Companion Manual The Unconventional Fat Loss 99 Trainers Don't Tell You

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The Unconventional

Fat Loss Methods 99%

of Trainers Dont Tell
DVD Companion
By Yarixa Ferrao A.K.A. Coach Yari

Disclaimer: The information contained in this book is

NOT for substitute for the advice of a qualified
medical professional, who should always be
consulted before beginning any new health, diet or
exercise program. If you are pregnant or nursing or
taking any kind of prescription medications, or if you
are under special care of a physician, be sure to have
your doctor's advice or supervision. Your doctor
should be aware of all medical conditions you have as
well as the medications and vitamin supplements you
are taking. Your doctor should be the authority on
optimum dosage requirements for all nutrients and
2009 Yarixa Ferrao and
This book may not be copied in whole or in part. All
rights are reserved. Violation will be prosecuted to
the full extent under US copyright laws.
Coach Yaris Booty Bootcamp

I think, to be a really good Personal Trainer and Fitness Coach you

need to really love people. And I do. But, that could not be possible if
I didnt take the time to love myself, and take care of myself
physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I firmly believe that before
you can take great care of others you must take care of yourself.
-Coach Yari

Wow, what an amazing journey it has been for the making of my DVD
and Companion Manual. It all started with my vision board. Then the
idea of doing a retreat came up on a Saturday morning make-up class
a couple of months before summer 2009, which I can vividly still
remember. And Now, the DVD is here after much hard work and
It took me a couple of weeks scribbling on notebook paper during
breakfast to come up with the title The Unconventional Fat Loss
Methods 99% of Trainers Dont tell You! but it came out, and pretty
catchy if I may say so myself. Lol.
Gosh- I feel blessed. I am doing what I genuinely believe in and Im
so happy to be sharing it with you. I always had a mind of my own
and have always said and done what my heart truly feels. Its no
coincidence most of the information given in this DVD and manual is
contrarian to the popular belief.
I have put forth my maximum effort with the intention of helping
people live life to the fullest. My # 1 desire is to help as many people
as possible live a healthy and happy life. This DVD is just another

stepping stone, another beautiful part of my journey, and now yours

Enjoy! Cheers to you and your beautiful life! And Thank YOU!
With all my most positive energy and love,
Coach Yari

Table of Contents:
How to Create a Vision Board P. 5-6
Meditation Step by Step.P. 7-8
Self Hypnosis to Achieve your goalsP. 9-10
6 Easy Ways to Burn More FatP. 11-12
Stop Feeling Bloated and Tired..P. 13-15
12 Perfectly Combined RecipesP.16-27
Foam Rolling.P. 28-31
Sample Warm-ups and Stretching..P.32-42
5 Sample Workouts for 3 Easy ExercisesP.43-45
5 Sample Workouts for Compound Ex. Variations..P. 46-47
ResourcesP. 48-49

How to Create A Vision Board

I first saw the vision board idea in the movie the Secret, and ever
since then I have applied it into my life, and wow, pretty amazing
stuff has happened! You can view the making process on the DVD so
you can gather ideas, but here is a little insight and a step by step
guide to compliment it.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------As the unique individual that you are, you have unique ideas of where
you want to live, what you want to accomplish, what kind of car you
want, where you would like to travel, what your ultimate desire is,
where you want to work, how you want to feeletc.
Nothing is too big, nothing is too small. Know that you are just as
powerful and as creative as anyone or anything you may think is
larger than life. You can be, do, or have anything when you are
coming from a loving place.
Creating a vision board, or an image board, takes all of your great
mental images into the first step of practical and material form. This
vision board brings about clarity and keenly defines the things that
you want. The Board will always be present to allow daily virtual
reality. And, by simply placing the board in a place where you can see
it everyday gets you to feel the feelings of already acquiring the big
house, the new black Audi, the lean and fit body, the trip to Rome,
being and feeling genuinely happy, and the bright smile from the joy
you are now feeling in your life.
Get as creative as possible, you are an unlimited being! Go Get it!
Have fun with it!
And as my friend Brian Sheen always says, What you dwell on, you
Creating A Vision Board-Step by Step
Step 1: Gather all the magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, brochuresanything that is of interest to you. Get a variety such as Shape
Magazine, Muscle and Fitness, Mens Health, Home, Yoga Journal,
car magazines, real estate pamphlets, photo albumsyou know what I
mean jelly bean?

Step 2: Get a Cork Board, a Cardboard, a poster board, glue, tacks,

magnets (depending on the board) and Scissors.
Step 3: Before you begin cutting away like a mad person, make sure
you feel comfortable in the place where you will do this creative
process. This is your time. Suggestions: Put on some music if you
like. Light Some candles if you wish (this usually brings a sense of
peace for me when I do my creating). And take a brief moment, close
your eyes, and ask God, the universe, or whatever you believe to allow
yourself to be as open as possible to the ideas and things that you
want. This will allow a deeper experience.
Step 4: Start Cutting and Gluing! I like to do the cutting all at once,
then I will gather the pictures and paste them afterwards. But do
whatever comes to you. Have Fun!!!!!
Step 5: Hang it in a visible place in your room, bathroom, or kitchen!
**** Understand you dont need anything on the vision board to make
you happy, satisfied, or complete. You already have this happiness
within you. Now, I bet, you are already asking yourself why make a
vision board. Why put forth the time and energy if you already have it
all within you? It is the same reason why you played hopscotch, four
corners, double dutch, or dreamt of going to Disneyland- Because its
fun and gives life a positive and pleasant experience. Now as we are
older, our dreams have grown up with us, and we want to have a glass
of wine in Paris instead. The point is to be present in all of our real
life dreams. So thats why meditation and visualization go hand in
So dont miss out the meditation portion of the DVD or in this
Companion Manual.

