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Shared Chaos - you are a walking catastrophy, like seriously.

Everywhere you go bad shit happens to everyone aroun

fail your luck roll for an event or action, everyone around you including enemies are affected. This can be a good thin
as EVERYONE fails thier next roll.

+3 to Dexterity based checks.

Lucky S.O.B. - If you receive enough damage that would kill you, you MAY roll luck at half to avoid lethal damage.

Under The Bus - sometimes, you just gotta do what you gotta do. In combat or normal action, you may roll luck inste
you throw another player under the bus for you as a scapegoat to take the hit or deal with the problem. Target player
character. On a pass roll, continue action as normal. Forexample, player 1 and player 2 are walking down the street. p
bananna, rolls UTB luck, fails, and proceeds to grab player 2 and have him take the fall while player 1 regains balanc

Forgotten Artifacts - Upon taking this trait, gain 1 unique item originating from Earth. (nothing insane, GMS can ove

cleave- if you reduce enemy life to 0 using a melee weapon you get an immedate extra attack on another enemy withi
and the same bonuses that you might have had from the first attack. Can use only once per round.

Voice Projection - the strength of speaking or singing whereby the voice is used loudly and clearly. It is a technique w
respect and attention, such as when speaking to a crowd, or simply to be heard clearly. Gain at 33%

CORROSIVE (Electricity + Toxin) - when electricity and toxin damage is placed on a target, the toxin becomes a hig
away at non-organic materials. renders armor ineffective.

Common Sense- Any time you would do something stupid, foolish, or forgetful, the keeper will roll intelligence for y
nudge in the right direction. (may be given for free to new role-players at the GMSs discretion)

There Was a Time - You have a pictographic memory of events, with a chance of 20% to recall exactly what happen
support/correct what you remember of that event for 1d6 actions.

Fruit Ninja Master - Heh. Awkward take on a skill but here we go! You have the ability to make refreshing and tastast
vegetables that provide bonuses to you and whoever drinks them! Maybe a health potion here and there, you never kn
and dice fruits and vegetables in midair into the perfect shapes and sizes...without the mess! You are sure to be a party

Droning Lecture - EDU is used on the resistance table for persuasion instead of POW, you egghead.

Can I Get A Heal Please? - On a target with less than 50% HP, Roll the next die up for healing. (EX- if you normally
Subsequent healing effects on the same target only add +1 HP.

Senseless Violence - It is not enough to defeat the enemy, you are compelled to end his life with excessive force. As a
proceed to dismember them limb from limb, or splatter them to the far corners of the land. For every bloody mess or m
+1 damage stack until the end of the day.

Scrutinize - You may roll Intelligence to closely examine or observe a being, place, or thing, and gather details regard
been apparent otherwise. In other words you can re-roll a failed spot hidden once per day. In combat, a passing roll w
or vulnerability that at first might have gone unnoticed.

Fast and Furious - Not exactly what it sounds, but it works out the same way. For every day you do not eat (Fasting),
are augmented by 1 with no effect on your sanity total. For everyday you do not eat you gain +1 to skill "Furious", wh
damage to put you in a berserker rage where you ignore the damage and sanity loss you would have taken equal to the
When you eat, reset mental gains but retain Furious Skill which is stackable, as well as days fasted for berserker mod
reset day count to 0 for damage/sanity ignore. Note that you do start losing physical strength/endurance from not eatin

Pistol Gambit - Handguns Only, Handgun attacks (Single or Akimbo) can be used in melee combat with great efficie
handgun related skill to parry attacks or pistol whip/jab with Fist roll while firing for additional damage in a single ro
physical damage before firing).

Hawk EyeAs a full round action the character can take aim and receive a +10 to hit with a ranged weapon

Wildfire - Theres a spark inside you, warm yet threatening to overflow into a malestrom of fiery violence. +1 Fire da
consecutive attack that lands gain +1 fire damage. If you miss an attack, the melee combo counter resets to 1 damage
a target will cause them to burst into flames.

MAGNETIC (Cold + Electricity) - when cold and electricty damage is placed on a target, they become magnetized, a
firearms fired at target will not have to roll for hit chance. Also disrupts shielding in 5 feet radius.

