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18-03-1877 03.00 P.M. L.M.T 36N50' 87W30'

Ascendant 1810'Ca
Sun 0612'Pi
Moon 1936'Ar
Mars 1903'Sg
Mercury 1930'Aq
Jupiter 0954'Sg
Venus 2332'Aq
Saturn 2041'Aq
Rahu 1833'Aq
Ketu 1833'Le
Uranus 0006'Ca
Neptune 1123'Ar
Pluto 0215'Ta
Even with a cursory look one cannot help but notice a heavily tenanted eighth house. This
by itself indicates that he could access hidden realms and dimensions. However a lot of
charts have a heavily tenanted eighth house without any connection to the esoteric
realms. The planets in such cases are usually working on an exoteric level bringing in
legacies and so forth. To understand what makes his eighth house function in an esoteric
manner, we have to take a closer look at the unique combination resting in his eighth
Indian astrology puts special emphasis on the placement of the lunar nodes to bring out
the mysteries inherent in a chart. We can see that Rahu (the north node) is placed in its
own sign Aquarius and thus brings out the mystical side of this air sign, that has little to
do with earthly matters. The fact that Rahu is conjunct the co-ruler of Aquarius, Saturn,
helps stabilize the energy of Rahu and makes it function on a higher plane. As per the
dictums of Jyotish, Rahu is seen to work well in association with an exalted or own house
planet. Rahu is considered the planet which relates most closely to the calling or destiny
in the present life.
Here it is very closely conjunct Mercury, the ruler of the twelfth house, a house
connected with sleep and astral projection, is posited in the eighth house, the house of
psychic and paranormal faculties. Mercury carries all the twelfth house energies as no
planet is posited in the twelfth house. His eighth and twelfth houses, the houses of
psychic perception and sleep are intimately connected. It was no surprise then that all his
channelling took place in a sleeping state and he became famous as 'the sleeping prophet'.
Mercury's close conjunction with Rahu gives him the opportunity to realize his potential
within his present lifetime. Jyotish sees it is as one's duty to relay the energies of the
planet posited in close conjunction to the nodes. Rahu and Mercury are also placed in the
asterism of Shatabhisha, which Indian astrology considers a mystical asterism dealing

with diseases and healing. It can be seen that Rahu is conjunct Mercury in the soul chart
as well in the fourth house ( house relating to home, home land and akashic records)
signifying his contact with the Akashic records took place in his home surroundings.
His Sun in the ninth house, a house of religion, in Pisces, a religiously conservative sign,
shows his conservative Christian upbringing. The Ascendant lord Moon in the tenth
house in Aries gives him a commoner's attitude to life. Everyone knew him as a simple,
uneducated and righteous man when he was not in his channelling state. Since Moon, his
Ascendant lord, governing his sense of Self has no relation with his eighth house
energies, he could never completely understand how the channelling was taking place. In
other words his conscious mind represented by Moon had no connection with his
unconscious (eighth house) mind.
This is the reason why he couldn't really come out with his talents and abilities up until
the age of 27, as the major periods of the Sun and Moon were in operation, even though
he was aware of them from a very young age. It is a speciality of Jyotish to give accurate
predictions on the basis of planetary cycles which manifest as planetary periods, where a
certain planet rules a person's life for a certain number of years. If one looks at the table
of the period given above, one can see that the Moon's major period made him take up
ordinary jobs after he quit school early.
As we all know he had a strange disorder in his 22nd year, which nobody could diagnose.
It resulted in a complete loss of speech. His Ketu (the South Node) in the second house
(house of speech) can be seen in action here. Since Ketu is placed in the sign of Leo,
ruled by the Sun, this event happened in his 22nd year, the year of Sun's maturity as per
Vedic astrology.
In Jyotish, the ruling planet of the sign in which Ketu is placed, is a planet which
signifies one's latent potential. The Sun being placed in the auspicious ninth house (house
of luck, fate and destiny) helped open up his destiny. He cured himself through his own
channelling process and this is when he started taking his gift seriously.
It wasn't until he was 24 that he started to heal others on a regular basis. This is due to the
onset of his Mars major period. Mars, the tenth lord signifying vocation is placed in the
sixth house (house of healing) in one of its favoured fire sign's Sagittarius. Jupiter, the
sixth and ninth lord joins Mars causing a Rajayoga (kingly combination). It was his
destiny and dharma (life purpose) to heal others through his eighth house psychic ability.
Vedic Astrology places special emphasis on certain planetary combinations and the
fortunate combinations are known as Rajayogas.
Jupiter-Mars conjunction in the auspicious and lucky sign of Sagittarius meant that he
would become famous within his lifetime for his healing work (sixth house signification).
One can also notice Sagittarius rising in the soul chart giving him an optmisitic attitude
towards life and the future of humanity. Jupiter ensured that his healing was much more
refined as compared to the surgical and poisonous Western healing methods prevalent in
his time.

