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2. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a protein produced by common soil bacterium. Bt has been used as
insecticidal spray for over 40 years by organic farmers. The organisms sprayed by Bt have been
modified to express a class of insecticidal proteins which are harmless to human but are effective
against insect pests. Bt corn has inherent resistance to one of the most serious corn pests
infestation, the European corn borer.
Unmodified corn have higher chance of getting infected by European corn borer, which can cause
spoilage by mold and the production of fumonosin. Fumonosin are known to cause liver damage if
consumed and may also play a role in human esophageal cancer. Infected corn also becomes an
economic problem because it must either be discarded or used for another purpose, causing a loss
of profit to farmers.

On the other hand, Bt corn pollen may be harmful to Monarch butterfly. A research on this was done
by feeding Monarch butterfly with milkweed plants that had been dusted by Bt corn pollen and the
caterpillar from the butterfly was observed. The result showed that the caterpillar grew more slowly
and had shorter life span. Another research, though, was conducted in a wider environment and the
result showed that Monarch butterflies exposed to bt corn in the environment are not subjected by
any significant risk.

3. Biotechnology can be benefit for the producer. Biotechnology help the food producer by
doing modified on plant genes to resist many abiotic condition that are prevent plant to grown
normally such as drought, heat temperatures, cold temperatures, poor soil condition such as high
salinity, acid, and aluminium condition also. Biotechnology also help producer by increasing total
yield of harvest by improving the new pathway at photosynthesis and metabolic process that more
efficient. Besides that, biotechnology also improves a new way to help the farmer against ripening
time at crop, by inventing a new technology.

4. modifications of crops plants also give benefits for consumers. modified crops are most nutritions
and have a good taste. ex . golden rice, cassava, sorghum, and banana plants. with enhanced minerals
and vitamins, consumption of biofortified could improve health. in much different way, biotechnology
completely change another aspect to preventative health care by produce vaccine in plants. they
introducing genes that express a protein antigen in crops such as corn, potatoes, and bananas. when
eaten these antigens, immune response and provide protection against a subsequen from pathogens.
5. Plant immunization is the process of activating natural defense system present in plant induced by
biotic or abiotic factors. Various biotic or abiotic factors induce systemic resistance in plants that is
phenotypically similar to pathogen-induced systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Some of the biotic or
abiotic determinants induce systemic resistance in plants through salicylic acid (SA) dependent SAR
pathway, others require jasmonic acid (JA) or ethylene. Vaccine is a very important requirement for
preventing the transmission of various diseases caused by various pathogens. Vaccines, which are
generally given by injection, must be made in a special bioreactor and requires refrigeration for
storage and distribution.

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