The Best Method To Find A Suitable Job

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Name: Axier Alda


Nowadays many schools and universities offer different methods to help young
people to find jobs. Two of the most popular ones are work experience programmes and
theorical courses. The first method is focused on providing students a practical
experience inside the companies; meanwhile the second one offers only information
about how could they do their best in developing their professional careers.
On the one hand, we can find many advantages in both methods; but which is
the most effective one? Work experience programmes allow students discovering how
jobs really work. Taking into account that many people think that in the education
system they do not teach a practical vision of the labour environment, we could affirm
that it is a very valid and appropriate idea to know if a person fits with a job. However,
the knowledge provided by the theorical courses is also necessary to be successful in the
future working experiences.
On the other hand, the last method explained before is not complete in some
facts in comparison to the other. Most of the aspects learnt in those courses are
irrelevant, because they teach lots of things that are never used in any future job. In fact,
they could not be attractive enough for those people who look for summarise and
practical information.
To sum up, students are mainly interested in knowing the tasks they are going to
perform and, at the same time, companies look for professionals with some working
competences. How many things have we learnt in the school that we have never used in
our daily life?

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