Graphic Narrative

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Digital Graphic Narrative Structure

The story has a narrative structure some stories may be: open, closed, single
stranded, multi stranded, linear, non-linear, realist and antirealist.
My story is a linear story because it doesnt jump between the past and the present
therefore it make the story more direct and easier to understand which is perfect for
a childrens book. An example of a non-linear story would be Pulp Fiction as it uses
many flashbacks in order to help the more complex story unlike my childrens book.
My book has a single strand story line this means that there is only one story being
told this is the opposite to the program Eastenders as this contains many different
minor and major stories which helps the program in make the story more authentic
as well as showing different characters perspectives on certain situations therefore
due to the high complexity wouldnt make it good for a childrens book.
My book is a closed story also, as it has a clear ending unlike an open story as this
means that the story does not have a clear conclusion, which allows the story to
continue. Examples of this would be comic books as they are open to allow different
scenario for the superheroes also soap operas do this in order to create more
storylines so that they can keep the show exciting and realistic.
The Story I have used has a realistic storyline this means that the story could
happen in real life unlike a story, which is anti-realistic as this couldnt happen or is
physically possible. An example of an anti-realistic story is Star Wars as it is located
in a galaxy millions of miles away in which there are different species and planets
because of this means that it is highly unlikely any of this would happen.
Then creating a story it requires different components in order to make it interesting
and engaging for an audience, Components are also important for the structure of a
story as by using certain components allows the story to show a clear direction in
where it is going.
The first and maybe the most important component in my book is the opening as this
allowed me to introduce the characters as well as this allowed the audience to gage
an understand on the aesthetics and style of the book, secondly the opening allows
me to introduce the timing of the book this is most important as means that the
audience can get immersed in the story.
Another component I have used is a climax this is when the story becomes its most
exciting as a character's fate can change. This is important in my story as it
highlights a twist, as this is the most engaging time in the story.

The main component I have used in my story is the enigma component this is when
a character is faced with a puzzle which they must overcome in order for the story to
continue or end. In my case the enigma is the King's Ring, which the king had to
figure out where the ring has gone, this is also used to intrigue the viewer in the story
which is important in creating a successful and exciting story.
In many other stories the author uses different components in order to increase the
complex and the context of the story on of these components which are common in
many stories is the uses of manipulation and time, this is when the author will make
characters appear in different time periods and an example of this would be in Star
Wars where they use flashbacks in order to help progress the complex story.
Conflict is used in many stories although in my story this isnt a present theme or
component although in many stories this is shown an example of this would be in the
film where in Star Wars the main character seeks for revenge and this is the main
way that the film is progressed and because of this it is used in many films in order to
aid and become the centre of progression in the film.
In the Story there is finally a resolution this is the ending of the story. In my story this
is used to show the consequences of what just happen and in my story this is
displayed clearly to the audience.

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