A second look at his eighth house reveals that Rahu is placed with its bosom friends
Saturn, Mercury and Venus. It can thus function without obstruction, and all these planets
support each other in a friendly sign. Another interesting thing to note is that all these
planets are all placed within an orb of 5 degrees. This means that their energies are
completely in tune. It was no wonder than that the channelling process was very fluid.
Looking at the period table one can notice that it wasn't until his Rahu major period
started, that he came up with futuristic prophecies and began covering topics such as
astrology, reincarnation, ancient civilizations like Egypt, India and Atlantis. All these
areas are intimately connected with the coming age of Aquarius and one can see that
Rahu is placed in the sign of Aquarius!
Rahu being very strong in Aquarius could channel the combined energies of Mercury,
Venus and Saturn. Rahu is the most important planet in his chart as it connected these
planets with the astral realm and Akashic records (the universal library for all the past,
present and future events).
The lord of the fourth house, Venus, is placed in the eighth house conjunct Mercury, the
twelfth lord and Saturn, the eighth lord making him in essence a "time traveller". Fourth
house represents past, eighth house relates to the cycles of time while twelfth house
relates to the future.
Venus is the atmakaraka (soul significator) in his chart. The concept of soul significator is
unique to Vedic astrology which sees the soul significator as the main guiding light in
one's present life. Venus is placed in the sixth house ( house relating to healing) in the
soul chart. It is placed in the sign of Taurus, a sign relating to physicality and mattter,
making healing on a material plane his destiny and duty.
Ketu in the second house meant that he was never in a comfortable situation as far as
finances were concerned. He would get strange illnesses and pains if he tried to earn
money through his channelling. Also his healing planets Mars and Jupiter have no
connection with the rulers of the 2nd and 11th houses (houses signifying gain of wealth).
As per the principles of Jyotish, a strong and active Ketu is required to recollect one's
past lives. In his case we get a clue to Ketu's strength from the soul chart, where it is
placed in the tenth house along with Moon and Mars. In Jyotish, the nodes get
prominence by being placed along with the luminaries in the soul chart.
Another interesting thing, which tells us how much his healing was connected with the
nodal axis, is the fact that he had his head towards the south and his feet towards the
north whenever he lay down to channel. Ketu represents the south while Rahu represents
the north. In his chart Ketu is placed in the first half of the chart (signifying head), and so
his energies harmonized better when he lay down with his head in the direction ruled by
Ketu. If Rahu and Ketu would have been the other way round, he would have been better
off channelling with his head towards the north and feet towards south.

Saturn is the karmic distribution control planet along with Rahu, and so his life was fully
focused on the eighth house affairs. He died in his Saturn major period, as Saturn is a
strong maraka (death inflicting planet) for Cancer ascendant. Being the ruler of the eighth
house (house of material death) placed in eighth, it gave him the ability to accurately
predict the time and day of his death.
The presence of Neptune along with Moon intensified his astral sensitivity, and gave him
fame as this combination takes place in the tenth house. The conjunction of Uranus with
Ketu gives a clue to a past life in Atlantis, a very advanced Uranian civilization, which he
desribes in vivid details in his readings.

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