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Assessment Tool 1 Project

BSBADM409A Coordinate Business Resources

Coordinate business resources

BSBADM409A D0550
Assessment Tool 1 Project
New caf for CoffeeVille

Assessment Task

AT 1 Project
New cafe for

Research and report on

resources for a new cafe
in Perth

Due Date
Session 5

This assessment is based

on CoffeeVille. The
assessments will relate to
this simulated workplace
and provide opportunities
for you to demonstrate
your knowledge/skills and
apply them to issues and
problems that arise in the




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Session 6
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AT 2
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Due Date

Session 6



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(Cert IV

Assessment Requirements

Please submit your work following the Assessment Format

Requirements on eCampus.
Due dates for assessments
Vocational Education and Training Courses prepare students for the world of work,
where meeting deadlines is essential.
Assessment due dates are equivalent to deadlines in the workplace.
Competency Based Assessment entitles a student to 2 opportunities at each
The first is on the due date.
The second is within 7 days of that due date.
A third opportunity to resubmit (or re-sit a test) is a privilege. It will only be granted in
exceptional circumstances where a student has shown a high standard of foundation
skills for employment, including the ability to meet deadlines, a courteous manner at
all times, originality in all submissions (no plagiarism) & a high level of regular
participation in class activities.


Author: Wendy Barker

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Assessment Tool 1 Project

BSBADM409A Coordinate Business Resources
Brief Description
ent Task

This assessment is based on our simulated cafe, CoffeeVille

The assessments will relate to this simulated workplace and
provide opportunities for you to demonstrate your
knowledge/skills and apply them to issues and problems that
arise in the workplace.


Internet, computer, class notes, eCampus, library Proquest and

other resources as needed to complete the assessment.

Instructions to

Please read the requirements carefully and make sure you have
completed all requirements before submitting your work.
Assessment must be uploaded into eCampus on the due date.


The assessment is to be submitted electronically via eCampus


Feedback will be given via eCampus.

You will receive an email saying your work has been marked. To
see comments/feedback, log-in to eCampus and go to your grade

AT 1 Project New cafe for CoffeeVille

EOCs 1-3

This assessment is based on our simulated cafe, CoffeeVille; see details below.
The assessments will relate to this simulated workplace and provide opportunities for
you to demonstrate your knowledge/skills and apply them to issues and problems that
arise in the workplace.

This website provides a suite of documents, you need to view and
use these in your assessments.
Visit this website and become familiar with:
a) the structure of the cafe
b) its staff
c) the business and operational plans

Background details
Georgie was employed as the Store Manager at CoffeeVille six months ago. This is a
family owned and operated business. Siblings Rufus and Emma Belcastran are joint
owners. They have both trained and worked in the hospitality industry for a number of
years. Their first cafs based in Melbourne and other capital cities have been a
success, and they now plan to expand and set up up 5 new coffee shops.
As per their business plan, each coffee shop needs to be able to cater for 250 to 300
customers a day.

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Assessment Tool 1 Project

BSBADM409A Coordinate Business Resources
Rufus and Emma have asked you (as a Business Resource Specialist) for help in
coordinating the resources needed to set up one of these new coffee shops in Perth.

What you need to do

Part A (EOC 1 & 2)

Write a report. Set this report out in 2 parts.

1. Resource requirements (EOC 1)

Use the bolded points below as your report headings and sub-headings for Part 2.
Provide pricing details of the resources you recommend. Where possible, express
your ideas in bullet pointed lists and charts or tables to keep the information clear
and brief.