Meditation Step by Step

Meditation is about coming to know the self. Meditation is knowing
that which is not your story. Meditation is about knowing who is the
one doing the knowing of your story. - Dr. Brian sheen
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meditation is the clearing of your mind and thoughts thereby offering
no resistance creating a pure, peaceful, high, and fast vibration.
So Why Meditate??
Just for a better understanding on meditation, I really like the
example in the book Ask and It is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks:
Imagine a Cork bobbing on a body of Water. (That represents the
place of high, pure, fast vibration that is actually natural to you.)
Now imagine holding the cork down under the water. (That is what
resistance is like.) And now, imagine letting go of the cork- and see it
rise back up to the surface of water.
Like the cork, naturally floating on the waters surface, it is natural
for you to experience the high, fast, pure vibration, free of the
hindering resistance. And like the cork, if you are not doing
something that holds you down under the water, you will bob right
back up to the surface where you belong. In other words, you do not
have to work at being at the high vibration that is natural to you
because it is natural to you.
This explains how thoughts are the resistance, or the water, that
doesnt allow us to flow freely and peacefully in harmony with who we
are. If you take all thoughts away, you are left with who you really
are: your essence-love and pure energy! Everything else that you
think is who you are is only story which only you have created and
told yourself. In other words, you are the giver of power to your story,
or to things, with the beliefs or thoughts you have about them.
With that being said, Meditation is the key that brings you to pure
vibration of joy, happiness, and love-the same as who you are!

How to Meditate
Sit in a quiet place where you arent likely to be interrupted.
Try to get into a comfortable position, whether you are sitting
on a chair or on the floor. (dont lie down because you may fall
asleep). As a suggestion, you can get meditation music and put
it on your i-pod, computer, or CD player. My meditation CD
recommendation is in the resources page.
Close your eyes, relax, and just breathe slowly into your lungs
and into your belly. Release the air comfortably. Thoughts will
most likely come to mind, dont worry, just release the thought
and refocus on your breathing or the music you are listening to.
A saying or mantra that Brian taught me is A-ham Brahm
meaning I am one with life. I repeat this over and over in my
mind to give me a point of focus allowing me to just be in the
moment. This could be a useful saying for you too.
Meditation is a process of quieting the mind, not visualization.
As you quiet your mind, you will feel weightless and free of
resistance which allows your vibration to rise to come into your
natural pure state.
Practice, Practice, Practice! The more you practice, the more
you will get the hang of meditation. Know that at the
beginning, if you have never meditated before, it may feel
unnatural, and that is ok.
Begin with just 5 minutes a day for the first week and then work
your way up to 15 minutes a day. I would recommend doing it in
the morning before anything, but any time you chose is fine.
The more you meditate, the more you will recognize what it
feels like to be in a higher vibration (feeling good) , so when you
experience any resisting thoughts or a lower vibration (feeling
bad) , you will know just how to regain and replenish your
natural balance and natural state of being-that which is at a
high and pure vibration. This is What Meditation is all

Self Hypnosis to Achieve your Goals!

Hypnosis is a Deep State of Relaxation and Reception. The critical
and judgmental conscious mind is temporarily suspended, enabling
you to become receptive to the suggestions you make to yourself.
This is another great method that can be used to acquire and reach
your goals.
On Disc 2 of The Unconventional Fat Loss Methods 99% of trainers
dont tell you Dr. Brian Sheen guides you step by step on just how to
do this. You can follow along with the video by closing your eyes and
following his instructions, just the same as the group that was there
What Brian has you do first is meditate, this brings you into an
altered state and since you are already in that altered state you can
then continue onto self hypnosis. In this segment, you first find out
what it is that you want and what it is you are lacking that is not
allowing you to achieve it. Then, Brian goes onto 3 basic steps in
order to be able to achieve whatever it is that you want.
Self Hypnosis may sound complicated, but in fact its very simple. All
you have to do is focus your attention and relax your body.
Easy steps for Self Hypnosis to achieve anything you really
Step 1: Close your eyes. Meditate as described in the step by step
guide in this companion manual or by following along the DVD.
Step 2: Find out what your intent is. Is your intent to be healthy? Is
it to be fit? Is it to find peace and balance in your life?
Step 3: Ask yourself What resource do I most need to ensure that I
reach this goal? Is it discipline, motivation, or is it consistency?
Step 4: Admit to your body and self that there is something missing
or lacking. Feel in your body what it is like to be lacking that. Do you
feel a caving of your chest, a tightness in your lower back, a lump in
your throat, a knot in your stomach?
Step 5: Take a deep breath. Have willingness and be open to the
possibility or accessing what it is you need in your body. Face your
palms face up to reinforce that you are open.

Step 6: When you find it place one hand in the other. Ask yourself
what gave you the drive to embrace that resource and utilize it? Take
the feelings of the drive and motivation and triple it, really feel it in
your body. Tell yourself that when you open your eyes you will
remember that resource that gave you the drive and motivation.
Step 7: What is the outcome? Visualize it. Feel it as if you are there.
Smile because you have accomplished it.
Step 8: While you are still relaxed in this receptive state tell yourself
When I hold my next hypnosis session I will be able to enter a deep
state of self hypnosis quickly and easily. And just before you open
your eyes, say When I count three, I will wake up, and when I wake
up I will feel great, I will feel terrific, and I will feel better than what I
have ever felt before. (Not on the DVD. From the book In the
Pursuit of Excellence, by Terry Orlick, PhD)
The last step (Step 8) is an autosuggestion or also called an
affirmation. As examples, Muhammad Ali said to himself all the time
I am the greatest and so he was one of the greatest boxers ever.
Louise L. Hay, one of my favorite authors, cured herself of cancer by
repeating to herself positive affirmations, doing visualization
exercises, and spiritual mind treatment. And, I also do visualization
exercises and affirmations all the time, which is why I am able to
achieve all that I want in my life.
The point is you have the same exact capability! Become aware of
your self talk, and if it is negative, correct it and turn it into
something positive. You too can change and heal your life!


6 Easy ways to Burn More Fat!

What is Metabolism? All the processes that take place in the body that
involve transformation of energy. Biochemical process of combining
nutrients with oxygen to release the energy needed to function. The
total expenditure of the reactions is measured in calories.
Every movement and every reaction require energy.
Each one of us has a different metabolism.
Largest percentage of metabolism is when you are at rest, (Resting
Metabolic Rate) which is why the more lean body mass you have, the
more calories you burn.
If you do low caloric diets your body will burn more lean tissue
because it needs to get energy from somewhere so the easiest way to
convert energy is by burning muscle protein since it only requires 4
calories instead of 9 that it takes from fat.
How to get fat to be burned? In other words how do we get it
to be used for energy?
1. Get the Fat to breakdown into free fatty acids. But deactivating
the hormone Sensitive Lipase can be the biggest setback
because it is what breaks Fat down. This hormone is affected by
2 things. Insulin and Catecholamine
Insulin is a DEACTIVATOR in Hormone Sensitive Lipase
(Insulin is secreted when we eat food, a high rise in insulin
decreases fat burning)
Catecholamine is an ACTIVATOR-primarily adrenaline
which travels through the bloodstream. This has 2 specific
receptors which are beta and alpha. When they bind to Beta
receptors they increase fat breakdown. So depending which
one they bind to they can either increase or decrease fat
breakdown through mobility.
Low insulin and high catecholamine= burning fat!
Insulin can be lowered by consuming less carbohydrates

Catecholamine can be increased by exercising.

