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Examination Control Division

2067 Ashwin



Programme BCE
Year / Part

IV / I

Full Marks


Pass Marks

3 hrs.

Subject: - Irrigation Engineering

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt any Five questions.
The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) Explain different methods of cropwater requirement estimation with formula.

b) Explain different types of canal alignments using neat sketch.
c) Explain flexibility and proportionality of an outlet.
2. a) A water course command an irrigated area of 800 hectares. The intensity of rice in this
area is 50%. The transplantation of rice crop takes 15 days and total depth of water
required by the crop is 60cm on the field during the transplantation period, given that
the rain falling on the field during this period is 15 cm. Find the duty of irrigation
water for the crop on the field during transplantation, at the head of the distributory,
assuming losses of water to be 20% in the water course. Also calculate the discharge
required in the water course.
b) How the institutional development of an irrigation project can be achieved? Explain.
3. a) A guide bank with stone pitching is required for a barrage on a river having the
following characteristics:
Design flood discharge = 12000 cumecs
Silt factor = 1.2
Bed level of river = 200m
High flood level = 205m
Length of launching apron = 1.2 times depth of maximum scour
What depth of launching apron is necessary to protect the shank of the guide bank?
b) Write down the advantages, disadvantages and suitability of border strip method of
surface irrigation.
4. a) Sides of an irrigation canal with the following design parameters are well protected.
What will be the stable depth and bed width of such a canal?
Q = 4 m3/s, d50 = 3 cm, i = 1/500
b) From the given data below, design a regime channel canal.
Discharge, Q = 40m3/s
Bed slope = 1 in 4000
Critical velocity ratio = 1.10
Kutters n value = 0.023
c) Find out the depth of the irrigation cannel having the following data:
Discharge, Q = 20m3/s
Bed slope = 1 in 2000
Bed width = 5.00m

Mean bed material size = 3mm

5. a) Compute the waterway of canal and drainage of a suitable cross drainage work and
draw a schematic neat sketch of the designed structure.
Qcanal = 20m3/s
FSL depth = 1.50m
Bed Level = 200.00m
Bed width = 20m

Qdrain = 250m3/s
HFL = 201.5m
Bed level(drain) = 198.00m

b) Show all the components of an irrigation headworks, drawing neat sketches of plan
and section through head regulator.
6. a) Determine the thickness of floor at C in the figure below using both Khoslas and
Blighs methods.





b) Describe two methods adopted on anti- water logging measures.



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