya at aie ses a aera a aware weet vec 81 Pardie aT Et deg alee Fo age see ara var 81 fires & get a ava tea ced aed a aren Pe war we as ae El ae ye Bl eae wT ar wsgg ad @ fe va gal + Paw ort 4 eam a Beds oe we TF oe oe Pret afaret Ge wet we at A wa ws a se we 8) wae orem So we aa ae wer gay 8 mies ah wed %, ferte & wea we Fh we aes wa B) ya erat Seat Hi Aaa A are ae aah &, st Pet Sat aR aT Be Ae] Wea otk oe aH Ae dea} ar we wren arent Part we Maa we ot ee EI 39. Cat.-3/41 (13) A % daa 2 fe gue at ae afeare real a al a eA aT | ah ? ora a yey, 7 at a omg & afaekiea sit aft seater ae B 1 gedter 4 onpate Fare saat wea oe Ret wae at — eR a wae ae genet tt wa at aa, ae at gar” 40, ‘ah Gu A aa goer % Pee ste ‘aa Prat? Q) ster at ansecen & (2) Stier at Preacar oe (3) Siar Sh aenigra (4) saga wit ae aeage aes FA Bla eT aT e ? Rare % weit Bt (2) Breda % gai a (3) Brgy & vat at (4) fart a sarensit ‘Rata’ a fait & Q@ wT (3) Fema dee % agar Fonsi & eer gerfia & Q) Bra & gat (2) Bris & ge (3) ward HY (4) WES Hy 41. 42, (2) mre (4) 43, 44, ferdty gor ar oem eter & (Dae ¥ (2) sare # (3) Tat (4) ara H P.T. 0. A 45. fea vest & orga Pr gel a ae ame CD) Fe, ar, Ps, tet (2) shea, arr, Fs, Fra (3) de, sare, ated, TA @) stef, hs, =r, TRI aa) 58, RATA ae & fe aftr vataardt A “ae (1) Rar (2) afret (3) afer 4) Greate ‘cis adh EY eet ar aed CD reer afer ar 54, * 5 7 (2) Fee sfeerel aa 46. Bat eal Fo aft Agwrne F rary (3 a Pate 9 om wha aa Br Qatar ore (a) weer det at ame a mt 55. Oral art fhe apr weFe ? Cy SRRRTE (2) STATE ca) ate yer’ ape 8 Rh rst (3) sitar (4) ORT are (2) Op Spe Bar Ft art ee ar 47, (oR + se? ay a geet (8) OA sakes oS al aS Ga Het a1 a) are Q) sae (4) Tae eM aret art a wy (3) oy (4) othe 56, “Gem Ba a ge alae ar on! & 48. og aa ‘a at abate () Weare aT eT D+ t eae a (2) aanf ar (3) 4+4 @ a+a+a (3) Bhar vem Sen tea : (4) Prt cer 49, ‘ore? A ort e an ae @ 57. Pree @ ade at & (3) (4) oF Oe (= anes (3) % @e 50, fe 9 a abt a die A aw a ae q aa ay we (2) wea 58. ‘sicaes’ a afa-faebe S (3) Seif (4) aguTT CQ) H+ Sea (2) + Seer i 5 (8) F + EET (4) Sh + TEA Si. ‘ait! gee sh orth ar we aye = _ (3) Brey, Fie, a 50, area ame an Paci aha (2) faey, Rie, dee a) att (2) SH (3) Saree, Ey (3) sta (4) aoe 4 ane a . @ Rasy, Bra, 60, Fr get FS cays oe & 52, ‘gear A ware & «0 sry (2) Wa il) TET (2) Be (3) wet oe (3) age (4) serdar Cat.-8/41 (15) ‘471 - 01 / PART - IL TST - Ut (sist) / LANGUAGE-II (ENGLISH) 61. 62. "He hardly works.' ‘The underlined word means (1) arduously (2) mostly (3) scarcely (4) strenuously Choose the correct word following phrase : for the ‘Rear of foreigners’ (1) Hydrophobia (2) Xenophobia (8) Homophobia (4) Claustrophobia Give one word for ‘That which can be eaten.” (1) edible (2) chewable (8) palatable (4) digestive She had a headache; otherwise she .. with me. (1) would come (2) would have come (3) came. (4) will come Cat.-3/41 65. 66, 67. Which sentence is incorrect ? (1) Left without any one knowing. (2) Uhope you will excuse my leaving early. (3) As, he was going up the hill, he saw an old temple. (4) I dislike your behaving in thie way. Complete the given sentence : "The human body is like an engine. It requires fuel to . () work (2) keep it going (8) ran from (4) keep it on action He «sence HOt Oppose me. () dare (2) dares (8) diddare (4) was dare Choose the correct Article for the blank : ‘Give me . on the table. yellow teapot which is Ma (2) an (8) the (4) Zoro article ‘They told me that he ........ in Jaipur. () were (2) was (8) willbe (4) can be P.T.0. A (16) Directions : Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow (Q. Nos. 76 to 85) by selecting the most (3) your (4) yourself appropriate option 70. His score is higher than ....,... (you (2) yours 71. Choose the correct Pronoun for the Conversation is indeed the most easily einige teachable of all arts. All you need to do in order to become a good conversationalist is ‘He 7 the only person ........ can help to find a subject that interests you and your ce listeners. There are, for example, number (1) who (2) that less hobbies to tack about. But the (3) he (4) which | important thing is that you must tall about the other fellow’s hobby rather than your 72, Choose the correct Preposition for own. Therein lies the secret of your the blank : | popularity. Talk to your friends about the ‘One must abide ........ one’s promise’ things that interest them and you will make ote at your reputation for good fellowship, | charming wit and a brilliant mind. There is (3) for (4) to nothing that pleases people more than your interest in their interest. 73. Thave been here . Monday. It is as important to know what (1) from (2) since subject to avoid, as what subjects to select (3) for @ un for good conversation. If you don’t want to be set down as a wet blanket or a bore, be 74, Change the Voice of the following carefiul to avoid certain unpleasant topics. sentence Avoid talking about yourself, unless you are "We were let go." asked to do so. People are interested in their (1) ‘They let us go. problems, not in yours. Sickness and death bore everybody. The only one who willingly (2) We were let to go, listens to such talk is a doctor, but he gets (8) They were let us to go. paid for it. To be a good conversationalist you must know not only what to say but how to say it, Be civil and modest. Don't 75. Which word is wrongly spelt ? overemphasize your own happiness. Be mentally quick and witty, but don’t hurt others with your wit. (4) Let us go, (1) believe (2) relieve (3) brief (4) decieve Cat.-3/41 Finally, try to avoid mannerism in your conversation. Don’t bite your lips, or click your tongue, or roll your eyes, or use your hands excessively as you speak. 76. Tho secret of your popularity lies in (1) cultivating good hobbies (2) being able to converse about what is of interest to the listener (8) having a knowledge about a large variety of hobbies (4) talking about your hobby ‘77. The secret of becoming a good conversationalist is (1) talking about problems (2) avoiding — mannerism =— in conversation (8) using your wit (4) knowing what to say and how to say it 78. A doctor is the only one who readily listens to conversation about sickness because (1) itis his job and he earns from that (2) he is not interested in anything’s else (3) sickness and death interest everybody (4) he is a kind person Cat.-8/41 (7) 79. 80. 81. 