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Q US. Department 1200 New Jersey Aver, SE of Transportation pees Polen National Highway Tratfic Safety ‘Administration RTIFIED MAIL ~ RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED December 8, 2016 Re: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request #ES16-004326 Dear This responds to your September 5, 2016 FOIA request seeking for the contract, agreement, purchase order, or related records for NHTSA sponsorship of college football broadcasts on internet and television media platforms owned and/or operated by ESPN, Inc. during the month of September, 2016, submitted by Charles Tombras Advertising, Inc. to NHTSA’s Office of Defects Investigation (ODI). We have enclosed records responsive to your request. On September 29, 2016, Charles Tombras Advertising, Inc. requested confidential treatment for their contract #DTNH22-13-D-00280L. On November 18, 2016, the agency granted Charles ‘Tombras Advertising, Inc. request for confidential treatment pursuant to FOTA Exemption 4. I have enclosed a copy of Charles Tombras Advertising, Inc. September 29, 2016, request and NHTSA's November 18, 2016, confidentiality determination for your review. Accordingly, for the reasons set forth in NHTSA’s November 18, 2016 determination, I am withholding the requested records under Exemption 4 because they contain information related to trade secrets and commercial or financial information. 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(4). Pursuant to the provisions of 49 CFR Part 7, there is no charge for this response. I am the person responsible for this determination. If you wish to appeal this decision, you may do s0 by writing to the Chief Counsel, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E., West Building, W41-227, Washington, DC 20590, pursuant to 49 CFR § 7.32(d). Alternatively, you may submit your appeal via electronic mail to nhtsa.foia.appeal@dot gov. An appeal must be submitted within 90 days from the date of this, determination. It should contain any information and argument upon which you rely. The decision of the Chief Counsel will be administratively final. ‘You also have the right to seek dispute resolution services from NHTSA’s FOIA Public Liaison, Mary Sprague, who may be contacted on (202) 366-3564 or by electronic mail at ‘ Further dispute resolution is available through the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS). You may contact OGIS on (202) 741-5770 or by electronic mail at Sincerely, Morus Skinner Monica J. Skinner Senior FOIA Information Specialist Enclosures . OFFICE OO mye? 2-0 September 29, 2016 FILENO: 64553000012 VIA Over! AL Andrew J. DiMarsico Senior Attomey U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST #ES16-004326 Dear Mr. DiMarsico: We are counsel to Charles Tombras Advertising, Inc. (“CTA”). We have received and reviewed your letter of September 15, 2016 regarding Freedom of Information Act Request ¥ES16-004326. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to address this matter. This letter and the accompanying certificate is a request that the information contained in the documents you provided receive confidential treatment pursuant to 49 C.F.R. Part 512. The specific information for which CTA requests confidential treatment is contained in the two copies of contract DTNH22-13-D-00280L that we have enclosed per 49 C.F.R. Section 512.5 as Exhibit A. The information that has been redacted contains confidential price and financial information. Releasing it would cause substantial harm to CTA. The advertising business is highly competitive, Each company jealously guards its proprietary financial information. If competitors of CTA were able to obtain this information, they would be able to determine how CTA structures its pricing. That would certainly result in CTA being placed at a significant disadvantage in competing for work from the Federal Government. In tum, the reduction of competition would ultimately have an adverse effect on the Federal agencies that procure such goods and services. The government is best served when many companies compete robustly for its business. Keeping a level playing field ensures that all companies will have to give low prices in order to obtain that work. If one company knows beforehand the pricing model that will be used by its competitors, it would be able to provide a “low enough” price, rather than its “lowest” price. By definition that harms the government. That should not be permitted. ATLANTA AUSTIN BANGKOK BEUING BRUSSELS CHARLOTTE DALLAS HOUSTON LONDON LOS ANGELES McLEAN MIAMI NEW YORK NORFOLK RALEIGH RICHMOND SAN FRANCISCO TOKYO WASHINGTON ‘evn ton com HUNTON. WILLIAMS ‘Andrew J, DiMarsico ‘September 29, 2016 Page 2 We have attached a certificate in the form required by the relevant regulations. This contract contains an base year with options for 5 additional years. The final option year is projected to end on March 31, 2018. Therefore, CTA is requesting that this