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Abby Olberding

Comp 1

Throughout our lives, we often take being human for granted. We oftentimes think nothing can
touch us. But what would happen if in just 24 hours, the entire way our world functioned
changed? What if we couldnt shower in the morning and brush our teeth afterwards? Station
Eleven shows us what it would take for such things to take place. The Georgia Flu. It was a flu
that killed you in a day or so. The virus wiped out everything in a matter of days. Millions of
people, electricity, internet, plumbing, everything. Now imagine the possessions that you once
took for granted, were the same things that would make you feel human in five to ten years.
In Station Eleven every character had some possession in their life that made them feel
human. Some had newspapers, books, and jewelry. Some had comics, pictures old phones or
even paper weights. When everything is taken away from you what would you save?

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