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Rene M. Tuballa
ABB Inc.
Paul Cass
Xiaodong Liu
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the basic relay protection design of a conventional dual core
Symmetrical Phase Shifting Transformers (PST). The paper will start with the basic principles and
applications of the PST in the power system with examples of power flow simulations as the taps are
moved to different positions. The final part of the paper will be discussions of the protection philosophy
using the multifunction microprocessor relay and how the settings are calculated to come up with the
differential protection scheme. An example of setting parameters are shown for the differential
protections and validated by the data recorded during the commissioning of the PSTs.

The bulk power stations today are undergoing relay protection system upgrades from the old electro
mechanical relays to the multifunction microprocessor relays. Setting data needs to be migrated to the
new relay which makes it necessary to revisit the principles and applications of the equipment that is
being protected. Most of the time, the protection engineers are familiar with the theory and principles of
the equipment but when it comes to protecting PSTs, the task is somewhat complicated. PSTs have
always presented challenges to protection engineers due to being more complex than the regular power
transformers with many different currents that make the task tedious to develop a complete protection
scheme [2].
What compounded the challenges are that engineers who were involved in the original design of the
protection of the PST were mostly retired and that manuals that provide technical explanation of the
PSTs principle is hard to find. There are papers available from the IEEE library and from other authors
who have published in part about the principles, applications and protections of PST. Some of these
papers are being used as references here. References [3] and [4] provide clear guidelines of protecting
the type of PST that is being discussed in this paper.
The main purpose of PST is to control the power flow in electrical power systems. It changes the voltage
phase angle relationship of the load side of the PST with respect to the source side. This is
accomplished by advancing or retarding the regulating unit tap changer, resulting in the change of active
power flow in the power system,. There are types of PSTs that produce a load side voltage whose
amplitude is different from the source side voltage. For the symmetrical type PST, only the phase angle
relationship changes and that the voltage amplitude for the source and the load are equal.

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Transfer of Power Between Active Sources [1]
Active power flow is analyzed by using the equivalent system diagram of a simple transmission line
shown on Figure 1. The transmission line impedance is shown only as
as the resistance of the line
is assumed to be very small and therefore neglected. There are two conditions briefly described here;
one is that the load angle = 0 which resulted in no power transferred. The second condition is that the
amplitude of the voltages on the sending end and receiving end are equal with
. The second
condition is the focus of this paper as applied to the symmetrical type PST.

Transmission Line Equivalent System Diagram

Figure 1
The receiving end active and reactive power components are given by the following equations:



The sending end active and reactive power components are given by the following equations:





Let us say



(5), so there is no active power flow.



From the equations 1, 3, and 6, the active power transferred which is the same as the power received
( ) is a function of the voltage magnitude, the transmission line impedance, and the load angle . There
are power system equipment on the grid that can control power transfer by changing any of the variables
of the power transfer equation.
Series capacitors, SVC, shunt connected capacitor banks, shunt
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connected reactor banks, UPFC, and PST are among such equipment. If series capacitors or
compensation are not used and the optimal operation of the power system requires that the voltage
magnitude at any bus cannot deviate significantly from the nominal value, the control of active power
transfer is achieved primarily through variations in load angle . This is where PST is appropriately
The PST can be modeled with an ideal transformer in series with a phase shifter as shown on Figure 2,
having a complex turns ratio and impedance
in series. Similar to the transmission line
impedance, the ohmic resistance is also assumed to be small and thus has been neglected [4]. The
power flow through the line is increased by adding an angle to the existing load angle [5].

Transmission line model with a PST
Figure 2
The new power flow equation with PST on the line is now given as,


The inductive reactance

is a simple representation of the equivalent impedance of the PST. There
are PST modeling that may use zero or constant value for
but this is confusing since the PST has
impedance that varies with the phase angle
Using equations 1 and 8, the power angle curves with and
without the PST can be plotted and will look similar to what is shown on Figure 3. It shows the
relationship of a changing active power flow to the changing of the phase angle relationship across the
PST. The dotted vertical line highlights where the maximum power transfer occurs at 90. It is important
to note that as the taps are varied, the resulting active power transported is a non-linear function of [6].

