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The princess Niloufer of Hyderabad

Long ago if there will be awarded the title of miss world, then
the following three princesses of India would be have been
deserved as they were very beautiful princess in the world.
These were princesses of Indian states as follows.
1.Princess Gaitari of Rajahtan State.
2.Princess Dur Shahwar of Barar State.
3.Princess Nilofour of Hyderabad State.
The story of the life of the princess Nilofer is very surprising
and very interesting. She was lost in the shadow of her father
when she was only two years old and when she was become 8
years, then the royal family of the Turkish Kingdom was sent
out of the country in the exile and the family was going into the
South of France in Nice city. There was no source of income for
the family of livelihood. So for the entire royal family was
depended on the pension grant by H.E.H the Nizam of
Hyderabad. At that time Nizam was the richest person in the
world as per report of the time magazine of new York. After
some years there was proposed of the marriage of the daughter
of the last caliph of Turk Kingdom. During the conversation
about marriage the H.E.H the Nizam was felt that the Turkish

people were asking huge amount of dowry and hard conditions.

To fulfil this proposal the Nizam was agreed to marry Niloufer
with his younger son. In this way 1931 two Turkish brides were
added in the royal of family of Hyderabad and their names are as
follows. 1. Princess Nilofer 2. Princess Dur Shawwar.
At the time of marriage Princess Nilofer was only 15 years.
After some weeks Princess Nilofer and Prince Dur Shawwar
were proceeding towards journey to India by sea travel and
during journey period the brides were trained how to wear
Indian Sari and how to behave during the visit of the Nizam of
Upon reaching Bombay there they boarded a special train of
Hyderabad. When Nilofer reached Hyderabad Railway Station,
then she came out of the train and was put her steps slowly. All
were looking for her and Nilofer went along with her husband
Hill Fort. His husband was an Urdu poet and who used to
conduct nearly a meeting of the poets in the every evening
time. He used to spend to his life in royal style. Their life seems
to be very comfortable and in the Kingdom of Hyderabad
everything was going smooth and well. After the end of the year
there was born one boy to Dur Shehwar and his name is known
as Prince Mukerram Jah. But there were no children were born
to Princess Nilufer. She was consulted many doctors in the
European countries and she was planning for her medical visit to
U.S.A. During this period her maid Ruqsat Unisa was died

during the delivery time. At that time there was no hospital in

Hyderabad specialized for care of children and women. So for
this reason she has decided to establish such a hospital in
Hyderabad. In this way the present Princess Nilufar Hospital in
Hyderabad was constructed by Princess Nilufer. Due to no
children her private life was becoming an empty. On the other
side her public life was becoming shining and bright. She was
used to invited in many functions and she used to participate in
the leading role in the cause of women. During the second
world she was undergone nursing training and she helped in
relief works. Her beauty and her active public worlds activities
were mentioned by the press. Her photos were printed on cover
page of magazines many times. She was declared most beautiful
among ten women in the world and she was offered many types
of roles in the films. The style of Princess Nifofer was attractive
for the public and also it was cause of attention of the press and
media. She used to wear sarees specially designed by the
Madhwodas company from Bombay.
During the 1947 India was becoming independent. There was
a special stand of Princess Nilofer on this matter. For Hyderabad
State have to decide to include in the Indian Union. There was
reluctance with Nizam whether to include in the Indian Union
or not to include in the Indian Union. At last Hyderabad State
was merged in the Indian Union.

When the Indian Army did a police action in Hyderabad then at

that time he was head of the State, but his previous status was
no more with him. Prince Nilofer was able to know in France
during her journey period about the destruction of Hyderabad
State then she had decided not to return back to Hyderabad.
After some period her marriage was also finished. She lived
with her mother in France in a flat there. As her age at that time
was only 36 years old so still she has attracted in herself. Among
her friends were included Ali Khan, son of Agha Khan, due of
Windseror, Princess Sita of Baroda, and film stars like Marice
Chaurlire, Olivia De Howland, she was offered a role in
Hollywood film Muolin Rouge but she was refused for it. Then
Princess Nilorufer was dies in Paris in the year 1989. And in
area of Bagini in Cimetiere Musulman she was buried. Her
grave is situated at the back side of her mother. In Hyderabad
every year on 4th January fruits were distributed among the
patients of Nilufer children hospital Hyderabad.
------------------------------------Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
Hyderabad, India

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