2. Once the fat is broken down it enters the bloodstream. But free
fatty acids cant be burned in the bloodstream; it needs to travel
away from the fat cell. Poor Blood flow to stubborn fat makes it
difficult to be burned.
Carbs Increase Insulin. So less Carbs=less insulin which
then equals more blood flow to fat.
Blood flow takes it away from the fat cells and makes the
Free Fatty Acid run into a tissue.
Free Fatty acid has to be transported into the
mitochondria of the muscle (where fat is burned) by
Carnitine. But when glycogen (a carbohydrate, long chain
of glucose) is high, carnitine activity is low.
By keeping Insulin low, glycogen is kept low, increasing
the activity in carnitine which results in BURNING FAT!
6 Easy Ways to Burn More FAT
1. Do more compound core movements with moderate to heavier
weight Ex. Squat to a press, pushups, and pull-ups. Do my
workouts you will see!
2. Cut down on Aerobic long durational activity-this can actually
decrease your resting metabolic rate. It doesnt preserve lean
muscle, and the body adapts quickly, so using the same
intensity you will burn less calories with frequent exposure.
3. Incorporate PACE this increases oxygen debt, which means
Exercise Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC)which
means burning fat!
4. Drink a protein Shake 10 min before, sip during, and after your
workouts- 10 grams before is just fine, and sip a little more
during and have the rest within 45 minute window after the
5. Eat breakfast! One of the most important meals of the day.
6. Eat small meals throughout your day every 2.5 to 3. hours
consisting of mainly veggies and protein. This has a relatively
high thermic effect of food.
Plus 1 more important one you could easily incorporate: Meditate
for 5-10 min daily-reduces stress, decreases cortisol levels. Increases
ability to burn fat.

Stop feeling bloated and tired and become

Energized-without pills or potions!
When do you feel bloated? Have you become aware of what meals
make you feel bloated and lethargic? And what foods make you more
Take a moment and write down what you eat in your journals.
Most of us have 7-10 lbs of old fecal matter in our colon even if you
have bowel movement everyday. Disease originates in the colon.
When colon isnt clean this may mean constipation, headaches,
weight gain, skin problems, muscle and joint pain.
Eating right by itself is not enough for beating the bloat.

1. Proper Food Combining

Eat Fruits Alone or on an empty Stomach, however if you must
combine only do so with protein fats such as yogurt (plain),
kefir, or nuts and seeds. Why? Normally fruits take 30 min. to
digest, but when eaten with other foods such as a protein or a
starchy food they may take 3-5 hours. This then causes
fermentation, which leads to poor assimilation of nutrients, and
ultimately sets up an environment for yeast overgrowth.
Never eat a protein with a Starch! This places digestion at
a standstill because the digestive enzyme pepsin secreted when
eating protein is cancelled out by the digestive enzyme ptyalin
because they neutralize each other, causing poor absorption,
digestion, and elimination. In turn causes toxicity in the body
which then leads to other ailments. Yeah, this means meat and
potatoes dont mix!
Always eat protein with non-starchy or ocean veggies...ex. Fish
with steam veggies or large veggie salad with protein. Or veggie
Always eat grains and starchy veggies with non-starchy or ocean
veggies . Ex. Spinach salad with red potato, red peppers,
pumpkin seeds, chick peas, a little sprinkle of goat cheese on


Never Eat a large amount of Fat with Protein. This delays the
secretion of hydrochloric acid which is needed to digest protein.
Eat until you are 80% full to give your digestive tract a chance
to function properly.
2. Take digestive Enzymes with every meal-They break
down food particles for storage in the liver or muscles. But most
enzymes are destroyed by cooking because they are sensitive to
heat (118 degrees).. by supplementing you would reduce stress
on the body. As we grow older the ability to make our own
enzymes becomes less and less. (people who have hemeophelia
or blood thinners, pregnant women should consult doctor
before taking these enzymes)..taking enzymes will ensure you
continue to get full nutritional value from your food.
3. Do Not Drink liquids during your meals-! Drink no closer
than 10-15 min before a meal. And wait 1 hour or so after you
eat. The reason: It dilutes your digestive enzymes which aid
digestion. However, an exception to this rule would be warm
tea (green or ginger) or soup, because these aid digestion.
4. Drink plenty of water- This is good for proper functioning of
digestive tract. Make sure it is filtered water. Chlorine and
fluoride destroy friendly bacteria in digestive tract.
5. Exercise This moves stuff around. It is important in the
detoxification of the lymphatic system, which dumps toxins into
the circulatory system where they can be processed by the liver
and eliminated through the bladder or colon. (poop)
6. Find an alternative to Coffee such as Green Tea (nonacidic)other teas such as ginger help aid digestion.
7. Soak your nuts, seeds, and grains to take away enzyme
inhibitors and make more digestible(demonstration of soaking
nuts in stainless steel)
8. Take Probiotics- beneficial bacteria, normally present in
digestive tract. Vital for digestion, preventing overgrowth of

yeast and other pathogens (disease producing agent ex. Virus,

bacterium)..helps promote healthy colon cells, promote
regularity, help body create digestive enzymes that help body
digest food, help make use of nutrients that would otherwise
pass through the body undigested,
9. Cleanse your colon
Enema: used to help ease elimination from colon.
Two types: Retention Enema or cleansing.
-Retention (stays in system for about 15 min)- Coffee
enema- used to open the bile duct so toxins can be
released from the liver.
-Cleansing: Not retained in the body. Steamed Distilled
Colonic- a pleasant and convenient way to cleanse the colon, it
bathes entire colon using about 10 gallons of water per
session. Should only be administered by a trained therapist.
Avoid Sugar, flour products, and unfermented
dairy products
These foods are mucus forming. The mucus accumulate on the
walls of the colon which prevents nutrients from being absorbed
through the colon walls.


12 Perfectly Food Combined

RECIPES + 4 Bonus ones!
(Remember to take your enzymes!)

