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Sample Answer 1:
The given graphs show the reason why students from different age groups study and also show the
support they get from their employers.

According to the first bar graph, people who are under 40 years old mostly study for the career while

people over 49 years mainly study for their interest. Interestingly for the age group 40 to 49, there number
of people who study for career and the number of people who study for interest is same. 80% students
under 26 years old continue their study for having a good career while only 10% of this age group does that
for subject interest. The percentage of students who study for career decreases with the increase of their
age and an opposite pattern can be observed for the percentage of students who study for subject interest
rather than their career enhancement.

Based on the bar graph 2, more than 60% students under 26 years old get support from their employers for
their education and this supports includes the time off and monetary supports they get. This percentage
reduces with the increase of age and at 30-39 age group, 32% get the support from the employers. After
that the employers support for their employees education increases and reaches to 45% for the over 49
years age group.

In summary, most young people continue their study to have a career and as they grow up, their main
reason for study becomes interests on subjects and the employees less than 30 years of age and over 49
years of age get more support from their employers than other age groups.
(Approximately 263 words)
( This model answer can be followed as an example of a very good answer. However, please note that this
is just one example out of many possible approaches.)
Sample Answer 2:
The bar graphs illustrate the factors of students to further their studies, divided by various age categories
and the support given by the employers in terms of financial and work time.
Overall, it is clearly shown that there is a decreasing trend for the students who study for the career as they
become older, whereas the reverse is true for those who study for interest.

First of all, it is apparent that the highest percentage of students who study for the career is among the
student aged under 26 (80%) and the lowest for this figure is approximately 20% for those who are over 49
years old. Turning to the study purpose of interest, the least proportion of students is those who aged 26
and the peak is over 49 years old. In addition, the same percentage of people, aged 40 to 49, study for
their career and interest on subjects. To compare, more students study for their careers than for their
interests in different subjects.

The second bar chart tells us that the employers give more support to their young employees (those under
26 years old) and elderly workers with the least support provided to those in the age range of 30 to 39.

Writing Task 2 :
Model Answer 1:
It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying after
graduating from high school. This trend is not restricted to rich students who have the money to travel but is
also evident among poorer students who choose to work and become economically independent for a
period of time.

The reasons for this trend may involve the recognition that a young adult who passes directly from school
to university is rather restricted in terms of general knowledge and experience of the world. By contrast,
those who have spent some time earning a living or travelling to other places have a broader view of life
and better personal resources to draw on. They tend to be more independent, which is a very important
factor in academic study and research, as well as giving them an advantage in terms of coping with the
challenges of student life.

However, there are certainly dangers in taking time off at that important age. Young adults may end up
never returning to their studies or finding it difficult to re-adapt to an academic environment. They may think
that it is better to continue in a particular job or to do something completely different from a university
course. But overall, I think this is less likely today when academic qualifications are essential for getting a
reasonable career.

My view is that young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons. That is the best way for
them to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why. Students with such a
perspective are usually the most effective and motivated ones and taking a year off may be the best way to
gain this.
(Approximately 291 words)
Model Answer 2:
Peoples are divided on the issue that countries should encourage the young peoples to do jobs or to travel
before attending university. Some people think that it is better for students to attend university, while others
believe that travelling and working before joining the university for formal education is better for the
students to understand the world. In my opinion, it is very important for students to develop communication,
attain maturity and develop professional attitudes and the later approach is the better way of achieving it.
First of all, this will prepare the students for higher education. In the school student are no fully matured.
Even some remain childish in thinking and behaviour. In the university, a student will meet with different
types of peoples so there require a good understanding and mental maturity stage for that. The university
campus provides special and deep knowledge of particular field which require hard working and learning
capability. Because university education and teachers prepare the students to survive in the real world on
his own basis any place, some prior travel and work experience would even accelerate it more.

Moreover, it will make one to understand the professional life. This will provide important experience to a
student to mange theirs studies with work, because in higher studies students have to finance their studies
or to work in research laboratories. Working at shop or small office will teach the students to understand the
working pressure, cooperation with coworkers and complete the task in schedule. In my school days I
worked in a drug selling shop from where I learned how to convince and cool down the angry customer
during selling. This, later on, proved to be valuable experience in my university level.

Finally, it gives the chance to improve communication skill. Communication skill is an important part not
only at working area but also in learning centre. With excellent speaking and respecting attitudes, one can
win the favour of opposing persons. Travelling makes the person to share views and learn various cultures,
languages from other peoples. Exchanging opinion enriches ones speaking ability.

In summation, it is clear that pre-university jobs and travelling are vital experiences. These not only prepare
one for civil life and toward maturity but also make one to improve communication skill.

Model Answer 3:
Men have been experimenting all the probable ways to lead a better life. In such a way, teenagers are
allowed to explore the world before starting their tertiary education either through job or travelling. Both the
advantages and disadvantages will be discussed before a reasonable conclusion is found.
A break period after secondary school has been proven to be beneficiary for the youngsters. Initially, by
visiting places, individuals will be exposed to diverse cultures, traditions and a wide variety of people and
these visits are helpful to attain social knowledge. It aids in their higher studies; for instance, in conducting
thesis related to community. Next, prior working experience will be added as a good point, as it prepares
them for work. Moreover, many companies prefer experienced staff members.

