"God" Is Double Helix!

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"God" is double helix!

Is the truth that scares the conditioned synapses?

The antonym of "intelligence" is not the "stupidity" but the "knowledge"!
Or a logical explanation FOR the VERSE:
"Happy are the poor in spirit: for the kingdom of heaven is theirs." (Matthew 5: 3, see page 20).
Most Christians "believe" (a notion that certainly must be defined in a universally accepted
way) that their "god" is (the most) good.
Yet, they are different. According to themselves or to their "god"? None of the response
options it placed them in a favorable light.
Despite this situation there is the "ecumenism" (tolerating, regardless of its form, any way
of faith that is based on Jesus).
So, I can say here that "the Father of Jesus, the true God, is the DNA!"
1) DNA "is what it is!" "He" not "appears," not "disappears"! He just self-reproduces!
2) Is only ONE!
3) Genesis, 1:26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, like us!"
3') and, very important, we are made and guided by DNA without sacrifices, "burned
offerings", ritual sacrifice, worship etc.
It means DNA has an "attitude" much closer to the generic notion of "Good", "Love"...
DNA gives everything without asking anything in return!

Because EVERYTHING that gives "it gives to himself"!

Or, if gives life (to us) it can replicate. And reciprocally!
Even though 3) does not seem so obvious, no one can contradict the genetics statements.
So DNA has all the attributes of a "father" deprived of the "defects" of the "fathers" which
are supported by any religion (see p. 29).
The fact which would be perhaps more difficult to accept is that this specific "father is "in
us" (not in "heaven").
The Bible, John 14:

Philip said, Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough
for us.
Jesus answered: Dont you know me, Philip, even after I
have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen
me has seen the Father. How can you say, Show us the
Father? 10 Dont you believe that I am in the Father, and that
the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on
my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is
doing his work. 11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father
and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of
the works themselves.

The church claims that Jesus called "Father" on the god of the Jews.
I argue that Jesus speaks of DNA.
Let's look carefully at this facts!
There is a "thing" (the scientist, the priest) that assert theirs "knowledge" of a particular
I don't know why they make such a statement because the arguments never starts with the
beginning: with the description of the scientist (priest) himself (the one that starts respectively
processes of "knowledge").
If we not knowing how is generated the model of a certain phenomenon we can't appreciate its
degree of truth!

"Well, we can check experimentally (we can believe)." Really ?! We know how the experiment
or the faith (which, obviously aren't spontaneous) are generated?! Not at all!
You'll see below that the answers to THESE QUESTIONS are already known!
Also, those are so simple that is obvious that only a very sophisticated manipulation impede
their acceptance.
In other words, its sufficient that the paradigm to be changed !
Let's start with the fact that the individual has a personal and spontaneous contact with
This process does two consequences, seemingly distinct:
1) "the individal himself" - by "birth"
2) "the model" of a certain phenomenon, which is manifesting outside of the body (with
various supports).
It involves a language, accepted by several individuals.
The scientific and /or religious realization of the model it has one goal: to COMMUNICATE
him between individuals.

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