Breakfast Foods!
Recipe #1: Tasty Breakfast Eggs!
2 Whole Eggs Organic Cage Free, No Hormone or Antibiotics
Ham Organic Uncured Hormone and Antibiotic Free
Red Pepper Diced
1/6 Purple Onion Diced
1 tablespoon Olive oil or Olive oil Spray (organic)
Sprinkle of Sea Salt and Garlic Powder for taste
1. Coat the pan with either the Olive oil spray or actual oil.
2. Place the Onions, Peppers, and Ham at a low medium heat and let
them cook for 5 min or so. Take them out and place them on your
3. Coat the pan once more with the spray or oil and Cook the eggs on
Medium High Heat for about 1-2 min.
4. Place eggs on top of the onions, peppers, and Ham! Sprinkle with
Sea Salt and Garlic Powder.

Recipe # 2: Breakfast Goats Milk Yogurt and blueberry

Goats Milk Plain Yogurt (Redwood Hill Farms is my favorite)
Flaxseeds or Almonds
Stevia or xylotol


Get a clear cup, tall preferably, and have fun layering! Takes 2 minutes
prep time!
First layer is blueberries, Second layer is a sprinkle of stevia or xylotol
sweetener, Goats Milk yogurt, Third layer ** Soaked Almonds or
Flaxseeds, Fourth layer Goats Milk Yogurt, Fifth layer blueberries, top
with soaked flaxseeds or almonds if you dont soak the seeds or nuts, I
highly recommend you take enzymes for proper digestion.

Recipe # 3: Energizing Breakfast Protein Shake

American Whey Chocolate Protein Powder 1.5 scoops
3-4 oz of Water and 4-5 ice cubes
Raw Cacao Nibs 1 teaspoon.

Recipe # 4: Vegetarian Berry Power Rice Protein Shake

1 scoop of Vanilla Sun Warrior Rice Protein
3 oz of water 5 ice cubes
cup cherries (organic frozen)
cup of raspberries (organic frozen)
cup of blueberries (organic frozen)
Sprinkle of Organic Raw Cacao
Sprinkle of Organic dried Goji Berries
***To purchase the Raw Cacao Nibs and Goji berries as well as the
Sunwarrior Protein, Go here

Snack Foods:
Recipe # 5: Hand Full of Soaked Almonds:


The outer layer of nuts act as an enzyme inhibitor, it is best to soak them
in order to digest them properly. When doing this they also go from being
acidic in nature to more alkaline.
Place almonds in a stainless steel or glass container and cover them with
purified water overnight or for about 8-12 hours. Drain and Refrigerate.

Recipe # 6: Goats Milk Yogurt or Kefir cup. ( Redwood Hill

Farms is a great product since their goats roam freely and are well taken
care of, but if not get one that is similar)
Option 1-Do Plain if eating as a bedtime snack.
Option 2-If eating as a daytime snack, you can add blueberries or
any berries with stevia to sweeten.
Option 3- you can add a couple of soaked nuts for more crunch
and flavor.

Recipe # 7: Food for Lifes Genesis or Ezequiel Sprouted

Bread Options
Genesis or Eziquiel Bread (Sprouted Bread) with Cultured Butter.
Lightly toast and spread a slither of cultured butter.
Genesis or Ezequiel Bread (Sprouted Bread) with Almond Butter
and a hint of Agave.
Lightly toast and spread a teaspoon of almond butter. Add the agave
and spread.

Genesis or Ezequiel Bread with Coconut Oil, sprinkle of stevia or

xylotol (made from stevia), and a hint cinnamon.
In a small skillet, on medium high, place a teaspoon of coconut oil.
Place the Ezequiel bread on the skillet and let it absorb the coconut
oil. Flip over and add a little more coconut oil. Top with stevia and


Lunch Foods:
Recipe #7: The Quickest Wild Alaskan Smoked Salmon Salad!

(Funny! Ive been known to take pictures of my food

Smoked Alaskan Salmon

Organic Mixed Baby Greens
Cherry tomatoes
Red Bell Peppers
Crumbled Goat Cheese
Sea Salt
Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar (optional)

Prep time 5 min! Ready?

Throw the baby lettuce on your plate. Cut half red bell pepper and toss
it on top. Slice a small half of an avocado and place it on the bed of
lettuce as well. Throw a couple of cherry tomatoes in there. Place the
smoked salmon on the side. Add some capers. Sprinkle Crumbled Goat
Cheese. Drizzle a little Olive oil and sprinkle some sea salt to taste
(although smoked salmon has plenty, so be careful). If desired, add a little
balsamic vinegar on the lettuce.


Recipe # 8: Swordfish with Roasted Cucumber and Cherry

Tomatoes. By my friend, the Fresh Chef- Jeremy Hanlon
(Serves 4)

4 5 oz. swordfish steaks

1/2 tsp. olive oil
3 cloves garlic
2 tsp. olive oil
1 C halved cherry tomatoes
1 T chopped fresh basil
1 T chopped fresh oregano
1 cucumber chopped (skin on)
1 lemon juice
S and P to taste
1. Season swordfish with salt and pepper. Heat a saut pan with olive oil
until it is
Slightly smoking. Place swordfish and garlic in pan and cook 3-4 minutes in
order to
Encrust the fish. Flip and cook on other side for an additional two
2. Reduce heat to low and add cucumber, tomato and fresh herbs.
Squeeze fresh lemon
Juice over top immediately after. Continue to cook for two minutes.
3. Place fish on plate and top with vegetables in pan.

Recipe # 9: Stuffed Chicken Breast with Olives and

Artichokes. By my friend, the Fresh Chef Jeremy Hanlon
(Serves 4)

4 boneless, skinless chicken breast

1 tsp. chopped fresh thyme
1 tsp. chopped fresh rosemary
1/2 sweet onion
3 cups fresh spinach (chopped)
2 T olive oil
2 T chopped kalamata olives
Juice from 1/2 lemon


1 bunch asparagus (2 bottom inches cut off and discarded)

1/2 cup marinated quartered artichoke hearts
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes halved
1 T chopped parsley
S and P to taste
1. Place thyme, rosemary, onion and spinach and olives in food processor
and pulse four times or until well chopped and combined.
2. Cut a small opening in side of chicken breast and stuff herb/vegetable
mixture inside.
3. Place chicken in oven-proof baking pan, drizzle with 1 T olive oil, lemon
juice, and season with salt and pepper.
4. Bake in oven at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes until breast feel firm and
chicken is cooked. Save the flavor and juice in baking pan for sauce.
5. Toss asparagus in remaining olive oil, season with salt and pepper and
broil for 3-4 minutes.
6. Combine tomatoes, artichokes, parsley, asparagus and TASTE.
7. Place 1/4 of asparagus mixture on plate and top with chicken and

