Bac Test Citizenship

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1 As human beings, we are used to living under laws and patterns that are dictated to us by society.

Following those patterns does not make us good citizens. To be a good citizen first you have to be a good person.
That is. You have to embrace a certain number of values, Principles, ethics Etc. When joining all these
aspects together You will find out that nothing else is needed.
2 One important aspect for being a good citizen is to help people all around us, we can see there are always
people in need for our help. Our job as good citizens is to help those kinds of people. When talking about the
people that need our help, one should not only talk about the poor ones, but also about the pregnant woman who
cannot carry a heavy package or the old man who cannot cross the street. Remember that little actions make the
3 Another important thing we have to remember for being a Good citizen is to have an active participation in our
Community. There are a lot of ways we can do that. On Election Day, we have to be in the line ready to give our
vote. When there is a gathering in our neighborhood for deciding about the maintenance of the streets, we have
to be there to voice out our points of view.
4 The last recommendation for being a good citizen is the respect toward the people that live around us. We
have to remember that as we have rights, they have them too. Respect is one of the most important bases when
living in a society. We all have freedom, but it is restricted to a certain point.We cannot consider a killer or a thief
good citizens they have violated that restriction.
5 These are some of the ideas that I think are the most important for being good citizens within a community.
Nowadays the relationships between people have been really deteriorated by misunderstandings that are
generated day by day .To avoid having to deal with these negative situations, we have to be aware that the
solution depends on us. Therefore, we have to be aware of our rights and obligations.
I Comprehension (7.5 points)
A. Which of the following questions does the text answers? (0.5 point)

1. Why good citizenship is important?

2. How to be good citizen?
3. What are the rights of a good citizen?
B. Are these statements true or false? Justify. (3 points)

1. In our society, people who need our help are the poor.

2. Respecting the laws and customs of society will make of us good citizens.

3. The ties that link people are diminishing because of wrong ideas.

C. Answer the following question from the text. (3 points)

1. How can citizens play an active role in the community? Give at least one example from the text.

2. According to the writer, how can we improve the relationships between people?

3. Why are thieves and criminals not good citizens?

D. What do these words refer to? (1 point)

1. These aspects (paragraph 1):

2. It (paragraph 4): .
II Grammar (7.5 points)
A Rewrite the sentences with the words given (3 points)

1 Anass didnt get the job because he was late for the interview.
If ________________________________________
2 Dont watch late-night horror film.
I warned them_____________________________
3 Youness had a food poisoning he ate in a restaurant downtown.
He wishes ________________________________
B- Give the correct form of the words between brackets. (1.5 points)

When you dream that you are an _____________ (invent), it means that you have a _________ (create) personality and have
original ____________ (aspire).
C- Join the sentences with the words given. (3 points)

1 The team played well; however, they lost the match. (In spite of)
2 Ted Elliot is telling David about his problems. Teds wife has left him. (whose)

3 People smoke .people damage their health. (Who)

III Writing

Many youth dont participate in their community life . Write an informal letter to your friend in which you explain why these
people dont participate as active citizens and suggest solutions to encourage them to participate.


I Comprehension (7.5 points)
A. Which of the following questions does the text answers? (0.5 point)
1. Why good citizenship is important?
2. How to be good citizen?
3. What are the rights of a good citizen?
B. Are these statements true or false? Justify. (3 points)
1. In our society, people who need our help are the poor.
False .one should not only talk about the poor ones but also about the pregnant woman and the old man .
2. Respecting the laws and customs of society will make of us good citizens.
False . Following those patterns does not make us good citizens.
3. The ties that link people are diminishing because of wrong ideas.
True . Nowadays the relationships between people have been really deteriorated by misunderstandings that are
generated day by day
C. Answer the following question from the text. (3 points)
1. How can citizens play an active role in the community? Give at least one example from the text.
By taking active participation in society .Example : On Election Day, we have to be in the line ready to give our
2. According to the writer, how can we improve the relationships between people?
we have to be aware that the solution depends on us. Therefore, we have to be aware of our rights and
3. Why are thieves and criminals not good citizens?
they have violated that restriction of respecting others freedom.
D. What do these words refer to? (1 point)
1. These aspects (paragraph 1): values, Principles, ethics Etc
2. It (paragraph 4): freedom .
II Grammar (7.5 points)
A Rewrite the sentences with the words given (3 points)
1 Anass didnt get the job because he was late for the interview.
If Anass hadnt been late foe the interview , he would have got the job .
2 Dont watch late-night horror film.
I warned them not to watch late-night horror film
3 Youness had a food poisoning he ate in a restaurant downtown.
He wishes he hadnt had a food poisoning .
He wishes he hadnt eaten in a restaurant downtown
B- Give the correct form of the words between brackets. (1.5 points)
When you dream that you are an inventor (invent), it means that you have a creative (create) personality and
have original aspiration(aspire).
C- Join the sentences with the words given. (3 points)
1 The team played well; however, they lost the match. (In spite of)
in spite of playing well the team lost the match .
in spite of the fact that the team played well , they lost the match .
2 Ted Elliot is telling David about his problems. Teds wife has left him. (whose)
Ted Elliot , whose wife has left him,is telling David about his problems.
3 People smoke .people damage their health. (Who)
People Who smoke damage their health.


