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Sent by: Old Paths Bible Baptist Church, Rochester, NY

Apia, Samoa

We had all intent and purpose to get the opposition from Satan, but
an update out sooner but circumstances our God is way more powerful
involving our projects as of late have kept in His workings!

It all started

us extremely busy so we do apologize for when we landed in Australia to

the late update!

catch our last flight to Samoa.

Fruit to your account

We were traveling with 13 bags

As many of you know, we have just

returned from Apia, Samoa where we
worked with Pene Faafouina and his family
to establish Lighthouse Radio. Lighthouse
Baptist Church of Samoa was a
tremendous blessing to us and many
jumped in and helped where they could to
get the station on the air. There is so much
that goes into establishing a Christian
radio station! One of the most important
elements is partnerships. There are those
that see the need and pray, those that
sacrifice and give, and those that sacrifice
and work.

The result is that millions are

being reached with the Gospel and the fruit

of equipment, tools, and the

like and as we approached the
final flight they would not
accept all our baggage unless
we paid a handsome fee! We pleaded as thousands of people with the Gospel of
much as we could but in the end we had to Jesus Christ.
pay to get the bags on the flight! Once we

We want to thank all our supporting

landed in Samoa, all those bags had to be churches, prayer partners, and those that
loaded on to carts and rolled to customs gave sacrificially to this project. Please
and that is where we had another problem! continue to pray for the Faafouinas as they
The agents in Samoa saw all the bags and bear the financial and broadcasting burden
wanted to know what we were doing and of Lighthouse Radio.
We are now heading into another radio
what we had in the bags. Long story
short, after they decided to hold all our project in Dwight, Illinois. This is another
bags for almost a week, they made us pay brand new christian radio installation. We

As will be erecting a 100 tower and installing

word spread about the need, many gave all the equipment on both the tower and
those that partner with us. We praise God
and we were able to get all the bags out of studio. We have a small window to do the
that this has happened many times over
customs. Once we had the bags though, work and the station must be on the air on
around the world.
more obstacles arose from tower locations the 24th of January to complete the
produced is banked in the account of all

a tax on all the equipment we had!


to frequency licensing but through it all, license. We have several committed to

With any forward progress, there are God showed himself powerful and helping on this project and covet your
always obstacles and we faced that in Lighthouse 91.9 FM is on the air reaching prayers for safety and a timely install.
Samoa! From the very start we witnessed

Radio install in Dwight, Illinois
Video projects in India
Radio install in Cameroon, Africa
Radio install in Tanzania, Africa
Radio install and repairs in PNG
Radio repairs in Uganda, Africa
Radio install in Philippines

Support address
P.O. Box 849
Rossville, GA 30741

Personal contact

A retired pilot , 70 years old, and
two blind girls were saved through
listening to 104.5 FM. Others keep
coming to the church and radio
station asking about salvation.
Recently, a college professor and two
of his students came and were won to
Lighthouse FM, Samar,


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