Plans For Photoshoot (LO2)

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Plans for photoshoot


My product will be a teenage magazine called Subscribed. As it is based around YouTube/internet


Front Cover One - The cover will have a mid-shot of a teenage boy sat in a gaming chair, with
gaming headphones on and also a PlayStation controller in hand as a prop. Looking directly into
the camera, with high key lighting from fluorescent lighting. In a plain top (not white).
Front Cover Two - This cover will include a close-up shot of a males face with a beige cream
background. Looking into the camera focusing on the models eyes, the lighting will be a mixture of
natural and fluorescent to cast a shadow behind the model. Dressed in a yellow top and a denim
jacket over the top.
Front Cover Three - This cover will feature a medium close-up of a female model, with her makeup
done and a distinct red lip, pictured outside with flowers and trees in the background and her
taking a selfie/vlogging. The lighting will be natural as the photo will be taken outside.
Front Cover Four - This cover will feature a female model in a plain surrounding holding a camera
in her hand as a prop, her nails will be painted red to attract the focus towards that area. Dressed
in a plain top or blouse to make the photo more appealing and also attract even more attention to
the focus.

Front Cover One and Two Sam Ball

Front Cover Three and Four Isobel Pickstone

Photo One Bedroom with gaming equipment.

Photo Two Plain background / wall.
Photo Three Outdoors with flowers in background.
Photo Four Plain background / wall.
Equipment Required

PROPS Camera, Gaming Controller, Gaming chair and Mobile Phone.
CLOTHING 2x Plain tops, Yellow top, Denim Jacket, Make-up, Plain Blouse.
LIGHTING Fluorescent and Natural.

Thursday 8th
December Photograph Cover One

Friday 9th
December Photograph Cover Two
Tuesday 20th
December - Photograph Cover Three and Four
Contingency plans

Backup Model/s
Cover One and Two Chris Stones
Cover Three and Four Lily Houghton
If the equipment breaks schedule the shoot for a later date.
Spare Batteries If one runs out

Copyright Law: Copyright is a legal right created by the law of a country that grants the
creator of an original work exclusive rights for its use and distribution. This is usually only for a
limited time. The exclusive rights are not absolute but limited by limitations and exceptions to
copyright law, including fair use.
Intellectual Property: Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as
inventions, artistic works, designs and symbols, names and images used in trade.
Obscenity Law: In 1973, a law was passed and the law was that you are not allowed to say
foul language and to not be rude on the radio or TV because it could upset many different types of
people who may be listening and may be offended.
Trespass Law: Trespass is defined by the act of knowingly entering another person's
property without permission. Such action is held to infringe upon a property owner's legal right to
enjoy the benefits of ownership.
Privacy Law: Privacy Law is the law which relates to an individual or business entity's
expectation to be left free from scrutiny or public exposure in their daily lives by either the
government or other members of the public.
Trademark: A trademark is a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies
products or services is safe from being used by others which was acted in 1994.

The Ethical issue with Gender is talking wrong about someones gender or stereotyping a
gender. In my photoshoot I cannot picture or assume the wrong gender either being a man or a
women and stereotyping each gender. I cannot discriminate wrong or stereotype a specific gender
because If I was too I could get into a lot of trouble as by morals it is wrong and if you taboo
against someones gender beliefs then that is completely wrong and if you do it in the media, you
can get in serious trouble.
Age: The Ethical issue with age is I cant photograph about someones capability with their
age. I cannot say that someone is too old to do something because in the radio it is ethical wrong.
I cannot photograph or assume wrong about someones age and be ageist and capability because
If I was too I could get into a lot of trouble as by morals it is wrong and if you taboo against

someones gender beliefs then that is completely wrong and if you do it in the media, you can get
in serious trouble.
Sexuality: The Ethical issue with sexuality is that I cannot write wrong about someones
sexuality also to stereotype a specific sexuality. For an example I cannot be homophobic on the on
the photographs front cover and talk about all homosexuals being feminine. I cannot assume or
write wrong about someones sexuality because If I was too I could get into a lot of trouble as by
morals it is wrong and if you taboo against someones gender beliefs then that is completely
wrong and if you do it in the media, you can get in serious trouble.
Ethnicity: The ethical issue with age is I cant discriminate about someones religion/
ethnicity. I cannot photograph or discuss about anything ethically wrong in my radio show as this
can offend the reader of my magazine. People ethnicities are someones decision and the way
they lead their lives so it is wrong to talk bad about that. If I was to write or photograph about
things that are ethically wrong I could get into a lot of trouble as by morals it is wrong and if you
taboo against someones ethical beliefs then that is completely wrong and if you do it in the
media, you can get you in serious trouble and gives you a bad name.

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