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Administrative Assistant
Skills „| c erienced in great customer service
„| c cellent interersonal written and verbal communication skills
„| c cellent organization and research skills
„| roficient in intermediate level MS Word, c cel, Outlook, and QuickBooks ro
„| Able to work successfully within a team

c ion Universi of Phoenix, Wln Creek, CA

Working towards a Bachelor¶s of Science Degree in Management 2012
Ls Posis College, Livermore, CA
Associate of Science Degree in Business 2010
Associate of Arts Degree in Business cntrereneurshi 2010
Associate of Arts Degree in Liberal Arts 2010
Business Workforce roficiency Certificate 2010
Administrative Assistant Certificate 2005

Work Hisor Cse Mngemen Internshi 2009-2009

Family Service Counseling, San Leandro, CA
„| Served as Community Outreach intern in Alameda County

„| Maintained client confidentiality

„| cducated families about local rograms and services

„| Assisted students with re enrollment rocess

„| Collaborated with Alameda County Juvenile robation officers

to romote school attendance for at risk youth

„| roficient in Microsoft Word, c cel, and Outlook

„| Interacted with clients and their families

„| Interacted with Juvenile robation Officer

„| Documented and verified truancy for monthly reorts to

Alameda County Office of cducation

„| rovided clients with referrals and resources

„| rovided customer service for families

Morgge Consln 2004- 2007

remier Lending, Dublin, CA
„| Maintained confidentiality of clients ersonal information
„| ulled clients credit reorts for home loan uroses
„| Originated home loans and re-qualified rosects
„| Advised clients of their otions for loans
„| ryed letters of e lanation for the lending bank to e lain
collection items
„| Scheduled client insections, araisals and document signings


A minisrive Assisn 2005- 2006

Sherion, leasanton, CA
„| Served as administrative assistant for five underwriters in

the underwriting deartment at Washington Mutual Loan

Fulfillment Center
„| Data entry in Microsoft Access 2003

„| Answer telehone, filing, and fa ing loan summaries to

loan originators
Nelson & Vencill Attorneys, San Ramon, CA
„| Answered hones
„| Maintained client confidentiality
„| rocessed accounts ayable/receivable
„| reared weekly bank deosits
„| reared monthly invoices for ayment
„| reared outgoing mail for US ostal and overnight
„| rracked e enses
„| Maintained office sulies
„| Maintained office filing system
„| Created new client files

References available uon request

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