Seduce the ability to attract someone of the opposite sex or gender to a belief or into a course of action that is inadv
"Seduce" roll your APP vs their CON on resistance table to see if they fall for you. If they do they are more willing to

Blue Falcon - fuck the other guy, you are able to ignore persuasion attempts by other players. You are a grown ass per
decisions right?

Super Constitution
A one time + 15 to the characters total Hit Points.

Me So Horny - head butt attacks do double damage if you are wearing a spiked helm.

Rebound - Thrown items have a knack for returning to you, be it a boomerang (duh), a rock, brick, tree, or human bod
you expect it to be, but you sure as hell will find it after you throw it. 33% to retrieve a thrown item, even if it doesnt
10% or lower you catch it. on a 3% you can redirect it for a second attack.

There Was a Place - History roll can be used to identify a location even if you have never been there in person befo
to gain knowledge of the location via internet or GM discription.

Weapon Specialty
+2 to damage of specific weapon. This can be taken multiple times for another weapon. This feat does not stack.

This One Has No Name- erase your presence completely for 1d4 turns, you are no one. Faceless, a girl has no name. A
speaking PROPERLY will result in your detection. Remember you are no one. You have no name. Can be used conse
MUST roleplay a different persona each time. must use Disguise to help convince others around you, and to activate t

Air to Spare (Rank 1)- you thought you could hold your breath well before? Well think again! The Lungs of a profess
deep and hold out for up to 5 minutes while moving cause your lungs are just so goddamn awsome. 10 minutes while
double your capacity once to 10/20 minutes.

Super Construct
Armor of your choice, gains a +3

Preemptive Strike - Catching an enemy off guard or performing unseen strikes deal double the damage.

Lucky Trinket- You have a lucky four leaf clover. It's lucky...and green.....I mean, come on, it's a clover.( Able to re-ro

GAS (Fire, Toxin) - When fire and toxin damage are placed on the same target, chemical combustion occurs and the t
gas affecting all targets of toxin users choice within 10 feet with toxin. 20% chance to put targets to sleep for 1d4 turn

Streetwise- You know how to behave among crooks, gangsters, dopers, hookers, drifters, and other habitus of the cri
criminal etiquette to avoid fights and conflicts identify unsafe locations and dangerous people make and utilize crim
arms runners, and so forth successfully price illegal goods such as drugs, stolen items, or weapons gather underwo

Armoire Smith- you meant to be a armor smith but took the wrong weekend class, but hell you still rock that bedroom
craftman at 25%. You can use furniture to craft armor, you gain a bonus if you craft the armor out of a Armoire.

One Two Classic - Coach's favorite technique, strike twice for maximum damage in one turn with your fists/fist weap
per hit. Once per session.

Speed Reader - what would take an average person a day to read you can do it 4x faster! Yes! That amazing cookbook
recipies? Done in minutes! This is sure to come in handy when your busy trying to read an incantation while running
exceed nominal values, the power of focus is within your grasps! You are able to read while performing other actions
dumbasses who can't multitask with a good book.

Stormbringer - The power of electricity at your finger tips, imparting a charge to your ranged weapons (must be condu
1d4 electricty damage in addition to your weapon damage, and a 5% chance to chain lightning the same damage to all
feet, causing Shock for 1 turn disabling thier action.

Constable - The first successful attack with a blunt weapon you perform is an automatic knockout, rendering target un

Loyal Companion - Have yourself a pet good sir! Wheter it is a dog, cat, hippo or pot bellied pig, you have yourself a

Undying Will - When unconcious, your body still remembers it's training and muscle memory kicks in. GM will roll
your last target for each turn you are unconcious. Each turn player will roll POW at half to see if they regain conciou
last action at half skill.

Schrodinger's Box- You have been given a strange sealed box. It is easily open able, but anything from gold to a dead
Seriously. Be careful. Roll %dice and let the GMS know what you got. 217-247 150-211

Family Trade - You've picked up on your family trade, granting a 10% boost to a skill of your choice in relation to yo
exceed 90% in a skill with this.

Barron Field - reduce any SAN damage by 2, because the fields in which you grow your fucks is baron.