British or American, the language is basically the same, and its global stature is strengthened by massive English-language
training programs, an international business that in textbooks, language courses, tape cassettes, video programs and
computerized instruction is worth hundreds of millions of pounds or dollars to the economies of the US and the UK. The
English language is now one of Britains most reliable exports. In the ironic words of the novelist Malcolm Bradbury, it is an
ideal British product, needing no workers and no work, no assembly lines and no assembly, no materials and very little
servicing, it is used for the most intimate and the most public services everywhere. We call it the English language Dr
Robert Burchfield, previous Chief Editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, has remarked that any literate, educated person
on the face of the globe is deprived if he does not know English.
The first level of the global influence of English is to be found in those countries, formerly British colonies, in which English
as a second language has become accepted as a fact of cultural life that cannot be wished away. In Nigeria, it is an official
language; in Zambia, it is recognized as one of the state languages; in Singapore, it is the major language of government,
the legal system and education.
Comprehension ( 6 points)

A- Answer the following questions using your own words. (2 points)

a. Is the teaching of the English language worth a lot of money?

b. According to Bradbury, what is the difference between the English language and traditional industry?
B- Are the following statements true or false? (2 points)
a. Dr. R. Burchfield is not the Chief Editor of the Oxford English Dictionary currently.
b.Malcom Bradbury is a novelist that works at an assembly line.
C- Find a word or phrase in the text which, in context, is similar in meaning to: (2 points)
a. Essentially: ____________________ (paragraph 1)
b. That can be trusted: ____________________ (paragraph 1)
Grammar ( 8 points )
A- Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words given ( 3 points )
1 what shall I do with my wet shoes?

The boy asked ________________________________________________

2 What a pity ! I didnt fill in the application form correctly .

If only _____________________________________________________

3 The local government in Ouazzane has launched many sustainable projects . Projects _______________________________
B- Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form or tense ( 2 points )
Amal and Hanane enjoy (play)____________________ gymnastics .The last Monday they (go) _____________ to the gym club on
time but they found that the group already (decide) _______________________ to change time for the training . next time they
(attend)_________________ it .
C- Give the correct form of the words in brackets ( 1 point )
1 the film was very ________________________ (impress )
2 My teacher said that my work was _______________________, I have to work harder ( satisfy )
D- Join the pair of sentences with the words between brackets ( 2 points )
1 she completed her high studies . Helen keller was blind . ( despite )
2 they are going to have a test next week ; she is working hard .( because )

Functions (2 points) What do these sentences express

this is the worst news I have ever heard ..
. I am feeling so sorry because I have absented for many lessons in English ..
Writing (4 points) : What makes English a global language ?in one paragraph

Comprehension ( 6 points)
A- Answer the following questions using your own
words. (2 points)
a. Is the teaching of the English language worth a lot of
Yes , it is . is worth hundreds of millions of pounds or
dollars to the economies of the US and the UK
b. According to Bradbury, what is the difference between
the English language and traditional industry?
the English Language needs no workers and no work, no
assembly lines and no assembly, no materials and very
little servicing
B- Are the following statements true or false? (2
a. Dr. R. Burchfield is not the Chief Editor of the
Oxford English Dictionary currently.
True .Dr Robert Burchfield, previous Chief Editor of the
Oxford English Dictionary
b.Malcom Bradbury is a novelist that works at an
assembly line.
False . In the ironic words of the novelist Malcolm
C- Find a word or phrase in the text which,
in context, is similar in meaning to: (2 points)
a. Essentially: basically (paragraph 1)
b. That can be trusted: reliable (paragraph 1)
Grammar ( 8 points )
A- Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words
given ( 3 points )
1 what shall I do with my wet shoes?
The boy asked what he should do with his wet shoes
2 What a pity ! I didnt fill in the application form correctly
If only I had filled in the application form correctly

3 The local government in Ouazzane has launched many

sustainable projects
Projects have been launched by the local government in
B- Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form or
tense ( 2 points )
Amal and Hanane enjoy (play) playing gymnastics .The
last Monday they (go) went to the gym club on time but
they found
that the group already (decide) had decided to change
time for the training . next time they (attend) will attend it .

C- Give the correct form of the words in brackets ( 1

point )
1 the film was very impressive (impress )
2 My teacher said that my work was unsatisfying, I have
to work harder ( satisfy )

D- Join the pair of sentences with the words

between brackets( 2 points )
1 she completed her high studies . Helen keller was
blind . ( despite )
Despite being blind , Helen keller completed her studies .
Despite her blindness , Helen keller completed her
studies .
Despite the fact that Hellen keller was blind , she
completed her studies .
2 they are going to have a test next week ; she is
working hard .(because )
She is working hard because they are going to have a test
next week
Functions (2 points)
What do these sentences express
this is the worst news I have ever heard . expressing bad
I am feeling so sorry because I have been absent for many
lessons in English Apologizing

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