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DC250 Bustled Fiery Software Loading Instructions

Ethernet Port Method

Print Fiery configuration page
Print Fiery font list
DC250 Fiery System Software CD

1. Power off the copier.
2. Move the power switch on the Fiery to the Off (0) position.
3. Remove all external cables from the Fiery, except the power cord.
4. Connect a RJ-45 cross-over cable between the Fiery network port and the XP PWS.
5. Power on the PWS and insert the Fiery System Software CD into the CD-Rom drive.
Note: It is recommended that you disable your anti-virus software and BUS.
6. If the installer does not run automatically, navigate to the CD-Rom drive and double-click the
Installer.exe file.
7. At the Welcome screen, click Next.

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8. Read the Software License Agreement and select I Agree if you wish to continue the installation
process. Click Next to advance to the Confirmation screen.

9. At the Connection Type screen, make sure Ethernet is selected. Click Next to advance to the
Confirmation screen.

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Note: To avoid confusion, ignore the text and graphics on this Confirmation screen. The
procedure on the screen may not accurately depict Fiery hardware.

10. Flip the Fiery service switches up to the service mode position (to the ON position).
11. Power on the copier, then Power on the Fiery by moving its dedicated power switch to On (I)
position and wait 10 seconds. (FF will be displayed on the Fiery LED display)
12. Click Next on the Commence Installation screen.

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13. If prompted, select your network card, then click OK. Note: The IP address of your adapter that
displayed in this window may appear as all zeros or a 169.254.x.x address. That is ok as the
address will automatically be configured.

14. At the Installation Screen, click Next to commence installation. Wait while the files are copied
and installed.
Note: The progress is slow at first. For most computers, expect to wait approximately 15 to 25
If you click Cancel, you will need to power off the Fiery using its dedicated power switch, Click
Finish on the PWS screen (ignoring the text and graphics on the screen), and then repeat this
procedure starting from step 6. If the installation terminates abnormally, reboot the PWS also.

File 1 of 2 Progress Window.

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File 2 of 2 Progress Window.

15. Click Next, then Finish when the message is displayed that the Installation has finished
successfully. Remove the System Software CD from the PWS.

16. Power off the Fiery using its dedicated power switch and power off the copier.

17. Flip the service switches down to the normal position (away from ON).

18. Disconnect the cross-over cable from the network port and the PWS.

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19. Reconnect all cables between the Fiery and the copier.
Make sure to reattach the scanner interface cable to the copier and to the Fiery scanner interface
port if you used the cable in the procedure.

20. Power on the copier using the main power switch on the front. Then, move the power switch on
the Fiery to the ON (I) position.
Allow the copier to start up and display ready status on its control panel. Verify that the Fiery
reaches Idle (00 should be appear on the Fiery LED display).
Note: It takes approximately 2 minutes before the Fiery Startup page will print.

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