Ancient Tokens - Upon taking this trait, gain 1 common item originating from Earth. (NY common, so no RPGs, mac

Tough S.O.B. - Tough SOB-Any hit that would take you below 0 would normally knock you unconscious or kill you.
out, at -13 you die. If you are bleeding, you will still take damage, possibly causing you to go below -10...which woul
you are at 1 or above HP.

anti- Itch - you can quell any ich.

Master Medic - When administering first aid for injuries heal an additional 1d4 hit points. Gain basic knowledge of li
drops between -2 through 0 you can use first aid instead of medicine to try and save their life, roll a extra 1d4.

Lead Duck - Your balance and center of gravity work hand in hand. It is tough to shake you from solid ground. Howe
a block of lead; with little to no chance of survival. You may make a STR roll to attempt to stay on the ground with am
otherwise harmed.( in case it was not clear, you cannot swim if you have this trait.)

Drift King - You don't even know it, but you are king of the road and tight corners. Gain +30 to drive auto when und
burning drifts around corners and obstacles to lose your pursuers.

Can use Pistols, Small Knifes/Swords and Minor Automatics with both hands without penalty

Crit Life- boost both hammer time and sharp shooter by 5%

Blood Marble - A sanguine marble that absorbs any blood it comes in contact with. After absorption, when the marble
off towards the direction of the owner of the blood. (This may not work depending on the type of mythos creature) Th
tracking being down. The marble retains the blood until a new source is provided.

Lip Reading the ability to understand speech from observing a speaker's lip movements. Gain Skill "Lip reading 30%

Steady Hands
The character can fire automatic weapons with reduced penalties. Automatic fire penalties are halved.

Five-Fingered Death Punch - Clench your teeth, cause this punch will knock your ass bad to Sunday school. Sacrific
fist based melee strike in a 1 to 1 ratio on impact. Skill can only be used if attack lands successfully. Martial arts bonu

But There Was Fear Inside... - Once per session you can ignore psychology roll to address a sanity issue for yourself o
you had passed a psychology roll.

Nak Muy (Master Level Skill) - you are the fight, you are the beast, you are a god of combat in flesh. Every melee str
headbutt will cause 1 turn stagger on hit or blocked, and if a melee strike was to knock someone unconcious it kills th
to fist and Knee Strikes equal to kick. Elbow strikes will have 100% chance to cause bleeding on hit on an unarmored
round stagger on hit or block. Grapple can now be use to deal knee strike damage during the duration of grapple. Yo
with your barehands equal to fist skill. You can use headbutt to parry fist or feet attacks and break their bones on succ
disarm weapons based on your knowledge of the weapon (your weapons skills).
North Wind - Cold, calculated, every attack is strategically placed to maximize the oppurtunities on hand. Chance to f
melee attack roll, critical hit at 1% will freeze the target for 1d4 turns. All other attack rolls or parry rolls will Chill th
each successful attack or defense. Frozen targets and body parts can be shattered with impact damage for insta-kill/da

Deft Reaction - +2 to Dex on the first defensive action in combat. And +1 to dex for deciding combat order.

Whirlwind - BLADED melee only [swords/knives/machete], your senses are so finely tuned that you and the blade be
projectiles equal to your weapon skill and half that for bullets. (WARNING richochet may hit other people including

BLAST (Fire,Cold)- When fire and cold damage at placed on the same target, deal 3 impact damage to the target, then
be reapplied to proc effect again.

Parkour - You can move your body freely like water (not literally), this way and that, and your understanding of your
through the air like a helicoptor or leap across the skys like a gazelle, make perfect landings or squeeze your way arou
slide across the floor and flip over a fence in a single bound, just try not to get tazed bro. add skill "Parkour" at 50%
manuever around obstacles without losing speed. Can be used to break a landing without injury, flip over a speeding c

Tactical Pump/Double-Barrel Drift - Shotgun Only, (Tube-fed/double barrel). [Tactical Pump]You can reload tube-fe
off each round without using up an action, reloads 1 round per shot. [Double-Barrel Drift] You are able to breach-load
have been fired without using up an action.

The Way Of The Dragon - You may make a combination roll using DEX to modify the effects of an attack or defensiv
DEX check to bypass their dodge roll. (your dex vs their dex on the resistance table). Defense- if player fails first dod
DEX on the resistance table to dodge.