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Active power as a function of load angle

Figure 3

with or without PST [5]

A typical example of how the PST works is shown on Figure 4. The active power flow division between
the two lines shown on Figure 4a is inversely proportional to the total impedance of the each line when
the PST is at neutral tap position (0). In this example line 1 is showing 70 MW and line 2 is showing 30
MW so it can be deduced that the Line 1 impedance is smaller than the impedance of Line 2. On Figure
4b, the PST tap changer was moved to advance position at =5 which allows Line 2 to increase its share
of power flow from 30 MW to 40 MW and Line 1 decreases to 60 MW.

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(a) Power flow at neutral tap. (b) Power flow at
Figure 4

advance tap

Principles of a Symmetrical Type Phase Shifting Transformers

The PSTs come in different designs and are classified by the design characteristics of direct, indirect,
asymmetrical, and symmetrical types [4]. The direct PSTs are based on one 3-phase core. The indirect
symmetrical type PSTs shown on Figure 5 are based on a construction with two separate transformers - a
dual tank dual core type. One tank contains a variable tap exciter unit to regulate the amplitude of the
quadrature voltage and the other tank contains the series unit to inject the quadrature voltage on the right
phase. This type of PSTs produce an output voltage with the same magnitude or amplitude compared to
the input voltage but with different phase angle [5].

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Series Unit

Exciting Unit

Indirect Symmetrical PST (Dual Tank, Dual Core)

Figure 5
The phasor diagrams of symmetrical type PSTs are the same for direct and indirect type. The phasor
diagram on Figure 6a shows that the source voltage lags the load voltage
by the phase angle .
This is when the PST tap changer is moved to the advance position by an angle . Figure 6b on the
other hand, shows that the source voltage
leads the load voltage
by the phase angle . This is
when the PST tap changer is moved to retard position by an angle . All rotations are counter clockwise.

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Phasor diagrams of a symmetrical type PST

Figure 6
As the phase angle of the PST varies by changing the tap so is the magnitude of the voltage
. This
voltage is also called the quadrature voltage,
, that is impressed on the primary of the series unit for
voltage induction to the secondary delta as shown on Figure 7. The quadrature voltage is derived from
the phase to phase voltages of the other two phases [3]. For example, phase angle shifts of the A phase
would be developed by adding a quadrature voltage derived from B and C phase voltages [5]. For B
phase it would be A and C phase quadrature voltages and for C phase it would be from A and B phase
quadrature voltages.
The voltage reversal which occurs at neutral tap is integrated and performed within the load tap changer
itself, by reversing the direction of current flow through the secondary winding of the exciting transformer
via the advance-retard switch. This allows the quadrature voltages to be either added or subtracted from
the source voltage to allow the advance or retard of the load voltage. There are some designs with a
separate mechanical device located within the connections towards the delta-connected secondary of the
series transformer that swapped the connections. This design will require special attention on setting the
parameters of the vector group.

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Quadrature voltage impressed on the secondary of the series unit

Figure 7
The quadrature voltage,
this equation:
( )

which is the


on the two phasor diagrams shown on Figure 7 is given by


| |


From equation 9, the phase angle can be expressed by this equation,




Substituting equation 11 to equation 8, the active power transferred will be





The three PSTs installed at the substation shown on Figure 8 control the power flow to Lines 1, 2, 3, 4,
and 5. These three PSTs that are connected in parallel have similar ratings so the combined impedance
is equal to one third of one PST. The taps are operated in tandem such that all three PSTs tap changer
moves to the same tap position at the same time therefore active power flow are evenly distributed to
each PST. GCB A is a bypass breaker that is normally open and can only be closed when the taps are in
neutral which is at
. If the three PSTs are energized and carry load immediately, the tap positions
have to be between 1R and 3A during energization to minimize load transients in the system.
The three PSTs are not self regulating but are adjusted manually. They are coordinated with two PSTs in
another substation to move active power and relieve overloads in nearby substations. The PSTs tap
positions between the two stations are regulated at maximum of 3 taps apart from each station for proper
control of load flow. In reality, the taps of the three PSTs in this substation are adjusted between 10A and
N positions in normal operations. Active power flow of each PST is normally controlled below 70% of
rating, such as 0 to 130 MW in winter and 0 to 115 MW in summer.
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Three PSTs connected in parallel