1.1 Introduction
Review CoffeeVilles business and operational plans (Website: ).
Outline the resources required in this new caf in Perth. Include
The Shop to serve 200 to 300 customers is likely to have a turn over of $130,000 to $
150,000 a month ( average spending of $30 a customer.For this business the
following resources will be required
1.1.1 Equipment (2 types)
Major Equipments
Coffee machine
Ventilation fans
POS system
Dinner plates
Bread plates
Salad plates
Water glasses
Wine glasses
Coffee cups with saucer
Silverware settings
Linen or paper napkins
Table centrepieces
Salt and pepper shakers

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Assessment Tool 1 Project

BSBADM409A Coordinate Business Resources
Sugar holders
Butter holders
Silverware rolls
Bread Basket
Serving spoons
Cutting board (for beef, hams, turkey)
Sharp knife for cutting
Rags (for spills)
Decorations (seasonal flowers etc.)
Air-pots for coffee, decaf and hot water
Water jugss
Iced tubs for soda, juice and other cold drinks
Drinking straws
Drink stirrers
Cocktail napkins
Coffee cups
Water glasses
Basket of assorted teas and or hot cocoa
Basket of sugar packets
1.1.2 Consumable resources
The Consumables are


Coffee powder


Cleaning Liquid



1.1.3 Employees
The employees requirement will be to the tune of 64 Man
hours per day
1. Front Service people -32 Hrs/day
2. Preparation 16 hrs/day
3. Dishwasher 8 hrs/day
4. Manager 8 hrs/day

1.2 Consultation
To help with your planning, design a short customer questionnaire (approximately 8
questions) for customers from other branches of CoffeeVille in Perth. Ask which
resources (eg technology, equipment, menu items, customer service, dcor, music

Author: Wendy Barker

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Assessment Tool 1 Project

BSBADM409A Coordinate Business Resources
etc) they prefer when they visit a caf . Include this at the end of the report as

Appendix A.
Do you like the caf in city or a water front?
Do you prefer self service or served over table
What type of music you prefer Rock or melodious
How do you like the menu items
What amount you would like to spend on coffee
Which part of time you would come for a coffe
Whom do you think you the best person to accompany for a caf
How do you prefer your coffe to be made
What would you prefer for coffe Cup and saucer or takeaway cup

2.1.1 Consultation will be approaching both the customers as well as the
staff members for selection and allocations of resources will install suggestion boxes for the Customers and
regular discussions / meetings for the staff


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Assessment Tool 1 Project

BSBADM409A Coordinate Business Resources

The Delivery schedule of the Equipments are shown in
the table below



Author: Wendy Barker

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Assessment Tool 1 Project

BSBADM409A Coordinate Business Resources


2.3.1 Job titles

Oversee all the operations

Do the Startup and closure procedures

Attend to customer complaints and service

standard regulations Leader

Take care of One sections of the Caf

Take instructions from Manager and take care of

Waiter / service crew alloaction

Prepparation and timely delivery of food & Service staff

General cleaning

Service of food and table maintenance

2.3.2 Wage budget

2.3.3 KPIs
The KPI used for the team will be
Delivery turn around time ( time between order to delivery)

Part B (EOC 3)
3 Monitoring and reporting on resources (EOC

Quality assurance and continuous monitoring :
I will adant a quality assurance mechanism where I will introduce a scheme of tracking
complaints section wise . Based on the complaints I will involve the staff members to

Author: Wendy Barker

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Assessment Tool 1 Project

BSBADM409A Coordinate Business Resources
analyse the facts / reasons for the complaints and make them understand the effect of
these complaints to the revenue generated.
I will monitor the Complaints per week of each section and I will reward the least
complaint section crew with some gifts to promote them.


3.3.1 Staff Questionnaire

1. How do you feel about the atmosphere of our caf for dining
DO you think we can increase the no of tables
Do you feel we can reduce th dishwasher utilisation by manging the utensils
Any opinion on the reduction of power and gas consumption
Can we move from printed receipot to any form of online receipting system
How can we optimise our dry cleaning charges
Is there a wanywhere our consumables are wasted
If so how they could be controlled?

3.3.2 Implementation
Based on the feedback from the team , I can implement the following schemes
1. Reduce the gas consumption by modifying the burners
2. Reduce power consumption by tuning up the cold room performance

1. Asset tracking list which has the supplier & Maintenance data,
purchase date, maintence schedule etc.
2. A regular inventory control document updated on quarterly basis for
the net asset evaluation and to ensure the proper use of equipments


Author: Wendy Barker

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