Recipe # 10: Coach Yaris Favorite Nutty Chocolate Protein

American Whey Chocolate Protein Powder 1.5 scoops
3-4 oz of Water and 4-5 ice cubes
Sprouted Pumpkin Seeds from Go Raw
Raw Cacao Nibs (only if drinking in the day)

Recipe # 11: Coach Yaris Signature Vanilla Spice Protein

American Whey Vanilla Protein Powder 1.5 scoops
3oz of water and 4-5 ice cubes
Organic Sprouted Pumpkin Seeds from Go Raw
Organic Sprinkle Cinnamon
teaspoon of pure organic vanilla extract


Dinner Foods:
Recipe # 12: Coach Yaris Yummy Salmon Recipe
4 pieces of 4oz Wild Salmon
Sea Salt sprinkled teaspoon on each
Garlic Salt sprinkled on each
Organic Dried Oregano Sprinkle on each
Teaspoon of Olive Oil (Organic Cold Pressed) on each
teaspoon of Organic cultured butter on each
Onion Rings laid on top
350 bake for 12-15 min. depending on how you like it.
Squeeze Fresh Organic Lemon as soon as you finish cooking to take away
fishy taste.
No need to marinate.
Place some steamed veggies on the side.

Bonus Recipe # 1 Chicken, Asparagus, and Red Bell Pepper

Sautee -with Basil Tomatoes on the side!
(Serves 4)
4 Organic Chicken Breast
2 Red Peppers
Sweet Onion
Olive Oil
Garlic and Sea Salt Mix
Dried Oregano
cup of filtered water
16 Asparagus Spears
4 medium Italian Tomatoes
Fresh Basil
Sea Salt
Olive Oil


1. Wash and Cut the Red Bell Peppers and Onions in small slices and
2. Wash and Cut the bottoms of the fresh asparagus spears. Around
2 inches.
3. Wash and Cut Tomatoes in halves. Cut the fresh basil in small
4. Turn the stove on Medium Heat. In a large Pan or Skillet add a
drizzle of Olive oil until all of Pan is covered (approximately 34tablespoons).
5. Throw in the peppers, onions, and asparagus spears. Add cup
filtered water. Add garlic and sea salt sprinkle (1/2 teaspoon) on
the peppers, onions, and Asparagus.
6. Sautee for about 5 minutes on low medium heat.
7. While sauting the peppers and Onions start seasoning the chicken
breast by sprinkling dried oregano, garlic and sea salt mix, and add
a teaspoon of olive oil on each of the chicken breast.
8. If youd like butterfly the chicken breast for faster cooking.
9. Remove the peppers, onions, and asparagus onto a separate plate.
Add a little olive oil to the pan so chicken doesnt stick (if
necessary) and add the Chicken. Cover the pan.
10. Allow it to cook for about 5-6 minutes on low medium heat and
then flip onto the other side.
11. Add the peppers, onions, and asparagus back in and continue
cooking until pink of chicken breasts is completely gone. Remove
from stove.
12. Take the tomato halves sprinkle sea salt, pepper, teaspoon of olive
oil, and add basil on top.
13. Serve and have the tomatoes as the chickens companion.

Bonus Recipe # 2: Roasted Sea Scallops with toasted pine nuts

& broccoli with butternut squash broth. By my friend and
student, the Fresh Chef -Jeremy Hanlon
( )


(Serves 4)
1 medium butternut squash (peeled, seeded & cut into chunks)
1 small Vidalia onion (thinly sliced)
4 California carrots (peeled & cut into same size as squash)
1 clove of garlic
1 sprig of fresh thyme
16 pieces (10-20 size- this means for every pound there is this many pieces)
3/4 Cup of pine nuts
1 head of broccoli, cut into florets
Olive oil, salt & pepper to taste
1. Toss the onions, carrots and garlic into a medium sauce pot with a
couple Tablespoons of olive oil and a few pinches of salt (you have
to cook and taste - then you will know exactly how much to add.
2. Turn the pot on medium heat and allow the vegetables to cook
slowly, releasing their flavor. You will know when to add the
squash when the onions become slightly translucent and the oil
turns an orange hue from the carrots, oh yeah - its squash time!
3. Toss the squash in and season again with salt. Allow to cook (if
the heat seems too high at this point - you will know this if your
vegetables are sticking to the bottom - turn the heat to low) until
the squash begins to break down and add enough water to
almost cover the vegetables.
4. Cook for 20 minutes and allow cooling to room temperature.
Puree in blender and add more water if necessary for desired
consistency - I prefer to have it a bit thinner than soup. TASTE
and adjust seasoning.
5. While the broth is cooling, using a medium size saut pan, heat with
a couple tablespoons olive oil on medium-high heat. Season
scallops with salt and pepper an when you can smell your olive oil
heating up (my favorite way to know your pan is ready) add the

scallops and allow to cook - do not shake pan or move scallops this cools the pan and steals all the flavor from your scallops.
6. Cook for 3-4 minutes on each side. Remove from pan. Add the
pine nuts and toss until they are lightly toasted. Add broccoli
florets and season with salt and pepper. Saut for 2 minutes and
add 1/2 Cup water. Allow the broccoli to steam and finish cooking
(this will also release all the flavors from the bottom of the pan and
adhere to your pine nuts and broccoli.
7. Spoon broth in bowl or on plate, place scallops on top and then
finish with the broccoli and pine nut mixture. Enjoy!

