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‘TOOLS AND METHODS FOR SIMULTANEOUS ENGINEERING JW, Sutherland, Ph.D and W, W. Olson, Ph.D, PE. Department of Mechanical Engineering - Engineering Mechanles Michigan Technologleal University 1400 Townsend Drive Houghton, MI 49931 INTRODUCTION ‘Several important factors have evolved in U.S. industry over the last thee decades which today are demanding that we signif jeanily change our overall approach to product design and manufacturing, These factors include: rapid proliferation of products, improved produet performance demands, dependency of product performance on manufacturing process capability, enhancad materials performance requirements, and greater material costs. In addition, the rapid acceleration in computer capability and hardware automa. tion have outpaced developments in the structure and management of engineering design and manufacturing systems, These factors together with the tremendous growth in foreign competition require the development of new science-based tools for integrated design and manufacturing. In response to these factors, product designs have tighter tolerances, more intricate geometries, and are made from ‘more exotic materials, Engineering design tools were developed wo predict the performance of these new produets when placed into a “use” environment. Computer-based techniques suchas finite element analysis are being used to predict the stresses, stains, and heat transfer properties of products under loadings typical of those found in their application or use environment. Engineers are successfully ‘using such tools wo select levels forthe design variables which achieve a product performance objective. In contrast to product design, manufacturing process design has focused on how to produce new products empirically. Mano facturing process design and specifically, machining process design has suffered from a lack of analytical methods. Cutting speeds, feeds, tool geometry, ee. ae selected bused on experience or through wal and ertor. This lack ofa science-based approach to machining ‘process decision-making is also in sharp contast to manufacturing system design, Its now common practice to use discrete event sn ‘lation (packages such as SLAM, SIMAN, and MicroSAINT) to design a manufacturing system. ‘As US, manufacturers atiempt to produce better products and reduce lead time, they must be able o evaluate the product designs both in terms of thet field performance and their manvfacturability while still onthe “drawing board. There is «growing need {or models of manufacturing processes which can be used to evaluate the manufacurability of proposed products early in the design ‘process. To this end, considerable attention has been given to the study of simultaneous/concurrent engineering, including important ‘enabling technologies such as solids modeling. Packages available commercially provide manufacturing analysis such a cutter pathy [NC program capebilies, but donot in general provide or a detailed process analysis, including such things as the impact ofthe design strueture/geometry on surface (dimensional) erors, process suablity, and surface fnish. ‘Over the last fifty years much research has been directed towards the development of models that can provide detailed process analyses. This research has been almost always limited to examining very simple producl/process combinations. Although machining researchers have developed a wide variety of analytical tools for predicting the performance of machining processes, US. manufectrers failed wo adopt these techniques because they do not consider the complexities of typical manufacturing operation. Manufacturers require ‘process performance models ae applicable o ypical industrial roduc and processes. ‘This paper presents an overview of the producprocess design problem, focusing on machining applications. The development ‘of machining process simulation models that ae capable of characterizing realistic produeuprocess scenarios is described. Ongoing research issues and efforts in this area wil also be presented. Finally, some discussion of how computer-based models may be uilized clfectively is then given. PRODUCT / PROCESS RELATIONSHIP ‘Assume that it is desired to design aeritcal feature ona product, which is produced by a single manufacturing operation. A portion of the lifecycle ofthe manufactured produc is displayed in Fig 1. In the figure the product and process design functions receive information from one another such as is suggested by the paradigm of concurrent engineering, Production receives instructions from ‘process design on how to transform the input materials into the productof interest, The ousput of the process design function, the process design package, may simply be process plans or an explicit machine tool semp. Under ideal circumstances production obeys these instractions, and every product produced by the process is exally the same. The circumstances ae not ideal, of course, and the variation introduced by noise variables creates product-to-product variation. Fora machining application, these noise factors may include: mate- tial variation, tool wear, and fixture variation, There are a number of ways production performance may be assessed including productivity and manufactured product variation. ‘Once manufactured and purchased, products are placed into a use environment. Even if ll products produced were identical, ‘they would not function the same because each use environment