pricing information remain confidential until at least April 1, 2018, No one should have access to a contractor's pricing structure while it is performing that contract Feel free to contact me with questions or concerns. Thank you for your efforts. Best regards. Very truly yours, KevinbCoset KIClys Attachment cc: Ms. Alice A. Mathews (w/attachment) Mr. Charles Tombras (w/attachment) CERTIFICATE IN SUPPORT OF REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIALITY I, Alice A. Mathews, pursuant to the provisions of 49 CFR part 512, state as follows: (1) Lam Senior Vice President and I am authorized by Charles Tombras Advertising, Inc. to execute this certificate on its behalf, (2) [certify that the information contained in the contract between NHTSA and Charles Tombras Advertising, Inc., NHTSA contract no.: DTNH22-13-D-00280L, applicable SOW/PWS 2, all task orders completed since 2013 with applicable SOW/PWS for services related to media, communications and advertising in support of its Office of Communications and Consumer Information all contain confidential and proprietary data and is being submitted with the claim that it is entitled to confidential treatment under 5 U.S.C. 552(b\(4) as incorporated by reference in and modified by the statute under which the information is being submitted; (3) I hereby request that the information contained in the contract between NHTSA and Charles Tombras Advertising, Inc, NHTSA contract no.: DTNH22-13-D-00280L, applicable SOW/PWS 2, all task orders completed since 2013 with applicable SOW/PWS for services related to media, communications and advertising in support of its Office of Communications and Consumer Information be protected until at least April 1, 2018. That is when the final option year of this contract will expire; (4) This certification is based on the information provided by the responsible Charles Tombras Advertising, Inc. personnel who have authority in the normal course of business to release the information for which a claim of confidentiality has been made to ascertain whether such information has ever been released outside Charles Tombras Advertising, Inc.; (5) _ Based upon that information, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the information for which Charles Tombras Advertising, Inc. has claimed confidential treatment has never been released or become available outside Charles Tombras Advertising, Inc.; (6) 1 make no representation beyond those contained in this certificate and, in particular, I make no representations as to whether this information may become available outside Charles Tombras Advertising, Inc. because of unauthorized or inadvertent disclosure; and (1) Lcertify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this the 29" day of September, 2016. a Alice A. Matthews Senior Vice President (64533 000012 EMF_US 62389108V1 A. Di Mars Co NCC0300 NOV 1 8 2016 Kevin J. Cosgrove Hunton & Williams LLP 300 East Main Street Suite 1000 Norfolk, VA 23501 Re: Confidentiality Determination/NHTSA Contract DTNH2213D00280L Dear Mr. Cosgrove: This responds to your letter of September 29, 2016 requesting confidential treatment for Charles Tombras Advertising, Inc.’s (CTA) price and financial information contained in contract DTNH2213D00280L. Specifically, CTA requests confidential treatment for the sensitive price and financial information contained in the contract until at least April 1, 2018. CTA deseribes the information as its proprietary pricing and financial information that is competitively sensitive and has not been publicly disclosed. CTA contends this information is a trade secret and early disclosure would severely harm its ability to compete. ‘Your request is granted. CTA was required to submit the financial information for which it seek: treatment in order to compete for the contract. Commercial or financial information obtained from a person involuntarily is confidential under Exemption 4 if disclosure would be likely to ‘cause substantial competitive harm, National Parks & Conservation Ass'n v. Morton, 498 F.2d 765 (D.C. Cir. 1974), Because the information was not submitted voluntarily, I have examined your submission using the competitive harm standard set forth in National Parks and its progeny, Thave reviewed your submission, including the materials that you claim are entitled to confidential treatment and the arguments that you assert in support of your claim. I have determined that release of the information at issue would be likely to cause your company to suffer substantial competitive harm, Therefore, this information is entitled to confidential ‘treatment pursuant to Exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(4). Subject to the conditions below, this grant of confidential treatment will remain in effect until April 1, 2018 This grant of confidential treatment is subject to certain conditions. The information may be disclosed under 49 CFR § 512.22 based upon newly discovered or changed facts, and you must inform the agency of any changed