Figure 8
Figure 8 shows the PSTs have 32 steps tap changing positions and where each tap position should have
equivalent impedance rating. The neutral % impedances of these particular PSTs are between 11 %Z to
12%Z while the average maximum % impedance on higher end is 23 %Z. These values show that the
%Z changes as the taps are moved from neutral to advance or retard positions. The maximum phase
angle shift for both the advance and retard positions is
Data for each PST was recorded during commissioning of the new relay protection package when the
PSTs were operated at 3A position with = 7.8. Each PST has 16.8 MW for a combined total of 50.4
MW. Using equation 8, it is possible to compute for the load angle since the active power flow is
known. Active power transferred P and
at each tap can be computed using equations 9 and 12. For
discussion purposes, a load angle value of
is assumed in order to plot the relationships of P,

as shown on Figure 9.

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P (pu)










Relationships of P,


, and at load angle of


Figure 9
The power curve was added to indicate the effect of impedance variations of PSTs. The
impedance of PSTs at taps 16A and 16R in Table 1 have a scaling factor of 2.03 compared to
the impedance at neutral tap (N) position. Typical power flows through each PST at different
taps as shown in Table 1 are simulated under normal network conditions, which mean no
significant outages on the transmission and the generation systems or there are no overloading
conditions in the system. The results indicate that the active power flow nearly linearly
increases with the tap position over the range of PST rating. This characteristic is very
desirable for operators to balance area active power flow.
Protection of the Symmetrical Phase Shifting Transformers
Basic Design of PST Protection
In general, the protection of the PST is dependent of its design and the locations of the current
transformers. It is imperative to understand how the currents are flowing through the windings
of the PST in order to effectively design the protection scheme. This paper will focus on the
basic philosophy of the protection as applied to differential protections only. Figure 10 shows
only one phase of the currents flowing on the windings of the indirect symmetrical type PST, the
conventional type which consists of delta secondary series windings and WYE WYE grounded
exciting windings.

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Primary and Secondary Currents

Figure 10
The currents on the primary of the series winding use Kirchhoffs Law for the relationship. The equation
, where

So for all phases the following equations are used:

The phasor diagram of the primary currents are shown on Figure 11.

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Phasor diagram of the primary currents

Figure 11
The secondary currents flowing inside the delta is based on ampere turn balance between the primary
and secondary windings wherein the magnetic induction from the primary circuit is exactly proportional to
the turns ratio into the secondary circuit. This is possible on the primary series unit since the windings
have fixed number of turns. So the basic transformer equations are applied:
Using 16 and 17, the ampere turns balance is
represents the number of
turns for the primary winding and the secondary winding respectively. The series unit primary winding
has a center tapped for connection to the primary exciting winding. This paper will call the left side of the
center tap as the source winding and to the right of the tap as the load winding to simplify discussions.
The magnetic coupling of the series winding of the phase shifter will have this equation,
(18) , where

Since the tap connection for the primary exciting winding is at the center, it is assumed that the number of
turns on the of the primary source side winding is equal to the number of turns of the primary load side
winding which is represented as
, therefore


Using 16, 17, 18, and 19, the series unit turns ratio or often called the k factor can be represented by the

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( )

If the k factor is known,


Using equations 18, 19, and 20 the secondary current flowing inside the delta is,


So for each phase, the following equations are obtained for the secondary delta side:




The secondary line current coming out of the secondary delta of the series unit which is used as the
exciting or regulating currents as shown on Figure 10, can be obtained through Kirchhoffs current law
through the following equations:
By using equations 22 to 27, the secondary exciting currents are the following:




Figure 12 shows the connections of the current transformers (CT) to the relays. The relays are
multifunction microprocessor type, therefore capable of having several sets of CT inputs and can perform
different protection functions. All CTs are WYE or star connected with polarities away from the windings
just like the standard differential protection connection. There are two relays used and often times the
primary and secondary relays are supplied by different manufacturers.

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The basic protection connection on Figure 12a does not provide complete redundancy for each other. So
two additional ground overcurrent relays are connected on the neutral of the WYE connected primary and
secondary of the exciting transformer. Figure 12b uses auxiliary CTs for inputs to the primary and
secondary relays in order to provide complete redundancy of the protection such that if one relay is out of
service, the remaining relay provides complete protection.
The primary differential protection is based on the Kirchhoffs Current Law while the secondary differential
protection is based on the ampere-turn balance between three windings installed around the magnetic
core of the series transformer [7]. Both differential protections used the standard differential protection of
a three winding, three phase transformers.