Sense Danger- This ability allows you to perceive (either with sight or other senses) potential hazards to yourself or o
is, or can't explain that unsettling feeling you have. For example, you can: Feel as if someone or something is lookin
shape cross the moon notice a change in smell, shifting of light and/more movement in your peripherals notice the
hidden behind the easel have a bad feeling about that eerily hunchbacked priest at the seemingly deserted cathedral
Piercing Blow - look at rules in book

Night eye- You are able to see in the dark, as well as low light.(This is a mutation, and your eyes will look strange.)

Pack Leader - In combat you are the first in the fight regardless of dex roll, gain x2 dodge modifier only for your first
follow up on your attacks on the same target gain +5% chance to land a blow on that target.

Staredown - With only your eyes you can intimidate/persuade/bargain with npc with pure eye contact. The unspoken
transmitted through the window of the soul, its really just luck you see. Roll base is 3x POW. Consider it a seperate at
persuasion/intimidation/bargain. can be used to lock attention of a target on successful roll per turn.

VIRAL (Cold + Toxin) - when cold and toxin are damage is placed on a target, they are indefinitely poisoned, reducin
receive medical treatment.

RADIATION (Fire +Electricity) - when fire and electricity damage are placed on the same target, causing confusion
brain damage.

Toxic Scourge - Taint everything you touch with toxins that strikes the very hearts of your enemies. Players can imbue
toxic substance (1 weapon/round per action if in combat) that will whittle down a target from within. Affected targets
perform equal thier CON (max damage will equal targets CON basically). Poisoned enemies will suffer -3 to strength

Fountainhead trait - You possess a MASSIVE store of knowledge. the question is, will the information be what you n
your massive stores of knowledge by rolling intelligence. if you pass, you get 90 seconds out of game to use the intern
that would help you, as if it were your characters actual knowledge. if you fail, the GMS may throw some random in

One Shot One Kill - you determine how many bullets you shoot. You always remember to set your SMG, MG, and ot
burst instead of full auto.

Fuck This Shit - Sometimes you just gotta turn tail and book it out of a situation as fast as your pitiful existence allow
you pass you can get the fuck away, and must leave for the remainder of the fight.

Walking Brewery - Alcohol makes the world go round for you, and you spend a solid portion of your waking moment
anything that would turn into a remotely fermented alcoholic beverage. Gain the Brewing Skill at 20%.

Hawk Eye 2.0- increase listen skill by 10%

Vital Sense - Critical hits are now at 10% or lower, instead of 1%. This applies only to RIFLES/SNIPER.

Crazy Cat Lover - You love cats. Cats don't necessarily love you. Although they are attracted to you for some reason.
thing when a hungry 600 pound tiger is lured by your loving affections oozing from your body. You gain the ability to
Luck, within POW feet of you. Upon successful roll you may make a Cat Call to have all cats in the area you sense ap
empathy after that you crazy cat loving psychopath.

#Savage- you always know a witty come back and they always need ice for the sick burn

Reckless Rage trait - The last time you got into an ale house brawl you picked up the nearest person and used him as a
combat, you keep attacking with anything or anyone until the first target you've engaged in dead or out of view.....eve
friend's)bones trying to do so. if you manage to kill or defeat your enemy without taking damage, then you gain a tem
attacks for the rest of the combat.
Heavy Lifting - +1 Strength when performing actions involving the lifting or moving of heavy objects.

Time Bubble- right before a reset happens you can cast the spell Time Bubble which allows you to keep anything you
remember anything before the reset, this includes if someone is erased from existence. You get a time bubble and it af
cast it. it does not prevent someone from being erased. when you gain this skill a cut scene will activate. 10MP to cas

Called Shot
(Sniper requirement) As a full round action the character can take aim and receive an automatic critical hit with a rang
This bonus stacks with the sharpshooter & Sniper feat.

(Sharpshooter requirement) As a full round action the character can take aim and receive a +6 to hit with a ranged we
sharpshooter feat.

Dynamic Metabolism - You've been blessed with a hearty constitution and an excellent metabolism. Eating a meal all
the day. (Not above maximum) (must make sure GMS knows you are eating and using this skill)

The character can work any simple machines. Character gains a +10 to all mechanical skills.

