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There is mention of a scarlet or red beast in the book of Revelations. Just what is it?

the socialist or communist government that controls many nations and will be in
complete control when the Anti-Christ rules in the near future. John states in Revelation
17:3-4. "So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit
upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten
horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color." The scarlet beast is the
world government from which the Antichrist will ascend. The woman riding the beast is
the Great Whore or the false religion of the last days. Note that not only is the beast
scarlet colored, but the woman who rides the beast is also wearing scarlet color. In fact,
the Bible clearly shows that it is the color of the government of the Antichrist.
Scarlet (from the Persian ‫ سآقرلت‬säqirlāt) is known as a bright red color with a hue that is
somewhat toward the orange. It is redder than vermilion and could also refer to the color
of the blood of a living person. Traditionally, scarlet is the color of flame. Scarlet is the
color of Jesus Christ's robe wore when he bore our "sins" (And they stripped him, and put
on him a scarlet robe - Matthew 27:28). Rahab's thread was red or scarlet (Joshua 2:18;
Leviticus 14:4). Which foreshadows Christ's. Isaiah 1:18 states the following words.
Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they
shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
Red socialism has conquered the Roman Catholic Church. It now follows a (socialistic)
Liberation Theology. Yet in 1931, Pope Pius XI said, "Whether considered as a doctrine,
or as an historical fact, or as a movement, Socialism, if it really remains Socialism,
cannot be brought into harmony with the dogmas of the Catholic church. Religious
Socialism, Christian Socialism, are expressions implying a contradiction in terms." But
that was 1931. Things have changed unbelievably. Today, the Jesuits of the Catholic
Church are among the most vocal revolutionary Socialists in the world, peddling their
Liberation Theology from the jungles of Central America to the Congress Halls of
Washington D.C. In "Windswept House," Malachi Martin claimed that Socialists now
dominate the Magisterium, the Vatican Hierarchy. Catholics and Communists are strange
bedfellows, but it had to be, because the Bible prophesied that the woman would wear
The reason most Americans do not realize the penetration of socialism worldwide is
because it usually comes under other political names. Socialism is everywhere. It
dominates Russia, Georgia, Lithuania or the Slavic states. Communism controls China,
North Korean, and Eastern Asia. Socialism is across all of Europe. Both the United
Kingdom and France have had Socialist governments for some years. (In Britain, it was
Tony Blair's Labour Party. In Germany, it was Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Social
Democrats and their allies, the Greens, in the United States, it is in the Labor Unions, the
Democratic Party, and of course the Communist and Socialist Parties. World-wide,
socialism is spreading in the "green" movement - spurred in the beginning by Mikhail
Gorbachev, the environmentalists, "the global warming" crowd, and the most of liberal
forms of extremism.) Since World War II, virtually of all the colonies and nations of
Africa, Central and South America have been converted or forced to accept socialism in
some form. In South Africa, it was Nelson Mandela, in Nicaragua, it is the Sandinistas, in
Haiti it was Catholic Priest Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his Liberation Theology.
Today in the United States of America it is illegal to talk about God in public schools.
Teachers are not permitted to show a Bible on their desk, or Christian posters on the
classroom wall. It's also illegal for teachers to present any geological evidence of Noah's
flood, or of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. God has been thrown out of the
school. Without God there has been a tremendous increase in disrespect for authority
because the main authority, God, is no longer here. Individuals do not respect their
parents, their teachers, police, or any other authority. People in general lie, cheat, steal,
commit fornication, adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, gamble, and talk profanity. All of
these acts were at one time considered a crime and penalized in the United States of
America. Not any more. Why? Because the Bible says that the end time world
governments must become scarlet or red (socialistic).
To them religion or a belief in God is poisonous. Karl Marx wrote that, "It is the opium
of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required
for their real happiness." Lenin wrote the following words. "Atheism is a natural and
inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism." The
Soviet Union in theory and practice, was and is atheist state, in which religion was
largely discouraged and heavily persecuted. In other words, in communistic or socialist
societies, the government becomes the religion and replaces all form of belief with
government sponsored programs instead. And it in effect becomes the "New God" or
"State Religion" - that replaces all others. Some will rightfully say that the former Iron
Curtain now has soften it's stance against religious persecution. This is true. The real
reason behind this new openness to religion by communists today (it's from God) is to
allow the Gospel to be preached to every creature, and the end will come.
The scarlet beast is here now in America. It has already invaded our country's capitol.
The policies of the Obama Adminstraition are fulfilling prophecies foretold hundreds of
years before. Judi McLeod of the Canada Free Press published an article in 2006 linking
Mikhail Gorbachev and the San Francisco "State of the World Forum." It's a globalist
socialist think tank with many adherents to it's policies, (such as Nancy Pelosi and others)
some of which are presently sitting in very high places in Washington, D.C. Our country
(once a great Republic and then a Democracy) is rapidly becoming just another socialistic
one. This teaching is not a required for salvation. Simply obey the instructions of Peter
given in Acts 2:38 for that. Have a blessed day in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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