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Editor responsibilities

correcting spelling mistakes and grammatical errors

sub-editing text written by a number of authors to ensure consistent house style

working with IT-based publishing systems and databases, as well as via the internet, CDROMs or from paper manuscripts

liaising regularly with authors and publishers by phone and email

checking that authors have provided all the required materials and paperwork

resolving queries directly with the author, e.g. style and text inconsistencies

coding manuscripts for design features, such as hierarchy of headings, to instruct the
production team

creating artwork briefs to detail the content of illustrations

ensuring that illustrations are correctly captioned and referred to in the text

producing or working to a style checklist to ensure consistency in hyphenation,

capitalisation, formatting of references, etc

maintaining awareness of new words or phrases coming into popular usage with a view to
ensuring they're appropriate for the readership

retrieving articles from archives and rearranging within publications

preparing preliminary pages for the title, contents and preface of a publication

overseeing the work of indexers, typesetters and designers

Project coordinator responsibilities

Writes, drafts and/or edits, and submits for final approval

Edits all elements for style, substance and organization. Reorganizes text to create
consistency in grammar, format, and message. Recommends substantive editorial

changes as needed. Reviews, proofs and fact-checks all copy, and may perform layout
work of a detailed and complex nature
Oversees all aspects of production, often of multiple publications; copy editing, fact
checking and quality assurance stages; often using desktop publishing or other
publication-specific software tools
Provides text and technical services to developing and maintaining Web pages and/or
other forms of electronic communication
Organizes copy flow, coordinates multiple production schedules and printing deadlines;
troubleshoots and remedies related issues; Coordinates relationship with
vendors/readers/customers; negotiates, researches and coordinates requests for proposals
(RFPs), and makes recommendations to manager on vendor relationships
Serve as liaison to contributors/faculty/authors and others directly involved in the
published work: solicits chapters, edits submissions, conveys editorial comments,
resolves issues, ensures deadlines are met
Ensure permissions standards for content and image are consistent and documented;
coordinate post production activities, such as mailing, mail house arrangements,
coordinating copyright registration, and permissions activities

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