82, A Courtesy and politeness are recommended through which word in the passage @ 2) (3) ) willingly civil overemphasize None of the above To become a good conversationalist, you need to aM (2) (3) (4) find a good teacher find an interesting subject * practice the art of conversation converse about what you and the listener find interesting You should avoid talking about yourself because @ (2) (3) 4 you are a bore it will make you appear unpleasant you don’t know how to choose the subject of a good conversation people are not interested in you or your problems ‘Mannerism’ in the passage means feo) (2) (3) (4) not hurting othors with your wit having good manners gesture or way of speaking typical to a person using polite language P.T.O. 83. Which word in the passage is the opposite of ‘arrogant’ ? (D witty (2) mentally quick (3) conversationalist (4) modest 84, What pleases people most is (1) your reputation for fellowship good (2) your clever use of language (3) your taking interest in what is of interest to them (4) your brilliant mind 85. Which word in the passage means to strongly stress that something is particularly important ? (1) overemphasize (2) mentally (3) excessively (4) mannerism 86. [am after ten years in the business. (D) wise (2) wisest 3) more wise wiser (18) 87. 88. 89, Choose the correct Adverb for the blank “The sun, rises in the east (1) sometimes (2) often (8) always (4) rarely ‘The dumb not speak () has (2) does (3) is (4) do Choose the correct Phrase for the blank “The craft in which | sailed rapidly the open sea." (1) made out (2) made up (3) made for (4) made off He is poor, he is satisfied with his situation, (1) yet (2) but (3) so (4) while (19) ‘MT -IV/PART - IV aif / COMMERCE 91, Shea waa a ae were? 91. Which is not the function of Management ? () wer (2) after ()) Organization (2) Motivation (3) Peep (4) wear (3) Controlling (4) Cooperation 92, adsfa aa 3 fee amfta sett at 92, How many reserved industries are 93. 94, 95. ten fart & ? (1) 08 (2) 03 (4) 07 ae aa at a Re veg oR ae Be ag are (2) aire aatae (3) ag war (4) Sg, guar eat tas Jas ar de ere (2) ae (4) et are & at wr we 8 sae & Q) @ sete Meee eR (2) tama sree Aorive freer (3) 21 () ae (3) CH aR (3) Vera seta herve eIgT (4) Reg greta Aorive Perey Cat.-3/41 93, 94. 95. there for the public sector ? (2) 03 (4) 07 (1) 08 (3) 21 Bill discounted with a bank but not matured is (1) Current liability (2) Contingent liability (3) Current assets (4) Current payment ‘The balance of the petty cash book is (1) Income (2) Liability (3) An Asset (4) An Expense RDBMS stands for (1) Raw Database Management Style (2) Relational Database Management System (8) Rational Database Management Style (4) Record Database Management System P.O. meer a oer & (1) Fey ar apa fares 2) afer (3) Set od afore, (4) ona vd afew carat arré arr ane & as ad Fe orate ar pra Per wa, ee a va a fren aren G) a at F (2) seemed (3) fae a (4) am a peat Fae fear are 96. 97. sree 7a sR A cho wo wee (CD see ah omar @ aad ont F (2) ge ser arell Gar ara & (3) Se ya: ort Per ar eT (4) oR wet priciest erat & (1) aferret are (2) ARR a ara (3) areas aE (@) sated 3 8 By Te 4 aaa cor Brat ara after ry wey Saar Pat ser s, Beat E 99. 100, () GR Rare aT (2) Rare age (3) srt age (4) ba ware Tey Cat.