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Category: KMP Data Articles
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In today economic era when knowledge is the most profitable and desired commodities, the new reality
reveals that knowledge has become organization most critical and important asset and learning has
become organization most competitive advantage. KM strategy and implementation focusing on a firms
direction and goals, not how to get there. In leadership terms, KM focuses on doing the right things
than doing things right. Hence, no matter how good KM implementation is in a firm, unless aligned to
business strategy, KM initiatives will be of no good.
KMPlus designs the modules using Knowledge Management (KM) Framework, while base theories or
standard modules are off-the shelf materials, and customized to meet clients unique and specific
requirements. KMPlus helps companies to succeed, by unleashing the power of their workforce to focus
and execute top business priorities, and at the same time, to retain and leverage the organizations most
important asset: organization strategic and competitive knowledge.
Our KM Implementation Framework is described as follows :

KMPlus will work closely with you in the following activities:

KM Assesment
Knowledge assets are critical to the proper planning of a knowledge management initiatives and is a rich
source of information about where the strengths of your company lie. KM assessment is also needed to
help establish a baseline for implementing KM solutions. It helps KM team to identify the gap in KM efforts
and to define best ways to close the gap.

KM Blueprint
A KM framework serves as a complete and concise description of the major elements, concepts and
principles that need to be considered at the introduction of KM. It should illustrate how the interaction
between these elements and it serves as a reference for the implementation and application of KM.

Community of Practice
A community of practice (CoP) is a group of people who shares knowledge about a topic, connects with
each other, and creates common approaches to the way they do their work. In order to create effective
CoPs to keep up with the members dynamic needs and goals, organizations need to move quickly from
designing and planning activities to sustain and evolve the CoPs.

Social Network Analysis

Social Network Analysis (SNA) is a Knowledge Management tool that can give insights to social capital
potential. The main characteristic of the SNA is to focus on the structure of relationships, whether it is
formal or informal. By mapping and measuring the formal and informal relationships, SNA can help to
understand what facilitates or inhibits the flow of knowledge between units of analysis such as whoknows-who and who stream through any media and information.

Knowledge Mapping
A knowledge map is the intellectual infrastructure for KM initiatives. The basis for one consists of multiple
taxonomies for content repositories dynamic categorization of people: their expertise and the communities
they belong to. And finally, a set of taxonomies for the variety of tasks that are performed within and by
the communities in a company.

Knowledge Taxonomy
Taxonomy is a classification system. Normally, the aim of taxonomy is to group things according to
similarities in some respect such as similarities in structure, role, behavior, and so forth. In knowledge
management, the role of taxonomies can be pushed even further: to provide a perspective in an

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