Basic protection diagram

Figure 12
The three winding transformer differential current protection connection on Figure 13 is typical or standard
where the CT polarities are away from the protected transformer and the CTs are connected in WYE
configuration. However, microprocessor relays can accept any type of CT connections and polarities as
long as they are identified as an input so the relay can compensate for the calculations of the differential

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Typical differential current connection and algorithm

Figure 13
All differential current calculations on this particular relay are referred to the primary where Figure 13
shows the differential current matrix that has the voltage ratio of secondary windings to the primary
winding. The letters A, B, and C corresponds to a 3 by 3 matrix designating phase shift relationships of
the secondary windings to the primary. The differential current calculations example shown on Figure 14
has transformer ratio of 1 for simplicity reason and in theory should result to a zero differential current
under normal conditions. The 180 added to currents of windings 2 and 3 reflects the connection of the
CTs with polarities away from the protected transformer. The phasor diagram of Phase A merely
reinforces the theory of differential current addition based on the equation.

Simple differential current equations and phasor diagram of phase A only

Figure 14
Primary Differential Relay Protection 87P Setting Parameters Example [6]
The primary differential protection CT contributions come from the source (CT1), load (CT4), and exciting
(CT5) windings. The nameplate rating of the PAR is 165 MVA, 115kV, 828A, therefore the setting data
for the equivalent three winding, three phase power transformer are: 165MVA, 115/115/115kV,
828/828/828A. The vector relationship is Yy0y0, this means that the source, the load, and the primary
exciting windings are characterized as WYE connection with zero phase shift relationships for the source
and load while 0 degrees for the source and exciting windings. An example of the setting parameters for
primary differential protection from a particular relay manufacturer is shown on Figure 15.

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Part of primary differential settings

Figure 15
The optional zero sequence reduction settings ZSCurrSubtrW1, ZSCurrSubtrW2, ZSCurrSubtrW3 are
disabled in order to maximize the primary windings differential protection for internal ground faults. The
fundamental differential frequency currents are in general composed of currents of all sequences, that is
the positive ( ), the negative ( ), and the zero sequence currents ( ). If zero sequence currents are
eliminated then only the negative and positive sequence currents are included in the calculations. But the
grounded WYE of the primary of the series and the exciting windings provide an excellent source of zero
sequence currents during internal faults so it makes sense that the zero sequence currents are included
in the calculations so the zero sequence reduction is disabled.
The symmetrical components which provide a method to deal with three phase unbalance systems have
the following equations for phase currents shown on Figure 16, which also shows phase currents without
the zero sequence components. All other complementary settings will be discussed on the 87S setting

Phase currents decomposed to different sequence components

Figure 16
Secondary Differential Protection 87S Setting Parameters [6]

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The secondary differential protection CT contributions come from the source (CT2), load (CT3), and
secondary exciting (CT6) windings. The series unit of the PST is represented by a standard, three
winding, Yyd three-phase power transformer, meaning the source and the load windings are
characterized as WYE connections while the secondary winding is DELTA connected. To complete the
setting data, the rated secondary current, the secondary phase to phase voltage, and the vector group
numbers or phase shift relationships must be determined which in essence relate also to the locations of
the CT contributions to the relays. Using the nameplate data and the equations shown on the previous
sections the following data can be derived:
Rated voltage across the source winding (line to neutral) =

Rated voltage across the source winding (phase to phase) =

Rated voltage across the load winding (line to neutral) =

Rated voltage across the load winding (phase to phase) =

An example of the parameter settings of the secondary differential protection from a particular
manufacturer relay is shown on Figure 17.


Part of current differential relay settings

Figure 17
The next parameter uses the K factor in the solution but some PSTs do not provide the series unit turns
ratio. This is the data that could be lost on the documentation during the migration of the settings from
the electro mechanical to the modern microprocessor type relay. The K factor value from the original
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setting document used was 0.6981. Using this value the voltage across the secondary delta winding,
was determined.