-3/41 (20) 96. Meaning of Business is (1) Sale & Purchase of Goods (2) Commerce (3) Industry and Commeree (4) ‘rade and Commerce 97. the sole bank Income ‘Tax paid by from account. This is debited to proprietor business (1) Bank Account (2) Income Tax Account (8) Capital Account (4) Not to be shown in the business books 98. MS Access is a popular Database Management System because of (Q). Easy creation of forms (2) Easy creation of Data tables (3) Retrieval of Data (4) All of the above 99. Revaluation Account is a () Personal Account. (2) Nominal Account (3) Real Account {4) None of the above 100. The consumer products which ean normally be used for longer period, are called (D. Non-durable Goods (2) Durable Goods (8) Useful Goods (4) Service Goods (a1) 101. Ta aaa Saat 3 oT aah FS Fam a ow aoa ow A er ae (1) gat emer 3 ih wa a (2) grees ara # (3) eae ara (4) Sait art 102. gi B vet (snsege) carla 7e7e (a) Aree (3) wee Pra 9 8 sea oe Rab @ wePan Tee? @) Frere (2) arte (3) weit (4) eden sett aa wa Feet at Prefer aa () SRT (2) PAE a (3) wee a (4) ah aT we rere wd Y adtere a ear & Ma (2) et (3) were aA TET & (4) Satter HS ate TE | aR AL core HR A we A in | (Q) St S aga F arr | (2) ers SM aT | (3) (4) whet | Cat.-3/41 (2) fer (4) aa 103, 104, 105. 106. 101. 102, 108. 104, 105. 106. A On the admission of a new partner increase in the value of asset is debited to (1) Old Partners Capital A/e (2) Revaluation Account (8) Asset Account (4) Goodwill Account Which of the following is not an output device ? (1) Monitor (3) Plotter (2) Printer (4) Mouse Which of the following feature does not related to planning ? (1) Continuous (2) Deligation (8) Futuristics (4) Pervasive In ‘Management by objectives' there is determination of objectives of (D Enterprise (2) Unit (3) Manager (4) All A minor can be a partner in firm () Yes (2) No (8) By the consent of Partners (4) None of the above In the absence of an agreement, partners are entitled to (1) Profit share in capital ratio (2) Interest on loans and advances (8) Salary (4) Commission 107. Fe A a See are wre: oem ae B meet tar 8 ? ) aaa re (2) Re Ct BRT eT (3) Satay ahi aR (4) artes Fe ae vet 108, sfcerat afar, 2002 fa oftenfic ae ary Beare ) watt 4 de, 1969 (2) 35a Ge, 1999 (3) Ga site yeq Bye, 1930 (4) RT Fart tae, 1986 109, aaye aed aaa fea we at amy oa A fearar oer ? (Daa area (2) are Prerar (3) gaa wd (4) BR oe ay 110. && Pet sarh F aeet a =p Ger act & (1) 02 (2) 07 (3) 10 (4) 05 LLL tae wre} orem E (Dy et (2) titer (3) STR @) we Cat-B/41 (22) 107. 108. 109. 110. 11. Which of the following accounts mostly begins with an opening balance? (1) Income and Expenditure A/e (2) Receipt and Payment Account (3) Both of the above Ave (4) None of the above ‘The Competition Act, replaced the 2002 has (1) MRTTP Act, 1969 (2) Trademark Act, 1999 (3) Sale of Goods Act, 1930 (4) Consumer Protection Act, 1986 Which itom is shown on the dobit side of a trial balance ? (1) Purchases Return (2) Rent Outstanding (3) Prepaid Expenses (4) Interest received in advance Minimum number of members to form a private company is (uy 02 @) 07 (3) 10 (4) 05 ‘The founder of Scientific Management is (1) Terry (2) Fayol (3) Maslow (4) Taylor ria. ster enferét (eat) ar oar) a eh () fe > age + ties > fad > ORE > SRT (2) age > FE > HRT Ra > sete (3) Be + ARE > Gee > HE > Rag > sree (@ age > Re > Rad > vies > WEA > Serta > Hes > 113, at } yr A wel & Cy tesa (2) sifrard (3) ara (4) ital Eh sig eeaioey ar siftrere fsaPad eter 8 (1) ote Bert F (2) Pet ert A (3) meant afta % (4) ater # ante ora = Dw est 114, 115, (2) we see (3) we fafa ater ete (order #8 ae et weet det alata ary feat rat a () 1992 % (3) 1990 116, (2) 1986 ¥ (4) 1996 4 Cat.