Bonus Recipe # 3 Grilled Lemon Chicken with Ratatouille & an

Eggplant & Pulled Chicken Rollatini with tomato-herb relish
by my friend, the Fresh Chef Jeremy Hanlon

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 lemon (make sure it is soft, not a rock! It will yield more juice)
1 medium eggplant -1/2 chopped and other cut into lengthwise slices,
approx. in thick
2 zucchini & 1 yellow squash- chopped
5 plum tomatoes - chopped
1 red onion chopped
1 head of garlic (only using 1 clove - minced but put the rest of the head
in the oven and roast it then serve it with the chicken!)
1 bunch of basil


1) Heat grill pan or saut pan on high heat and preheat your oven to 350
2) Season chicken breasts with salt, pepper and zest from your lemon.
3) Add 1T olive oil or if grilling, drizzle olive oil over chicken and mark
your chicken this means that you want to seal in the juices by either
grilling the outside or sauting, this should only be for 2 minutes per
side. Add your sliced eggplant (drizzled with olive oil, salt and pepper) to
the grill/saut pan at this point and cook for 3 minutes per side.
4) Place chicken in baking dish then in oven for approximately 10-12
minutes you will know the chicken is finished when it begins releasing
its juices in baking dish (the baking dish captures all of the fresh juices
and flavor the grill or saut pan loses use this for sauce!!!)
5) While the chicken is in the oven heat a large saut pan with 2T olive
oil. I usually wait until you literally can smell the olive oil and then add
your garlic and onion. Season the onion and garlic with salt and pepper
and saut for 2 minutes on medium-high heat.
7) Add your zucchini, squash and eggplant and season with salt and
pepper. Stir ingredients together and add tomatoes. Continue to cook
for 4-5 minutes or until the ingredients begin to break down and bind
together. Take as much basil as you like, and tear pieces into your
ratatouille. TASTE!
All of your ingredients are cooked now! You now can serve the tender
and moist chicken breasts along with the ratatouille and sliced lemon on
the side. AND with the leftovers

Bonus Recipe # 4: Quinoa Salad with Marinated Olives,

Spinach and Tomato by my friend, the Fresh Chef- Jeremy
(Serves 4)

3 cups quinoa (extra will be used for dinner)

1 cup pitted kalamata olives


1 Tablespoon grain mustard

2 Tablespoons lemon zest
1 1/2 cup grape tomatoes (cut in half)
2 cups fresh spinach
1 T extra virgin olive oil
1. Place the quinoa and water in a small pot and bring to a boil (follow
correct ratio of
Water to rice on package). Reduce heat and simmer until cooked. Season
with salt and pepper. TASTE.
2. Roughly chop olives (ensuring there are no pits) and toss with grain
mustard and lemon zest, cut the tomatoes in half and gently chop the
3. Add olives, tomatoes, spinach and olive oil. Toss well, TASTE and


Foam Rolling

Helps alleviate tightness in muscles

Increases range of motion at joints such as the shoulder
Decreases muscle soreness
Keeps muscles at their optimal lengths
Helps to relieve joint stress


1. Start by searching the tissues for tenderness. If tenderness is
identified, hold foam roll on the "hot-spot" for 10-12 sec. Repeat by
coming back to area 3-5 times or until tenderness has subsided.
2. If tenderness is too much to handle simply add another foam roll
dispersing body weight over a greater surface.
3. If no tenderness is identified while SLOW rolling, continue in a
smooth rhythmical manner.
4. Maintain a tight stomach by pulling the belly button back towards
the spine.
5. Do not perform under the following conditions:

Feelings of nausea
Acute rheumatoid arthritis
Painful varicose veins

6. You can perform SMR massage 1-2 x daily.

The following is a lower body sequence that exercisers at all levels can
benefit from. Complete exercises 1-6 before switching legs.
Remember to move slow and smoothly.


1. Outside of lower leg

Sit on the floor with your lower leg on the roller, near your ankle.
Cross one leg over the opposite, resting your ankle on your shin. With
your elbows supporting you, lift your glutes and back off the floor and
move so that you can slowly roll your calf along the roller. Pause at
any tender spots for 10-12 seconds. Readjust if needed, and continue
to exercise.

2. Front of upper leg

Continuing from exercise 1, turn over to a face down position and
place the foam roll slightly above the knees. Slowly roll from knee
toward hips while keeping quadriceps relaxed.

3. Buttocks
Sit on the roller, leaning on your glute, with one foot crossed and
resting on opposite knee. Hold that knee, and put one hand behind
you for support. Slowly roll along your rear hip, again stopping at
tender points.


4. Front of hip
Turn over so your front hip is on the roller. Your leg should be
straight out; your opposite knee should be bent with foot on the floor
for balance. Now, starting at the hip, slowly roll down over the front
of your thigh to your knee (see exercise 5).

5. Side of leg
Continuing from exercise 4, position yourself side lying on foam roll.
Bottom leg is raised slightly off floor. Maintain head in "neutral" with
ears aligned with shoulders. Roll slowly to the knee. To transition into
exercise 6, simply roll to the front of the thigh progressed by
straddling the foam roll (see exercise 6)

6. Inside of leg
Straddle the roller, with your inner right thigh resting on it,
supporting your upper body on both elbows. Roll from your knee
toward your hip.

Complete exercises 1-6 on opposite leg.


Sample Warm-Ups and Stretching

Sample Warm-up 1
1. Wood Chop 10 reps
2. March in Place 30 sec.
3. Lateral Reach and Lunge 10 reps
4. Prone Cobra10 reps
5. Floor Crunch 20
Do 1-2 sets






Sample Warm-up 2
Bird Dog 10 reps each side
Supermans 15 reps
Plank Hold 20-30 sec hold
Band Rows 20 reps
Side Plank Hold 20-30 sec. Do 2-3 sets







1. Foam Roll before or after
2. Do My top 6 stretches to undo the sitting position after the
workout. Click on this link to view

5 Sample Workouts for 3 Easy Exercises Chapter in

the Disc 1
3 exercises Time Circuit
Exercise Protocols for these 3
Squat to Press or Power Clean
and Press
Pushup (whichever suits your
fitness level)
High Knees or Mule Kicks

time/ reps


15 sec.-1 min


15 sec.-1 min


15 sec.-1 min





This is a great circuit for fat loss, increasing heart and lung capacity, muscle
endurance, strength, and power, and improves your core strength!
Instructions: Do these 3 exercises in a circuit fashion (one after the other)
using the time descriptions, tempo, rest periods. As a beginner you want to
start with 15 seconds, doing whatever your fast tempo is, and the most rest time
provided which would be 15 seconds. I recommend you begin with 1 set and
then progress to 3. As you progress you want to increase your work time,
decrease your rest time, and maximize the amount of sets.
So for an advanced individual the workout would be as follows: Exercise 1, 2,
and 3 for 1 min work time, at a fast tempo, resting 0 seconds between each

Form Concentrated 3 Exercise Circuit

time/ reps
Squat to Press
Pushup (whichever suits your

10-12 reps
10-12 reps

Slow to
fast... see
Slow to





fitness level)

fast see

High Knees or Mule Kicks (you

can march in place as a substitute 30 sec. or 6
for high knees)




This circuit is intended to perfect your form, muscle hypertrophy (increasing

muscle size), strength. It also concentrates on the negative (with gravity)
motion, and improves acceleration power movements.
Instructions: Using Moderate to heavier weight, meaning by the end of the 10
or 12 rep you cant perform anymore, do exercise 1 and 2 using the following
tempo: Slow, then fast Do the Squat 3 seconds on the way down, 1 second to
press the weight up. For the pushup 3 seconds on the way down, 1 second on the
way up.
If you are a beginner use the 10 rep range, and for rest periods use the
maximum time allotted. Begin with 1 set, and work your way up. Advanced, use
the most reps, least rest time, and most sets. For intermediate find a medium
point within the range of beginner and advanced.