The magnitude of the current flowing inside the delta,
determined by two solutions shown below:



which is equal to the

, and


= 1001.57 ( ) = 578.27 A

= 578.30 A

The vector group which is the phase shift relationship of the windings needs to be determined. This time
the exciting current contribution is coming from the secondary delta. Normally CTs inside the delta are
not provided so the CTs are mounted to measure the line current of the delta. The setting for the phase
shift of the delta secondary series unit depends on where the polarity of the delta windings.
The typical vector group of the conventional symmetrical PST is either Yy0d9 or Yy0d3 with 9 o clock
representing 90 lead and 3 o clock representing 90 lag. By referring to Figure 18, let us assume that
the primary source and load currents are in phase then applying the equations derived for the line
currents out of the delta results in
, and
. In this equation,
the delta line current lags the primary series unit winding current by 90 (3 o clock). If the opposite is
true such as
, and
, then the delta line current leads the
primary series unit winding currents by 90 (9 o clock).

Secondary vector group relationships [7]

Figure 18

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Part of secondary current differential relay settings

Figure 19
Other settings shown on Figure 19 that are unique to this particular relay can be enabled or disabled.
These are the switch on to fault feature SOTFMode, the negative sequence current differential
NegSeqDiffEn, the cross block between phases CrossBlockEn, and the open CT detection feature
OpenCTEnable. Other settings that are typical or common on most transformer differential relay
manufacturers will not be discussed.
The switch on to fault feature is disabled or enabled by the setting parameter SOTFMode. When
enabled, this feature ensures quick differential protection tripping in cases where a transformer is
energized with an internal fault. Operation of this feature is based on the fact that a current gap exists
within the first power system cycle when healthy power transformer is energized as shown Figure 20.
This feature is only active during initial power transformer energizing, more exactly under the first 50ms.

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Current gap for inrush current

Figure 20
Existence of relatively high negative sequence currents is in itself a proof of a disturbance on the power
system, possibly a fault in the PST. The negative sequence currents provide coverage for phase to
phase, turn to turn, and ground faults. In theory, the negative sequence currents do not exist during
symmetrical three phase faults but they do appear during the initial stage of such fault, long enough for
the relay to make proper decision. Unlike the zero sequence currents which does not pass through delta
connections, the negative sequence currents are always properly transformed to the other side for any
external disturbances.
When NegSeqDiffEn is enabled, a differential current calculation is performed with only the negative
sequence currents applied in the equations as shown on Figure 21. The standard or normal differential
current calculations are still independently performed.

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Negative sequence currents different calculations

Figure 21
The built in open CT feature can be enabled or disabled by a setting parameter OpenCTEnable. This
feature prevents differential operation of the relay when one phase of the CT secondary is open circuited.
The feature can only detect interruption of one CT phase current at a time but will not work with two or
even all three phase currents of one CT set are interrupted. The open CT function is supposed to detect
an open CT under normal load or conditions. If the load currents are very low or zero, the open CT
condition cannot be detected. The open CT algorithm only detects open CT if transformer load is from
10% to 110% of the rated load.
Basic definition of cross-blocking is that one of the three phases can block operation of the other two
phases due to harmonic pollution of the differential current in that phase. There is no time settings
involved but the phase that is in the operating region will be able to cross block the other two phases if is
itself blocked by other harmonic restrained criteria. Once the phase current is below the operating region,
cross blocking from that phase will be inhibited.

Validation of the Parameters Settings

Most utilities perform relay poling during commissioning to verify the data from the relays or from the
phase angle meters that the relay commissioning engineers use. This validates the pre-energization
checklists such as the CT ratios, CT polarities, CT phase contributions, and to some extent verifies if the
parameters settings are correct. If the relay algorithms for open CT detection is not enabled then one
may argue that transformers with sufficient load would have tripped already due to anomalies on the CT
connections. It is common however, for commissioning engineers to arrange for lighter load at the time
of commissioning, so for the purpose of this paper it is assumed that the PSTs did not trip so that data
can be validated.
The following data were recorded from the 87P and 87S relays from one of the three PSTs connected in

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Table 1
Commissioning data from 87S relay

Looking at these data it can be concluded that the

are 8 out of phase which is very close
to the 7.8 for the advance 3A tap position. The approximate 180 degrees apart are due to the polarity
of the CT contribution which is the standard connections for a differential protection. The exciting
secondary current
, again with 180 standard CT polarity contribution, shows close to the 90 lag
from the primary series unit currents. This validates the secondary vector group setting of Yy0d3.
The series turns ratio K factor value which was used to find the value of
, the voltage across the
secondary delta winding was also validated. Using the magnitude of the
currents and using the principle of ampere-turn balance equations, the K factor solution will be,

, this is slightly higher than 0.6981 value that was used on the setting solutions. The

data on table 1 were used into the following equations below in order to verify the measured data.