-3/41 (23) 112, 113, 114, 115. 116, A ‘The ascending order of Data hierarchy is (1) Bit > Byte ~» Field -» Record > File ~» Database (2) Byte + Bit > File + Field Record > Database Bit > Byte > Field > File > Record > Database (3) (4) Byte -> Bit > Record — Field > File > Database In the modern age Management is (1) Voluntary (2) Compulsory (3) Necessary (4) Not compulsory Right restricted in of transfer of shares is (1) Public Company (2) Private Company (3) Cooperative Society (4) Partnership Indian Rupee is (1) A Handi (2) A Promissory Note (3) A Bill of Exchange (4). None of the above The Consumer Protection Act was introduced in a) 1992 (2) 1986 (3) 1990 (4) 1996 P.T.O. 17. 118. 119. 120, 121. 122, ‘dew aay’ arm & (2) Reet TT (2) area Gra (3) STRAP FT STAT (4) =H ear eer meget at ater Pere a & a) aR (2) eat (3) Peta (4) oatan 9 8 ag ef aeent wt 3 Recs oe, ater Bh art ae fa oT e (D oer art & (2) aa at & (3) sera a (@) aartes art & te pe ae’ = (1) tm rere (2) th Bret (3) 0 Gort art wa a aig ad ‘de Bore Rarer’ a ag goH a (1) 17504 ae (2) 1850 4 ae (3) 1950 % ae (4) 1930 3 ae dg fe oar wearer Hani? at aa & () air ae (2) crete aftr (3) AE afr AEE (4) agra ae Cat-3/41 (24) 117. 118, 119, 120, 121. 122, ‘Salary Prepaid’ account is a (1) Personal Account (2) Real Account, (3) Nominal Account (4) Fictitious Asset Account Which of the following is @ limitation of a Computer? () Speed (2) Accuracy (3) Decision Making (4) None of the above On dissolution of the firm, partners capital accounts are closed through a @ (3) @ Drawings Account Realisation Account Loan Account Bank/Cash Account An a @) 3) (4) ‘artificial person’ is A Partner A Company A Sole Proprietor None of them ‘The evolution of ‘System approach of Management! was after () 1750 (2) 1850 (3) 1950 (4) 1930 ‘The ‘Karta’ in joint hindu family business has (1) Limited liability (2) Unlimited liability (8) No liability (4) Joint liability 123. 124, 125. 126, 127. cofarer at fate @ Part ara Y after ferlfter ae Rear rar eafey ? (@) 90f ¥ — @) 30 fer F (3) Gofey ¥ (4) 120 ea ¥ ert wateat % fag dai are e (1) Go Uo -6 (2) Yo Wo -3 (3) Yo To —2 (4) Yo THe - 10 ae Ay set wa often Part ‘ST GMT TT HT wag ? a) 60 2) 69 (3) 64 (4) Peat ae Sin Pree opie daa + dev wea aos & ay @, ET oT () ane SerT (2) Fete seit (3) aise sett (4) gles sete wave aaa ue fier 3 8 Aaa org vewe et watt & 7 @ w& wa A adv a a vad aftr fear @) Fave ad wa eH aM a ae agaat fre @ te oT (3) Were Ga a att (sits) TT wrt (4) orted wf Cat.-3/41 (28) 128, 124, 125. 126, 127. A Prospectus should be issued from its date of registration within () 90days. (2) 30 days (3) 60days (4) 120 days Accounting Standard for fixed assets is (@) AS-6 (3) AS-2 (2) AS-3 (4) AS- 10 When entering ‘field name’, how many ‘characters’ you can type in maximum ? (1) 60 (2) 69 (3) 64 (4) Any number of characters ‘The industries which are connected with extraction and production of natural resources are known as. (1) Primary industries (2) Secondary industries (3) Commercial industries (4) Tertiary industries Which of the following errors are revealed by trial balance ? (1) Wrong amount entered in a ledger account (2) Omitting writing the balance of an account in the trial balance (3) Wrong totalling of subsidiary books (4) All of the above P.T.0, 128, 129. 