Tabata Protocol 3 Exercise Circuit

Squat to Press or Power Clean
and Press
High Knees or Mule Kicks
Pushup (whichever suits your
fitness level)

time/ reps



1-2 set
1-2 set
1-2 set

This Circuit will have you cursing me out. Lol! It is intended for rapid Fat loss,
muscle endurance, heart and lung endurance, and overall conditioning.
Instructions: Perform each exercise using light weight, 20 seconds of work time,
and stop for 10 seconds rest, 8x. Then take 1- 2 min rest before beginning the next
exercise. As you get better, challenge yourself to repeat once more for a total of 2
sets of each exercise.


Super Slow 3 exercise Circuit

time/ reps
Squat to Press
Pushup (whichever suits your
fitness level)
High Knees or Mule Kicks

4-6 reps
4-6 reps
30 sec. or 8
time/ reps






1-3 set

This circuit is Excellent to perfect your form, increasing strength, muscle hypertrophy
(increasing muscle size), and helps movement using against gravity motion.
Instructions: Using Moderate to heavier weight, meaning by the end of the 4-6 rep you
cant perform anymore, do exercise 1 and 2 using the following tempo: Slow, then fast.
Do the Squat 3 second on the way down, 3 second to press the weight up. For the
pushup 3 seconds on the way down, 3 second on the way up.
If you are a beginner use the 10 rep range, and for rest periods use the maximum time
allotted. Begin with 1 set, and work your way up. Advanced, use the most reps, least
rest time, and most sets. For intermediate find a medium point within the range of
beginner and advanced.

Lets See How Fast You Can Do it Circuit!

time/ reps
Power Clean and Press


High Knees

30-50 reps.

Pushup with Rotation or T

10-15 reps

Pushup with a Kick

10-15 reps

Mule Kicks
Power Clean and Press (this is
not a mistake)

10 reps

10-15 reps

5 reps

As fast as
As fast as
As fast as
As fast as
As fast as
As fast as
As fast as





This exercise is for Fat loss, Endurance, mental challenge, Overall conditioning,
when you dont have a lot of time to workout, and did I say Fat Loss??
Instructions: Perform each exercise with moderate weight in a circuit fashion.
Do the exercises as fast as possible and at the end note how long it took you.
Next time you do it, you can challenge yourself and beat your time. Make sure
you use the same weight so that you can see your improvement.


5 Workout Samples Compound Exercise Variation

from DVD Disc 1
Get Fit In 6 Sets Circuit
time/ reps


Staggered Stance Squat to Press

SL Bicep Curl

10 reps
10 reps

KB 2 hand swing

10 reps

Fast and



6 sets

This Circuit is for Fat Loss, core strength, hypertrophy, overall conditioning. Works all
Instructions: Do all exercises back to back with the rest periods allotted. Use moderate to
heavy weight, by the 10th rep you should be able to do no more. For the SL bicep curl, do
all 10 reps on 1 leg, then switch to the next in the following set. If you are a beginner use
the maximum time allotted rest periods use. Begin with 1 set, and work your way up.
Advanced, use the most reps, least rest time, and most sets. For intermediate find a
medium point within the range of beginner and advanced.

Mix it up Circuit 1
time/ reps
KB 2 hand swing

15 reps

and fast

Jump Rope or Run in place

Split Squat
Jump Rope or Run in place
Decline Ball Pushup

15 each
45 sec.
10 reps


Jump Rope or Run in place

30 sec.





1-5 sets


Mix It up Circuit 2
time/ reps
Bench Jump Over

20 reps

and fast

High Knees
SL Bicep Curl
Jumping Jacks
Split Squat
Jump Rope or Run In place

30 sec.
10 each side
30 sec.
10 each side



30 sec.


1-5 min


In these 2 circuits you get in some calisthenics as well as compound full body
weight bearing movements- kill 2 birds with one stone!
Instructions: Perform each exercise as prescribed above. As you do more sets, your
muscles will get more tired, so you may have to decrease the resistance to continue
with good form. For example, if you perform the pushups with your feet on the ball,
decrease the resistance by getting more of your lower body onto the ball. In other
words your chins or thighs may be on there.

Tabata Hybrid Double Time

Staggered Stance Squat to Press
SL Bicep Curl
Split Squat
KB Swing 2 hand
Decline Ball Pushup
SL Bridge
Bench Jump Over

time/ reps
40 sec.
40 sec.
40 sec.
40 sec.
40 sec.
40 sec.
40 sec.


20 sec.
20 sec.
20 sec.
20 sec.
20 sec.
20 sec.
8 sets
1-5 min rest

Talk about beatin the Fat outta you! Yep this is pretty intense. This will fatigue your
muscles most definitely. This circuit is meant to improve endurance, heart and lung
capacity, hypertrophy.
Instructions: Using light weight, perform these exercises for the time allotted and resting
for the time allotted and moving on to the next exercise. Unlike the original Tabata
Protocol, you perform the exercises in a circuit fashion, one after the next.

The Power of 2
Pushup with Rotation
Bench Jump Over
Split Squat
KB Swing 2 hand
Mule Kicks
SL Bridge
SL Bicep Curl
Jump Rope
Squat to Press
High Knees

time/ reps
6 each/16 each
12 each/10


1-2 min.


2-4 sets

Full Body Conditioning!

Instructions: Perform each exercise back to back without rest until 1 set has been
completedthis consists of the 10 exercises. As you will see in the # of reps, you will
find 2 numbers. Ex: 20/2 this simply means that for set one you will do 20. For set 2
you will do 2. In the event you do 4 sets, just alternate between each set. Do the sets
for time and use lighter weight. As a beginner, you can just do 1 set of the 10 exercises
if you feel you cannot complete 2 rounds.

