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be/get used to :

before/after/in/for/about/instead of/in spite of/at/with/of/by/without :

. ing
Are you interested in working for us?
Im not very good at learning languages.
Before going out, I phoned Sarah.
You can improve your English by reading more.
We ran ten kilometers without stopping.
to . to :
. ing .
: to
We decided to go out.
Would you like to meet for lunch tomorrow?
: to
We drove from London to Edinburg.
I prefer tea to coffe.
: to
I prefer driving to travelling by train.
Are you looking forward to going on holiday.

Verb + + ing

. ing
We talked about the problem.
You must apologize for what you said.
Succeed(in) insist(on) think (of) dream(of) approve(of)- decide(against) feel(like)
Look forward(to)
(. ing ) .
Have you succeed in finding a job yet?
They insisted on paying for the meal.
Im thinking of buying a house.
I wouldnt dream of asking them for money.
He doesnt approve of swearing.
We have decided against moving to London.
Do you feel like going out tonight.
Im looking forward to meeting her.
approve of somebody doing look forward to approve of :
. look forward to somebody doing
I dont approve of people killing animals for fun.
We are all looking forward to Peter coming home.

. verb + object + preposition + -ing : 2

Congratulate(on) accuse(of) suspect(of) prevent (from) stop(from) thank(for)
Excuse(for) forgive(for)
I congratulate Liz on getting a new job.
They accused us of telling lies.
Nobody suspected the general of being a spy.
What prevented you from coming to see us?
The rain didnt stop us from enjoying our holiday.
I forgot to thank them for helping me.
Excuse me for being so late.
Please forgive me for not writing to you.
. stop somebody from doing stop somebody doing stop :3
You cant stop me doing what I want. OR You cant stop me from doing what I want.
. :4
We were accused of telling lies.
The general was suspected of being a spy.
. to apologize :5
I apologize to them for keeping them waiting.(Not I apologize them)

Bet/Get used to something

. .
Diane has a new job. She has to get up much earlier now than before at 6:30. She finds this
difficult because she isnt used to getting up so early.
. 6:30 .

Barbaras husband is often away from home. She doesnt mind this. She is used to him being
. . .
Our new flat is on a very busy street. I expect well get used to the noise, but at the moment its
very disturbing.
: be/get used to ing .
)She is used to driving on the left.(Not she is used to drive
to .
Frank is used to living alone.
:2 Im used to doing : I used to do
Im used to doing ing
. I used to do
. to .
Im used to the weather in this country.
I used to drive to work every day, but these days I usually go by bike.
English grammar in use
Raymond Murphy


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