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Success Over Stress

Intentions Reflection
Name Leah Erickson

Demonstrate critical thinking

and effort in your answers. Write clearly; complete sentences, accurate
spelling, and proper grammar and punctuation are expected. This
assignment is worth 5 points.
Please type all responses into the expandable tables and text boxes
1. What is one thing you expect to learn from this course? (1 point)
I expect to learn how to properly manage my stress in a healthy way and
create preventative measures for stress.

2. Describe two areas of your life you are intending to apply new stressmanagement or stress-prevention strategies. (1 point each; 2 points total)
1. I expect to apply stress-management in my class work through planning
and time management.
2. I expect to apply stress management to my future planning and making
sure that I have an action plan in place for after I graduate.

3. Based on the two areas you listed in number 2, what would be the ideal
outcome for each? In other words, what changes do you hope to have made
in each area one year from now? (1 point each; 2 points total)
1. I will learn how to properly use my time outside of school to effectively
study and do my work.
2. I will be able to have a definite schedule and lay-out for my most
graduate plans.

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