Glory Gut - You can stomach anything from the most dangerous of foods, all the way to a poisoned severed head. Wh
doesn't matter if it's rare or charcoal burnt, it goes right down the hatch. Taste isn't even a factor.(cannot taste anything

On The Mark - you've picked up the peculiar ability to fling vegetables and debris with great accuracy, namely for spl
produce or throwing rocks at a wooden post, tree, or criminal to your enjoyment. Gain an additional 10% to the Throw
can hurl with great force an object up to 5 lbs. with considerable accuracy, as opposed to the standard 1 lb. with penal
Secondary effect is the ability to throw non-throwing weapons with a +15% add to what you rolled using Throw inste
Throw Skill. Non-Combat application of Throw is Toss, double the Skill% of Throw to determine Toss. The 95% Ma

To Cross The Line takes a Tiny Step (Combination Skill) - If a player or players involved has this skill as well as The
But There Was Fear Inside, They can initiate Group Therapy by reciting [There was a time, there was a place, but the
takes a tiny step]. Group Therapy will remove an episode of insanity,cure a phobia, or restore 1d4 sanity x the numbe
therapy to all players involved once per session.

Black Card - You've been granted the special privilege of accessing the black market. This Card is the only way in or
location. guard it with your life. In order to use it, scratch your eye with the card in the presents of another NPC or pla
gain access. (can be lost or stolen)

ppens to everyone around you. Luck roll halved, anytime you

d. This can be a good thing and a bad thing at the same time,

to avoid lethal damage.

, you may roll luck instead of the required skill. On a fail roll,
problem. Target player must be within melee range of your
alking down the street. player 1 has UTB skill, slips on a
e player 1 regains balance, tough luck buddy.

ng insane, GMS can over rule if to fucking crazy or stupid.)

on another enemy within reach using the same melee weapon


learly. It is a technique which can be employed to demand

at 33%

the toxin becomes a highly corrosive chemical, which eats

will roll intelligence for you to see if you may receive a friendly

ecall exactly what happened during that event. GM will

ake refreshing and tastastic concoction out of fruits and

e and there, you never know. Also an uncanny ability to slice
You are sure to be a party favorite!


g. (EX- if you normally roll 1D4 you now roll 1D6).

ith excessive force. As an example; after killing them, you

or every bloody mess or mangled corpse you make, you gain a

and gather details regarding the subject that would not have
combat, a passing roll would hint at an observable weakness

you do not eat (Fasting), your Mental capabilities (INT,POW)

+1 to skill "Furious", which can be rolled when taking
d have taken equal to the number of days you've fasted.
fasted for berserker mode. After berserker mode is activated,
endurance from not eating.

combat with great efficiency, and is treated as such. Roll

nal damage in a single round (1d4 (FIST) + damage bonus of


ery violence. +1 Fire damage on melee attacks, and for each

ounter resets to 1 damage again. Can set targets on fire. Killing

y become magnetized, and effectively a bullet attractor. Any


rse of action that is inadvisable or foolhardy. Gain skill

they are more willing to help you in many different ways.

You are a grown ass person, you can make your own damn

brick, tree, or human body. Be advised it may not be where

n item, even if it doesnt return to you right away. if you roll

been there in person before. Successful history roll allows you

feat does not stack.

ess, a girl has no name. Any action other than moving or

name. Can be used consecutively in a session but player
und you, and to activate this skill.

! The Lungs of a professional deep sea pearl diver! Breathe

wsome. 10 minutes while static. Rolling this skill again will

he damage.

's a clover.( Able to re-roll a failed luck roll)

mbustion occurs and the toxin explodes out in the form of toxic
gets to sleep for 1d4 turns.

other habitus of the criminal underworld. You can: deploy

ple make and utilize criminal contacts fences, drug dealers,
eapons gather underworld rumors

ou still rock that bedroom set. gain the craft skill armor
r out of a Armoire.

with your fists/fist weapon and an additiona 1d4 damage roll

! That amazing cookbook with the latest in avant-garde

cantation while running for your life. Concetration levels
performing other actions at normal speeds unlike other

weapons (must be conductive material or energy based) deals

g the same damage to all targets of your choosing within 15

ckout, rendering target unconcious.

