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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Christina Sanchez _____1_____ (be) one of the only female bullfighters or matadors of the
twentieth century. She ____2____ (force) to stop fighting bulls because of criticism many
people ____3____ (think) that bullfighting ____4____(be) only for men.
Women in Spain ____5____ (fight) since the 18th century, but a law in 1908 ____6____ (ban)
them on the grounds of decency and public morality. The ban ____7____ (lift) briefly in the
1930s when Spain ____8____ (become) a republic but ____9____ (be) put back again by the
dictator Francisco Franco. The ban ____10____ (lift) again after Francos death in 1976
even then most women ____11____(fight) on horseback. Christina ____12____ (love) to fight
on foot.

1. A. is

B. was

C. will be

D. has been

2. A. forces

B. forced

C. was forced

D. has forced

3. A. thought

B. are thinking

C. had been thinking D. have thought

4. A. was

B. will be

C. has been

D. is

5. A. fought

B. are fighting

C. fight

D. had been fighting

6. A. bans

B. banned

C. was banned

D. are banning

7. A. has liftedB. had been lifted

C. lifted

D. was lifted

8. A. was become

B. had become

C. became

D. was becoming

9. A. has been

B. was

C. is

D. will be

10. A. was lifted

B. had been lifted

C. was being lifted

D. lifted

11. A. were fighting B. have fought

C. fought

D. have been fighting

12. A. loves

C. has loved

D. will love

B. loved

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