180. 131, X, Y er Z omer @ fran ary easy PWT HAT 2212181 -X FH Fy 30 Ge, 2010 A a ant 8 six Gaia at 31 Rar, 2010 % aI 4 ary 48,000 vo FOX Fat A er ot aT a ort ? (2) 12,000 %e (3) 6,000 to {2) 24,000 So (4) 4,800 So wad ara ore gad oan dtr cited a “afer aia art se @ weet 3 RR ae PuEe A ayn (2) anf GA arent 2) wert Sw aa Baw F aa 4) afr SA ag earl arnt aaa at () weet ar S arr oat set att & (2) Gas BTS wre oPeafia ae = (8) SaET aN F we ae = (4) sata § 8 ate ei vie, adie oi HB Ta QT ATT Praert ayo FAT: 22:1 8) Peas saa ger & ae va en oT 3: 2 ar 2) ary ae aga a @ 2:1 (3) 3:2 (2) tet (4) 1:2 Cat.-3/41 (28) 128. 129. 130, 181. X, Y and Z ave partners sharing profits in the ratio of 2: 1: 1. X died on 30th June, 2010 and profits for the accounting year ended on Sist 2010 were Rs. 48,000. How much amount of profits will be credited to X's account ? December, (1) Bs. 12,000 (3) Rs. 6,000 (2) Re, 24,000 (4) Rs. 4,800 Joint life insurance policy amount received by a firm is distributed in (1) Old profit ratio of partners sharing Opening capital ratio New profit ratio of partners shaving (4) Closing capital ratio Fixed costs are those costs which (5 do production not vary with level of (2) vary with level of production (3) increase with level of production (4) None of the above The old profit sharing ratio among Rachit, Satish and Ram were 2: 2: 1 The new profit sharing ratio after Rachit's retirement is 3; 2 The gaining ratio ia (2st ya (3) 8:2 (4) 1:2 132. 183, 134, 185. 136. dite afaeat a gafam Rarer sar & () Sear a cet (2) eh sandler GERI (3) Feea FH TET (4) afer ar eaeuet BH TTT aft a gate arse sar at wa () 12.68, 1998 (2) 30 77H, 1992 (3) 1a, 1992 (4) 30%, 1990 ‘Pola RRs Past S ner sr 2 ae were (1) det Cho gat aT (2) asf Ito BI wy (3) 2 Fata ar (4) Fito Ho Tae a fea qe 4 a ce aie Pret a ae 8 Para aaa & ? ) ert oT aT (2) 35 GT 3) ag art (4) sett ert a cd ya ar a aH ay Fe art = cy at} ar aafstr ar @) oat & ae att a a oft (3) sett & oe Fee aT (4) rT aA fay oe tas (eae) aa ae Cat.3/41 (27) 132, 133. 134, 135. 136, Contigent liabilities are shown due to (@) Convention of conservation (2) Pull disclosure convention (8) Convention of Materiality (4) Convention of Consistency SEBI was given statutory status on (1) 12th April, 1998 (2) 80th January, 1992 (8) 1st April, 1992 (4) 30th June, 1990 ‘Decision is the selection among different alternatives’ this statement is of (1) Peter F. Drucker (2) George R. Terry (3) Henry Fayol (4) R.S. Davar From which account one person can draw money as many times as he likes ? (1) Fixed Deposit Account (2) Saving Account (8) Current Account (4) Recurring Account Debit balance of receipt and payment account indicates a (2) profit earned during the year the excess of expenditure over income of the period the total cash payments during the period cash in hand and bank balance on the date of calculation (3) (4) PTO. 137. 138, 139, 140. 1AL. Fra % @ faces dae cattn B (ber ee BH (2) ea (3) Os sire ART @) arte eit 1d} orn} sfroret Bear ar CL) Reg dedicat & (2) OF (3) aro Pa ¥ @) fat ae eae Rae va aad aaa aie tes adi a Bie Je Rar ona, ah “Ae Pritt fa a geg are ore A ge wet fet TAY, et wer wera a (1) sitet oer (2) Fert aT (3) as eerdiort sé Ber onan (4) i a ag Hal sexo Go do aftr F ary () 38h, 1995 3 (2) "Te, 1995 % (3) Si, 1995 8 (4) srg, 1996 & wea 3 eae 5 (3) 3 (2) 2 4) 6 Cat.