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Soddy Daisy Kids CLub 2017 asketball Schedule [Thursday January 12th, Soddy Daisy Middle Make Up Games for 1/6/16 | Game Time League eamworkcTine Toomis $5 500 106s Yung-Lomis Totnson 6:00 650 to 0ys | ~Frecebiohnson | — Rowe 630 740 120} Relley-Rose | |Friday January 13, Soddy Daisy Middle School Game Time League | Team/Work Time | Webb 55 00 10 gis t Con Webb [anes 600 650 Whoys [Fohnson= Raines ice 650 7:40, 12 boys: I Kelly - Rice. | |Saturday, January 14th Soddy Daisy Middle Game Time League “Team/Work Time. a ‘Young 8:30 3:00 10Giris I Young - Webb Jenkins 9:00 10:00 106i Jenkins - Loomis Perry 10:00 11:00 10boys Perry - Frizzell Goodin 11:00 12:00 10boys Jenkins - Goodin Shipley 12:00 1:00 2 Shipley - Rice Hughes 1:00 2:00 15 Sullivan - Hughes Casteel 2: 3:00 2 Casteel - Rose ‘Whymer 3 4:00 15 [Kelley - whymer Johnson 4:00 5:00 15 Johnson - Reid [Monday January 16, Soddy Daisy Middle Game Time League | Team/Work Time | Morgan 5:30 6:00 13 Under (slvan = organ Raines 6:00 650 13 Under [era Raines York 650 740 1S under 1 Fohnson- York friday January 20th, Soddy Daisy Fist Baptist GameTime | League | Team/Work Time | 1 Cox 5:30 00 | 10 girs | Cox- Young Goodin 6:00 so | 10 boys Goodin - Johnson Perry 650 740 10 boys Raines Perry ‘Soddy Daisy Kids Club 2017 Basketball Schedule Friday January 20th, Soddy Daisy Middle School GameTime League | Teamwork Tine [T_ Shipley 5:30 650 au t Rose fice Hughes 6350 7:40. 1su | ‘Hughes-Johnson_ | saturday, January 21s, Soddy Daisy Middle School | Game Time Leave I eampworcTine [consi30 3:00 06iie JenkineCox |Web 9:00 1000 106s Webb-loomis | Fie 30:00 1100 10b0y Jenkin riz Kaley 1:00 “1200 2 Shipley Reid 12.00 100 5 ( tghes ei Sulvan 1:00 200 15 | sutvanKeiey York 200 300 6 Whyme = York Morgan 3:00 +00 B Raines Morgan Gin 00 5:00 B Gif Sulvan Friday, January 27th, Soddy Daisy First Baptist Game Te League Team/Work Time Loomis 5:30 | “600 106i Webb Loomis Jonson :00 650 10boys | erinesoin Rains 650 740 10boys Fre Raines Friday anvary27e, Soda Daisy Middle ot Game Time League Team/Work Tine | Giffin 5:30 600 Bu Gif Morgan Rose 600 650 Bu [pase shitey eld 650 740 isu | York: Reid [Saturday, January 28th, Soddy Daisy Middle Schoo! Game Time ‘League Team/Work Time Perry 830 3:00 10 Boys Goodin-Perry Young 9: 10:00 10 gis Young-Jenkins Cox 10:00 10 boys Cox-toomis Sullivan 11:00 B Sullivan-Raines Kelley 12:00 2 Casteel Kelley Rice 1:00, 2 I Rose - Rice Kelley 2:00, 15 I York-Kelley Johnson 3:00 15 | SulvanJohnson Hughes 4:00 15 1 Hughes: whymer Soddy Daisy Kids CLub 2017 Basketball Schedule |riday, February 3, Soddy Daisy First Baptist Game Te League Team/Work Tine 1 Webb 5:30 00 106s 1 —Young- webb | Jenkins 600 550 1oGirs | Coxssenkins | frarel'50 740 100s [-~“ceoodin-fdezet | ray February 3, Soddy Daisy Middle School GameTime League Team/Work Time : Rose 530 500 au ose pley Salva :00 650 isu York Sullvan Johnson 6:50 740 iu Reid-ohnson saturday, Februar ath Soddy Cay Md GameTime Teague Team/Work Time t Tolnson #30 300 108078 [tonnson Perey Tenkins 3:00 10:00 110 Boys Jenkins - Raines: “Loomis 10:00 11:00 10 ‘Cox- Loomis ~ Gin 33:00 1200 B Hanes Gifn Morgan 12:00 1:00 ae Sulvan- Morgan Shipley 500 200 12 | shipley= cael “alley 200 3:00 2 Kelley Rie Whymer 3:00 ‘400 15 Salivan = Whymer Kelley 00 5:00 15 alloy - Hughes rida, February 10th, Soddy Daly First Baptist Game Time League Team/Work Time Frizzell 530, 00 1080 FrxetJohnson Young 00 650 108046 Tenks-Young case 650 740 12 Boys Castel Kelley Soddy Daisy Kids CLub 2017 Basketball Schedule Friday February 10th, Soddy Daisy Middle School a a ae sry, Feb eh a nae cower ——| ee 10:00 10 Girls Loomis - Jenkins | Raines 10:00 im meas Teng ene |e 1:00 as Rose - Caste! “1 Rice 1:00 jn = ar tele 3 : ee Toa on = eee iyi Ty a P| l Game Time League I “Team/Work Time — aes riday, February 47th, Sd Das dae Schoo Game Time League Team/Work Time T “Rose 5:30 6:00 Ru I Kelley Rose | Rice 6:00 6:50 nu I Rice - Casteel | Johnson 6:50 7:40 su Kelley Johnson ‘Soddy Daisy Kids CLub 2017 Basketball Schedule (Saturday, February 18th, Soddy Daisy Middle Game Time League Team/Work Time Cox Young 9:00 Jenkins 10:00 “Jenkins - Frizzell Morgan 11:00 | Moran - Giffin sullivan 12:00 — ‘Shipley 1:00 ‘See Note Below 5 Reid 2:00 Reid-Sullvan “Hughes 3:00 Hughes - Kelley i ‘Whymer - York uJenkins/Cox and 12 under Shipley Caste [All teams will have played 8 games.

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