Daisy Duque: Brletic Elementary - Tutor

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Daisy Duque

OBJECTIVE To obtain a job opportunity and receive scholarships..

6417 S. Smith Ave, Parlier CA.

(559) 646-4916



Brletic Elementary Tutor

Bilingual - English and

October 2016 - June 2017


I volunteer my time during school at Brletic elementary to be a tutor and

help students with homework and problems they need help with. As well as
helping teachers with any duties or responsibilities that required of my

Multi-tasking - able to do

Leo Club, Parlier High School Member

Organization- Able to have

September 2015 - PRESENT

I helped the Leo Club during the year 2015 to set up the Fresno Fair
Produce room. I worked 10 hours every morning for 2 weeks.

FFA, Parlier High School Member

more than one task at a time

and finish them in the best of
my ability.

my work organized for a

more efficient system.
Dependable- trustworthy and

August 2014 - PRESENT

Since my Freshman year, I have been enrolled in the FFA Club. We do

various activities for credits in class. Some involve community service or

Merit Award (5) earned since
my freshman year, every

semester for having above a

3.0 or higher.


1st place ribbon (2) received

at Fresno Fair, for growing a

Parlier High School ,601 3rd St, Parlier, CA 93648 Junior

Expected date of graduation June, 2018
August 2017 - June 2018
G.P.A 3.6
AP Spanish, Parlier High School 2016-2017 -Junior year

is a course and examination offered by the College Board in the United

States education system as part of the Advanced Placement Program.

eucalyptus plant, and

building a wine stable.
FFA Chapter scholarship and
Achievement Award received
for being a part of the

Judging Team and competing

and for outstanding G.P.A of
a 3.0 or higher.

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