-3/41. (28) 137. 138, 139, 140, 141, Which of the following is a secondary storage device ? (1) Random Access Memory (2) Pen Drive (8) Read Only Memory (4) All of the above In 18th century the ‘entrepreneur’ was introduced by term (1) Richard Cantillon (2) Allen (3) R, Bittel (4) Breach When preparing a Bank Reconciliation statement, if you start with a debit balance as per cash book, then "cheques issued but not presented within the period” are (1) added (2) deducted (8) not required to be adjusted (4) none of the above W. T. O. came into existence in (1) April, 1995 (2) March, 1995 (3) January, 1995 (4) January, 1996 Levels of Management are M6 (2) 2 (3) 3 6 (29) A 142. Pe 4 a a sree wae often at arr 142, Which of the following is not a wae? component of Database Management System ? (1) Ser eR (1) Data Dictionary (2) water sre (2) Application Programs (3) Gait eee (3) Accounting Transaction. (4) are Fwy ae (4) None of the above 143, “eet ang ator’ afte at et 143. The 'Gold Card Scheme’ is announced for CD. sisrenitat & fare, (1) Shareholders (2) Prafeeet & fare (2) Exporters (3) sree & far (3) Importers (4) ahaha $ Re (4) Employees 144. earth sera Tara TAT 144, Partnership Act formed in (a 19324 (2) 1928 ® (a) 1932 (2) 1928 (3) 1956 # = (4) 1942 (3) 1956 (4) 1942 145. NGO 7% 145, The term NGO is ) ae aati atti (1) Non Governmental Organisation (2) AR Tet SFR (2) Non Gaurantee Organisation (8) Aare rete sifer (3) National Governing Office @ Aha aire (4) Non Government Officials 146. 0% Rea 29 TAIT, 2010 a eH ATE a 146. A bill was drawn on 29th January, sree aor Revere, eee Be fae SP 2010 for one month. Its due date will be 24s, 2010 | (2) 2nd March, 2010 (2) 347, 2010 | (2) 8rd March, 2010 (3) 441, 2010 (3) 4th March, 2010 a) water AS ay aE (4) None of the above Cat-3/41 P.T.0. A (30) wa7. gS Ge we dala cif a scree) 147. Which is not an example of an were? accounting policy ? co art waka a agar (1) Valuation of Fixed Assets (2) ete a aR (2) Valuation of Inventories (3) Reser a aaa (3) Going Concern ) ger wel a or (4) Treatment of Temporary Profits 148, fei 3 8 Sica we7t? 148, Which one of the following is correct ? a) ae wie - 33 7 Ae a () Closing Stock ~ Cost of goods arid + on Prs ceferar = 94 sold + Opening Stock = Purchases (2) one cele + aioe xeftar — (2) Opening Stock + Closing Stock a are a = — Cost of goods sold = Purchases (3) 33 Te SH aM + aha Tela (8) Cost. of goods sold + Closing — arlene caira = ar Stock — Opening Stock = Purchases: Wa wom A ae — aber (4) Cost of goods sold — Closing ear + orftua thre = Fr Stock + Opening Stock = Purchases 149. A a BO G4 F aden @ Bre Bh 149. A and B are partners in a firm with HAs: 36,000 To GH 40,000 Go BIC capital of Rs. 36,000 and Rs. 40,000. : L | om & fare saat reat & aie 48,000 C was admitted for 5 rd share in ‘0 dt 3 wa HF ener? wear profit and brings Rs. 48,000 as eee A faeeer ES ee a capital. Caleulate the amount of eB eulid goodwill of the firm (1) 24,0002 (2) 10,000 80 (a) Rs. 24,000 (2) Rs. 10,000 (3) 20,000 50 (4) 16,000 80 (3) Rs. 20,000 (4) Rs, 16,000 150, tan aati & 150. Profession is related to a) aaa ()) Services (2) arrentar afafary @ (2) Business activity (3) fare & (8) Specialisation +e (4) aR a (4) Wages Cat-3/4t

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