pig, you have yourself a loyal companion for the rest of the

y kicks in. GM will roll for highest melee skill for damage on
ee if they regain conciousness. If player were to die, they get 1

hing from gold to a dead/alive cat could be inside. Anything.

r choice in relation to your trade experience. You cannot

ks is baron.

ommon, so no RPGs, machine guns, bombs, etc.)

unconscious or kill you. Now, up to -10, you will only pass

below -10...which would kill you. You cannot wake up until

ain basic knowledge of lifesaving techniques, when someone

, roll a extra 1d4.

rom solid ground. However, step into water and you sink like
ay on the ground with ample footing if thrown, tackled, or

0 to drive auto when under pressure with the ability to cut tire

orption, when the marble is dropped onto the ground, it rolls

e of mythos creature) This is a very effective method of

in Skill "Lip reading 30%"

re halved.

Sunday school. Sacrifice HP to increase damage bonus of a

essfully. Martial arts bonus applies to FFDP damage bonus ie.

sanity issue for yourself or another player successfully as if

in flesh. Every melee strike with fists/elbows, kick/knee, or

one unconcious it kills them instead. Gain Elbow Strikes equal
g on hit on an unarmored surface. Knee Strikes will cause 1
duration of grapple. You can parry melee weapon attacks
break their bones on successful parry of fist or feet. You can

ties on hand. Chance to freeze target body part at at 5% of

r parry rolls will Chill the target, reducing thier dex by 2 for
damage for insta-kill/damage.

g combat order.

that you and the blade becomes one. Gain ability to deflect
t other people including teammates)

damage to the target, then roll for knockdown. Damage must

ur understanding of your own body is beyond reproach. Flip

or squeeze your way around laser tripwires like a professional,
d skill "Parkour" at 50% which can be used to acrobatically
ury, flip over a speeding car, scale a building doing kickflips,

p]You can reload tube-fed, pump action shotguns as you fire

ou are able to breach-load immediately after BOTH rounds

s of an attack or defensive action. On attack, you may make a

e- if player fails first dodge they can use their DEX vs enemy's

hazards to yourself or others, even if you don't know what it

ne or something is looking at you intently see a flittering
r peripherals notice the freshly split human bones hastily
ingly deserted cathedral

eyes will look strange.)

odifier only for your first dodge in combat. Players who

e contact. The unspoken words of a thousand feelings

Consider it a seperate attempt from verbal
er turn.

initely poisoned, reducing CON and STR by Half until they

rget, causing confusion for 1d6 turns and dealing that much

emies. Players can imbue weapons and ammunition with a

within. Affected targets will lose 1 hp every action they
will suffer -3 to strength for the duration of the poison.

formation be what you need when you need it? You can access
of game to use the internet to search for anything relevant
y throw some random info your way.

t your SMG, MG, and other fast pew pew pew guns to 3 shot

ur pitiful existence allows it. Roll Cardio for escape check. If

of your waking moments practicing and experimenting with

ill at 20%.


to you for some reason. Just doesnt mean its gonna be a good
dy. You gain the ability to feel the presence of cats equal to
s in the area you sense approach you. Good luck with animal

person and used him as a human battering ram. When in

ead or out of view.....even if you break all of your ( or your
age, then you gain a temporary +3 damage resistance to all

y objects.

you to keep anything you got before the reset. As well as

et a time bubble and it affect everyone inside of it when you
ill activate. 10MP to cast.

tic critical hit with a ranged weapon.

6 to hit with a ranged weapon. This bonus stacks with the

bolism. Eating a meal allows you to gain 1d4 of hit points for

isoned severed head. Why would you eat that? Up to you! It

tor.(cannot taste anything if this trait is taken.)

accuracy, namely for splattering the village idiot with rotten

ditional 10% to the Throw Skill. You cannot exceed 90%. One
standard 1 lb. with penalties for each pound overweight. A
rolled using Throw instead of the +30% base for the normal
mine Toss. The 95% Max Skill Cap still applies.

this skill as well as There Was A Time, There Was a Place,

here was a place, but there was fear inside... to cross the line
e 1d4 sanity x the number of people participating in group

ard is the only way in or out of the secret black market

nts of another NPC or player, if they scratch their eye back you

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