Using given

Using calculated

From measured data

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Table 2
Commissioning data from 87P Relay

The 87P vector group was set on the neutral tap which is Yy0y0, where in theory the exciting primary
current is zero. Now with the tap being advance to 3A position an exciting current was measured to 30A
for phase A with angle not recorded but assumed to be the same angle as recorded on the secondary
exciting current. The differential current calculation was based on the principle of Kirchhoffs Current Law
which means that the
. The differential current of Phase A shown below is

is negligible for the differential current setting of

The goal of this paper is to provide the basic understanding of the symmetrical type PST or PAR of its
principles, application, and relay protection design. This paper used several references in particular the
IEEE Guide in protecting the PST, knowing that the guide was written for electro mechanical relays.
There are papers written by others that provided technical analysis on improving the original guidelines
recommended by IEEE which now made possible by multifunction micro processor relays. It is
recommended to read those papers in order to have a full complement of understanding on how different
types of PSTs are protected.

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[1] P. Kundur: Power System Stability and Control, EPRI Power System Engineering Series,
McGraw Hill, 1994 (Chapter 6)
[2] R. Hedding: Some Old and New Thoughts on Phase Angle Regulators, ABB Inc., 2010 63
Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, March 2010.


[3] IEEE Special Publication, Protection of Phase Angle regulator Transformers, A report to the
Substation Subcommittee of the IEEE Power System Relaying Committee Working Group K1,
October 1999
[4] M.A Ibrahim, F.P. Stacom, Phase angle Regulating Transformer Protection.
Transaction on Power Delivery, Vol9, No.1 January, 1994


[5] J. Verboomen, D. Van Herten, P. H. Schavemaker, W. L. Kling, R. Belmans: Phase Shifting

Transformers: Principles and Applications, 2005 International Conference on Future Power
Systems, November 18, 2005
[6] Z. Gajic, M. Podboj, B. Traven, A. Krasovec: When Existing Recommendations for PST
Protection Can Let You Down, 11 IET International Conference on developments in Power
System Protection (DPSP 2012)
[7] L. Sevov, C. Wester: Protection of Phase Angle Regulating Transformer Using Digital Relays
[8] J. Lewis Blackburn, Thomas J. Domin: Protective Relaying Principles and Applications Third
Edition, CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, 2007
[9] J. Duncan Glover, Mulukutla S. Sarma: Power System Analysis and Design, Third Edition,
Wadsworth Group, 2002
[10] James H. Harlow (Editor): Electric Power Transformer Engineering, CRC Press, 2004
[11] Z. Gajic, I. Ivankovic, B. Filipovic-Grcic, R. Rubesa: New General Method for Differential
Protection of Phase Shifting Transformers, available at, Document

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Rene Tuballa graduated with a BSEE from Silliman University, Philippines. He has a MS Electrical and
Computer Engineering degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and a MS Operation and
Technology Management degree from Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). He is ABB Regional Technical
Manager for US Northeast Region and a member of the IEEE PES. He served in the US Navy for 12
years and has co-authored technical papers that were presented at the Euro Power Grid Conference,
DOBLE Conference, and at Western Power Relaying Conference (WPRC).
Xiaodong Liu is a Principal Engineer, Operating Support with NSTAR Electric & Gas Corporation. He
received his Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Jiaotong University, P.R. China in 1998. He was with EnerNex
Co., US, Macquarie Gen., Australia, and Shanghai Jiaotong University. His fields of interest include
network modeling, transients and dynamic simulations.
Paul Cass is a Relay Test and Substation Field Engineer at NSTAR Electric Gas & Gas Corporation. He
received his engineering degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and has been commissioning
and testing substation relays, controls, and power system equipment for over 25 years.

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