To click on any links just press the Ctrl button and click. Not
quite sure about Macs, just PCs.
1. Juice Plus fruits and veggies in a capsule.
2. For All other supplements talked about in the video: Dr. Searss
supplements are very high quality.

Exercise Equipment: These are from Performbetter I am an affiliate of

theirs because I truly like their products and they deliver very prompt. Many
times they are also more economical than your local sports stores. In case you are
outside of the states and live in another country, you may have to try a local
online store or local sports store.
*Resistance band
* Stability Ball
* Medicine Ball (optional)
*foam roller link
*foam ball for hard to reach spots
*Heart Rate Monitor

*Kettle bells
**Any other products mentioned on the DVD such as the Olympic bar,
dumbbells, plates go to

Recommended Books and Related Films

1. PACE by Dr. Al Sears, MD

2. High Speed Fat Loss in 7 Easy Steps by Dr. Al Sears, MD
3. In Pursuit of Excellence by Terry Orlick, PhD
4. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay
5. The Hidden Messages in Water by
6. The True Power of Water
7. Your Best Health Under the Sun by Dr. Al Sears and Jon
8. What the Bleep Do You know Down the Rabbit Hole (film)
9. The Divine Matrix by Greg Braden
Journey to the Higher Self by Dr. Brian Sheen
11. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
12. The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates
13. A New Earth by Eckart Tolle
14. The Power of Now by Eckart Tolle
15. The Metabolic Typing Diet by William Wolcott
16. The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain, and The Paleo Diet for
Athletes by Loren Cordain and Joe Friel
17. A Return to Love: Reflections of the Principles in A Course in
Miracles by Marianne Williamson.
Take your pick ;) they are all excellent. Pick one book at a time, one that you
feel resonates with you most.

My Meditation CD Pick
All Liquid Mind CDs are awesome, you can probably get it



Check out Pandora Internet Radio as well

And hey if you have suggestions send them to me ;)

Meats, wild fish, and Produce

About the Author
Yarixa Ferrao (better known to the
masses as Coach Yari) is a leading and
much sought after expert in the personal
training arena. This alone is impressive
enough, considering that competition
between trainers is just as fierce as it is
between athletes.
One of the driving forces behind
Coach Yaris success is that fitness isnt
what she DOES, its what she LOVES!


Her sights shifted from competing to personal training back in

2001, while competing in a South Florida figure competition, where
she was awarded 2nd place. In light of her accomplishment (which
required a great deal of discipline and hard work), something just
From then on, she knew that she was meant to be more than
just an athlete, but a great teacher and leader in the quest for
personal health and fitness.
Yarixa is a certified personal trainer through the National
Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). She has worked alongside
some of the best in the industry such as Juan Carlos Santana a.k.a.
the father of functional training, Nutrition Expert Dr. Joey Antonio,
2004 Olympian Rhadi Ferguson, and many others. She has been
featured on the Cover of Personal Fitness Professional Magazine, A
co-host of the Strength Power Hour Radio Show(
and Featured guest in the Performance Nutrition Show. She was also
the leading Expert on Spanish Televisions (Univision) Al Amanecer
Morning Fitness Segments.
She proudly hosts one of the most powerful results-driven
group training programs available: Get Fit in Six (
out of Delray Beach, FL and will continue to help people look and feel
great, both inside and out!


Dr. Al Sears, MD currently owns and operates a

successful integrative medicine and anti-aging clinic in Wellington,
Florida with over 20,000 patients. His cutting edge therapies and
reputation for solving some of the most difficult-to-diagnose cases
attract patients from around the world.
As a graduate from the University of South Florida College of
Medicine, Dr. Sears scored in the 99th percentile on his MCAT and
graduated with honors in Internal Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry
and Physical Medicine.
After entering private practice, Dr. Sears was one of the first to be
board certified in anti-aging medicine. Today he is a diplomat of the
American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine. As a pioneer in this new
field of medicine, he is an avid researcher, published author and
enthusiastic lecturer.
Dr. Sears is board certified as a clinical nutrition specialist and a
member of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the
American College for the Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), the
American Medical Association (AMA), and the Southern Medical
Association (SMA), the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
(A4M) and the Herb Research Foundation, (HRF). Dr. Sears is also
an ACE certified fitness trainer.
In 2002, he was appointed to the international panel of experts at
Health Sciences Institute, (HSI) a worldwide consulting service
for integrative healthcare.
Dr. Sears is the founder and director of The Wellness Research
Foundation, a non-profit organization involved in on-going original
research to evaluate natural alternatives to pharmaceutical therapies.
Since the release of his book, The Doctors Heart Cure, he has
been interviewed on over two dozen nationally syndicated radio
programs with an audience nationwide.


Dr. Sears recently published PACE: Rediscover Your Native

Fitness and High Speed Fat Loss in 7 Easy Steps. Both
became bestsellers during their first month of release.
Since 2001, hes published over 500 articles and 6 books in the fields
of alternative medicine, anti-aging and nutritional supplementation
with a readership of millions spread over 23 countries.
He currently publishes a monthly e-Newsletter Health
Confidential and a twice-weekly e-mail broadcast Doctors
House Call. Hes also the featured health writer for the widely read
newsletter Early to Rise, which publishes his Health Briefs three
times a week.

Dr. Brian Sheen, Brian Sheen C.A.M. is a best selling author,

lecturer and is the Director of The Quantum Healing Center. Brian is
a sought after expert and has appeared on Good Morning America,
CNN, in USA Today and on hundreds of radio, TV and media outlets
throughout the United States. Along with his transformative classes,
he utilizes the most advanced techniques in modern therapy available
Dr. Brian Sheen, having trained with many of the leading
professionals in this field over the past 35 years such as Dr. Brian
Weiss, Burt Hellinger, Dr. Richard Bandler, Credo Mutwa, Dr. Ken
Wapnick, L. Ron Hubbard, and Dr. Stanislov Grof. Brian specializes
in Neurolinguistic Programming, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy,
psychoneuroimmunology, Hellinger Constellations, Shamanism as
well as Past Life and childhood regressions. Brian incorporates a
wide-range of spiritual psychotherapies from A Course in Miracles,
Shamanism and Kabbalah. He is a minister in the Universal
Brotherhood Movement, an Interfaith Ministry. He is a Reiki Master
and is available for private sessions, individualized meditation
lessons, spiritual counseling and on site corporate training programs.


This is not The End, its Your

New Beginning!



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