is diferent. Environmental noise factors introduce variation in the pet formance of the product. The fuel economy of an automobile for example is impacted by such noise factors as ambient tempersture, diving habits, and maintenance. As with production, there are a number of measures that might be used to characterize the performance ofthe product in the use environment including prodvet life, reliability, and visual appearance. The customer observes these performance 179 ‘measures and develops an opinion about the quality of the product. To remain competitive, manufacturers must be sensitive to this opi jon in subsequent product and process designs. Cannes Feedack "oduct Nee Fac 1 Peceived Frau Product | 4 process Product Product [Quali maton] | Ioonason Noise Factors ie Pie Br : vs —— Pootmance Process p Proce Design >| luction > Performance Figure 1: Simplified Representation ofthe Life Cycle of « Manufactured Product Product and process designers must meet and exceed the expectations of the customers in terms ofthe product performance in the use environment, Additionally a manufacturer cannot remain competitive very long if itrelies solely on customer feedback to rec- ‘ognize opportunities for design improvement. Rather, tools and methods ate required to anticipate the performance of products during use, and thus design performance into producis and their associated manufacturing processes. ‘MACHINING PROCESS SIMULATION MODELS Perhaps the most important measures of process performance in a machining operation are the cutting forces. Knowledge of ‘he cuting forces allows for the determination of other process performance measure such as cuter and work deflections which provide ‘the basis for the alculaton of machined surface error and surface finish. Further, given knowledge of the dynamics of the system struc ture issues such as forced vibration and chatter may also be examined. A dynamic model of amachining process effectively consists of ‘yee elements: + Armodel which describes how the tool, workpiece, and process geometry impact the chip load, + Arelationship between euting forces and chip load, and + Armodel for the machine tool system structure. ‘These three elements when integrated as shown in Fig.2 form a model of a machining process that may be used to predict cuting forces, surface error, and surface finish. I ean be seen in Fig. 2 thatthe basic model contains feedback: the effect of system compliance is an integral par of the model of the machining system. (Cutting Tool and ‘Workplece Geometry Cutting Force! and Material Chip Load Relationship Model for the Displacement of Cutting Machine Toot ating “Tool Relative o Workpiece System Structure oe Figure 2. Block Diagram of Machining Process Simulation Mode! Process Geometry. The geometrical aspects of a machining system involve the tool, process, and workpiece geomesries. These are di. {erent for each machining process. In face milling, the tool geometry includes the numberof inserts insert spacing, the axial and radial take angles, andthe lead angle. The process geometry describes the relative positions and motions between the too] and the workpiece ‘This defines the instantaneous eu cross-section (contact area between the inserts and work material). The workpiece geometry defines how this cross-section changes during the cu; the work surface fra face milling operation is often irregularly shaped. Furthermore, the ‘workpiece geometry strongly influences the workpiece compliance, This ean be represented by a finite element model which in turn 180 impacts the shapesize ofthe cut cross-section as a result of the feedback mechanism of Fig.2. There are a number of factors which ean best be described noise factors, although thei infivence on the process can be characterized mechanistically, For face milling, these include changes to tool geometry as a result of tool wear, axial and radial throw, spindle lt runout and uncut surface iregularites. ‘The chip load is the most important geometric factor in a machining process because the citing forces produced by a machin {ng process may be determined directly from the chip load. For all processes, the chip loa is defined by the geometry ofthe cut cross- section. In face milling process the nominal chip load on each insert varies as the cutter rotates. For a given position of the cuter, the chip load on an insert may be approximately defined in terms ofthe feedrat, depth of eu, and tooth engagement angle, Acad fina a where, fis the feed per tooth = Vp AN, Njed isthe depth of cu, Vis the table feedrate, N, isthe spindle speed, N, isthe number of teeth on the cutter, and cis the tooth engagement angle. The coordinate system for a face milling operation andthe chip losd for an inset are depicted in Fig. 3. For this situation tere are four insersteth on the cutter and woth | is machining over the surface last ‘machined by tooth 2 Figure 3, Ilustation of a Face Milling Process and Chip Load Geometries {Asis evident from Fig, 3, rmout (axial throw in this eae) causes the chip load to deviate from its nominal value. In addition to rinout, the chip load is also dependent on the displacement history ofthe tool relative tothe workpiece. The effect ofthese displace. ‘ments is approximately described by Eq. (2) Ag=dldG +0 - (64) sine -(9() -y(4)) e080] @ where, x(?) and y() ate the deflections ofthe inert of interest inthe X and Y directions relative tothe workpiece at the curent instant in time (0), and x(-) and y(t) are the deflections