However, there are few drawbacks in sending them for work or tour. Education process will be disrupted.
As a result, the students may not show interest towards higher studies while a few of them continue to work
in the same sector. As youngsters start to earn money through work, they may incline towards bad habits
such as smoking, alcohol consumption, drug addiction and so on. Lastly, making a trip will for a long period
may affect their financial status if they run out of money which may indulge in debts.

Overall, it is apparent that although there are few benefits of encouraging youth to work or travel, the
disadvantages are outweighed. Hence, I opine that young people should have continuation in their studies
to prosper in life.

(Approximately 253 words)

Model Answer 4:
Taking a study break after high school and before starting university is very common in certain countries.
Many people take a year break to either travel and explore different countries or they may take up some job
in gain experience. This practice has both pros and cons.
First of all, taking a break could really help in rejuvenating people. When you travel, you gain a lot of
experience. Usually, when people are in high school they live under protected home environment; in the
case of any problem, you can seek parents and friends help and advice. But when you travel, you are on
your own and if you face any problem, you learn to deal with it. This not only gives you the experience to
deal with tough situations later in the life but also gives confidence.

Many a times, young people are confused regarding their career options and are often in dilemma
regarding the subjects to choose in universities. Taking up a job before university can help in identifying the
field of interest and provide relevant experience. At the same time it also makes them financially
independent, some students often save money to fund their university study with this. For instance, before
starting university, I was confused whether I should go for computer engineering or electronics engineering;
but after working in small start up computer company, I realised that I liked coding and would spend hours
in front of computers to automate several process. This work experience helped me in clearing up my mind
and I was 100 percent confident that this is something I would study and having a career in.

Sometimes taking a break can also have negative impacts on people. When ones start working, people
often take up jobs that require low skills yet provide easy money. For example, jobs like salesman, BPO
jobs etc. Since people become financially independent, they might continue doing the same job and never
join university back. It is quite evident in developed countries where many students take up menial jobs and
drop out of universities.

In a nutshell, as every coin has two sides; on one side taking a break can really help some people to gain
exposure to the world, understand the diversity and make better career choices. On the other side, it may
ruin their whole life, easy access to money can restrict their desire to further studies. It is therefore very
crucial that one evaluates all the options and take an informed decision

Model Answer 5:
Nowadays it is a trend in some countries that the young people travel before they start the university
studies. Travelling to other countries is not a barrier for the rich students as they have enough money to
spend. There are many merits and demerits for young people who decide to do this.
Firstly, students can fill the time gap between finishing high school and starting university studies. They do
not have to simply sit at home. Secondly, even poor people can work after their high school and earn

money for their higher studies so that there will not be any burden for their parents. Thirdly, working and
travelling in foreign countries allows gaining knowledge about the culture, norms, and values of that
country. Furthermore it increases our communication skill. More over students can find out the different
courses and studies available in the country and they can choose the further studies according to their
taste. Again working or travelling help people to face the realities of life and they will be prepared to
manage the obstacles in their future life. In addition to this, work and travel make young people
independent for their future university studies. As a result, they will become self-confident and it increases
their self-esteem.

On the contrary, there are some disadvantages too. Sometimes people will never return to their academic
studies so that country will lose its scholars. Again young people may continue their work and they may
lack their interest in studies. I think very few people only discontinue the studies as higher qualifications are
needed for a good job.

When we weigh both sides, the advantages are more. From the above reasons, in my opinion, countries
should encourage their young people to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting
university studies.

Model Answer 6:
It is understandable to think that taking a year between finishing high school and starting university studies
might be a good thing to do. For starters, both working and travelling are two activities that provide
experiences of some sort to anyone, and doing so, should give the student a new perspective on his or her

A high school student is 18 at the time he has to enter university. At that age, one could think that he is too
young to work. But far from being truth, starting a job will prove to be something good in the future, as long
as it isn't a stressful and slavering job. By the time the young boy is ready to begin his university studies, he
will be more responsible, more experienced and aware of what he wants to do with his life.

If instead of working, he wants to travel, although not making as much money as if he worked, the
experience wouldn't be any disappointing. Travelling the world is a rewarding adventure, where a person
can learn more about others and about itself. Besides, travelling alone, gives you the time to think about
yourself, if your life is going the right way and if you are ready to take the next step. Learning about other
cultures can help you grow a critical view about your own, and be ready to face changes and obstacle
during your life.

Although I agree with the premise, I don't think it should be encouraged to take more than a year. If this
happens, there is a chance that the student loses focus and forgets about the university. While making a

career in the workplace would be great, we should encourage young and capable students to achieve a
higher level of education even if they already have a job.

With all that, and with the expressed opinion about the duration, I agree that it should be encouraged for
young people to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies, so
we can build a better life for the citizens of the future.

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