of the preceding insert when it was atthe same angular positon asthe insert of interest. Eq, (2) characterizes the effect ofboth the primary (xt) and y(t) and regenerative (x(t) and y(t) displacement feedback on the chip Joad. Depending onthe displacement history, the actual chip load on an insert may be either larger or smaller than the nominal chip load, Cutting Forces, Two different approaches have been adopted to predict cutting forces. The frst method, based on the work done by Merchant [6], involves the study ofthe cutting mechanics and the prediction ofthe shear angle in metal cuting. Both analytical and ‘empirical models fo shear angle prediction have been attempted. Usui, etal. [14] developed a model, based on a minimum energy cr- terion to predict the chip flow angle. Empirical models were used to predict both the friction and shear angles. This approach generally requires experimentation of a more fundamental nature to achieve the measurement and prediction of the shear angle. ‘The second method utilize a simpler approach for force system prediction. This method assumes a force in the direction of the cutting velocity vector (cutting force, F,), anda force lying in a plane normal to the cutting velocity vector (thrust fore, F,) are pro: portional 0 the chip cross-sectional area (chip load). The “consianis” of proportionality are based on empirical models and are themselves functions ofthe process parameters, The process models described in [2-5,7-13} are based on this approach, Using this ‘method, the fundamental equations relating the cutting force and thrust free wo the chip load are FeaKeA, md ReK AL ° where, K, and K, are the citing and thrust pressures, To find the wntal force acting onthe cuter (or work), the cutting forees may be 181 resolved into an extemal X, ¥, Z coordinate system, and then summed overall he insers. These external coordinate system forces sre used to both calibrate and validate the force model. The quantities K. and K, which relate the chip load to the eutting and thrust forces, axe functions of the chip thickness, effective rake angle, and cutting speed. Before the milling model may be used to predict euting forces, it must be calibrated to actual force data (ie, empirical relationships must be developed for K, and K,). This requires a small set ‘of experiments to characterize the effect ofthe chip thickness, effective rake angle, and cutting speed on K, and K, forthe specific mate- tial of interest. ‘Machining System Compliance. The machine ool system includes the cutting too, tool holder, spindle, workpiece, workpiece xturing, ‘andthe machine tool structure, AS indicated, the displacement of the tool relative to the workpiece directly impacts chip load, and ths, ‘the cutting forces, surface eror, and surface finish To determine the time-varying relative displacement of the tool from the workpiece, models are needed which describe the structural response ofthe system components, Most reported research efforts, many of which are summarized in (8), have utilized relatively simple madels to describe the structural dynamics. For example, some have assumed the cuter to be rigid. A one-degree-of-freedom model is then used to characterize the response of the workpiece inthe feed (X) direction, For this case, the response ofthe workpiece canbe characterized by; mi (1) 0% (1) +kx (1) = FL () ® Atthough the equation of motion specified by Eq, () i of such simple form that it would rarely be adequate to deseribe any real strc ‘ure, the mathematical problem posed by Eq, (4) ssl relatively complex. The forcing function on the right-hand-side ofthe equation Js time-varying and is non inearly dependent on x. Furthermore ifthe magnitude ofthe displacement, x0), inereases beyond some lim- iting value, the force becomes zero. Problems of the form shown above are most easily solved va time domain simulations, where the Aisplacemeni/force dependency can be evaluated numerically. Forsructures best deseribed as muli-degree-of-freedom systems, the equation of motion in Eq, (4) may be extended to form: () +8) +x) = FO) © where, M. C, and K represent mass, damping, and stiffness matrices respectively, x i a displacement vector which contains displace ments in the X, ¥, and Z directions, and Fis a vecior that contain forces in he X, Y, and Z diections. Unfortunatly, researchers have ‘rarely considered more than just few degrees of freedom intheir applications. For many applications, and especially for use as a design tool, information about the structural characteristics of the machining system components is available from fnite element models with Inundreds of degreesof-freedom. Once the displacements ae obtained, ther effect on the surface topography (surface fnish and surface ‘error can be assessed (2,12) ‘Continuing Work. While, in principle, dynamic models for machining processes exit, pethsps one reason why such models have not ‘een adopied by industry is because they do not capture the complexity of typical industrial applications. Te have practical industrial ity, a model for a machining operation must have the following features: the ability wo interpret and wilize a complex workpiece) ‘product geometry as it might be represented in a computer-aided design database, i) the ability to interpret and utilize finite element ‘models for components of the machine tool system, and ii) the ability to interpret and utilize a numerical contol (NC) tol path which

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