circumstances that may affect the protection of the information (49 CFR § 512.10). Ifnecessary, you will be notified prior to the release of any information under the procedures established by our regulations (49 CFR § 512.22(b)). Furthermore, this information may be disclosed if such disclosure would be in the public interest, pursuant to the procedures established in 49 CFR § 512.23. Sincerely, Original Signed By Otto G. Matheke, III Senior Trial Attomey NCC-100: JStephens:10/27/16:eyb:11/16/16 NCC-100; om, js NCC16-004927 NCC-300 A. DiMarsico Contfidentiality\Mise16\CTA004927js EXHIBIT A "AWARDICONTRACT TST Rx ra OR Drmw2213090z801,/0011 7 HRCI DTT FRESNO USE RESET ORORET RO oe WaTEA Office of Acquisition Management, 1200 Kew Jersey Ave SE Mashingzon Dc 20890 see siock zocforsaz216Rg-00144 INTSAOAH Fara ‘cone RATERS Joor/nnrsa/weo-320 Jottice of Acquisition Management 200 tew Jersey Ave., SE piashington Oc Te RS AISRES OF COTANCTOR wt Cy Se STP CT TOMBRAS GROUP €20 concord street Knoxville TW 37919-3305 #08 om Onn ser oon [SCOT FOR PROUET ENT fe soear Roe rar kerocsemmr pp vo Foose PET OE 1 Sar TOM TOR Sa Dar /anTEA, Fe PRN WL ETASE BT Sa aiRALTEED ¢ DOT/MHESA Iuarsa CENTRALIZED OF 1200 Wes Jersey Ave SE 5740 Washington Dc 20580 crTy ox 731 Hires ot 1 Cause ssn , See Schedule 84 reno 139 surmvessenvces se [so] 1se uur omce 18 mw ontinued TSE TOA ATSTRT OF CORTARET— Sao oi [ee [oesareron oe [a ae Te So sx conTAc CAUSES To [sorrento 7 OL [east anus Tz A [-o- [ srmues on senvces wo PcesCoETS “ THUS oF OSes BUDTENG THAN [eT esonmnensrecs wo SATEEN fle Ts [ustorarsowenrs I 3] oT pcx i An 19-20 TV REPRESD AT Ons MG RSTRUCTONS ae mare cron AND ACCEPT 21 1 | REPRESENTATENS.CERTFEATINS NO 2 ]-5 | pears on Per oRNCS 22-26 ‘Sen sareuenrs or crrenons 2 [a contact acwmestraton OX 2-3 1 istas. conse woTces To FEROS 1 Son CONTACT REOURENENTS AeA FacTORS FOR ARO cae Picea wa CouPLETE TD 7 GALE. O AEOOTNT PROCIRENDN] OR SEALED 0 PROCUREMENT AAPA FR STUCTON feSSTNTED ONEBNENT Conaes vSoote ap cerenwarmun 1 seestn mung fe) Caner aver © Aine nar tarpon a ees rae i (tow ec oneycoumsann bu yb mornin steven The haa Ceicpunt nn panne conc vt wnt ad goat yo OP fi | lo [REFERENCE nO OF GOCUENT BENG CONTINUED CONTINUATION SHEET oru22130002801/0011 Tate OF OFFEROR OR CONTRACTOR TOMBRAS GROUP TeMNO w SPPLESERCES 8) © 00001 0002 00003 DONS Wonber: 034710165 Task Order 0011 to Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity contract DTNH2213000280L is placed to Provide 2016 National and Regional Media and Communications Support Services. Alt. COR/COTR: Michael Joyce Acct Property: NO INV. APPROVER: SMOODYNHTSA Base 4 - National and Regional Media and Communication Support Services Fully Funded Obligation Anount$5, 639,865.44 Accounting Inf 80161616HS.2016.2002010000.NCO0010000.25100. 61006: 00..0000000000..0000000000..0000000000..0000000000. er 12003 MAPS TD: NPO-12003 Funded: $2,545, 000.00 Accounting Info: {8016161 6Hs.2016.2002040000.nco0010000.25100..61006¢ '00..0000000000..0000000000. 0000000000. 0000000000. ne% 712003 MAPS ID: NPO-12003 Funded: $0.00 Accounting Info: 8016161 6HS. 2016. 2002080000.Nco0010000.25100. 610064] 00.0000000000. 0000000000.0000000000.. 0000000000. ne 12003 MAPS ID: NPO-12003 Funded: $0.00 FY 16 Annual Funds Base 4 - National and Regional Media and Communication Support Services Accounting Info: 80161516HS..2016.2002040000.nc00010000.25100. 610064 190..0000000000..0000000000.0000000000..0000000000..w! =12003 MAPS ID: NPO-12003 Funded: $282,257.00 Base 4 - Statutorily-Mandated Funding - HVE Fully Funded obligation Arount$3a, 000,000.00 Accounting Inf 18x8202009.2016.2402090000.xc00010000.25100. 610064] 00.0000000000. 0000000000.0000000000. 0000000000..e¢ 12003 MAPS ID: NEO-12003 Funded: $21, 300,000.00 FY 16 Annual Funds SMA HVE Funds continued « 2, 545,000.00 282,257.00 21,300, 000.00 [REFERENCE no OF DOCIMENT BG CONTHED ce oF CONTINUATION SHEET Jorn:22130002801/001. : 2 ‘TOMBRAS GROUP ‘Teno ‘SUPPLESRERICES [ower fowr] _ uwrrmice peor a 6) cy [io) E) Fh The total amount of award: $44,121,122.44, The obligation for this award is shown in box 15G. DING2213D002801 Task Onder 0011 ION, c ny Support Services zx s “ESICOSTS, Ba The Contractor shall furnish the necessary qualified personnel. facilities. materials. supp! ‘equipment, and services to execute a Time-and-Materials Task Order in accordance with the Statement of Work, Section C, and other terms and conditions of this Task Order, B.2_ DEFINITIONS AND ACRONY Section B.2 remains the same as the Base Contract B3 OBL TION SU MARY, B.3.1, Total Estimated Amount The total estimated cost for the performance of this Task Order is: $44,122,122.44 B.3.2. Base Level of Effort The total estimated cost for the base level of effort for this Task Order is: B.3.3 Discretionary Advertising The estimated amount of Discretionary Advertising is: $0 B.3.4 Statutorily-Mandated Advertising The estimated amount of Statutorily-Mandated Adver ising is: $38,000,000.00 DIN 2016 National and Re; SD0028OL Task Order 0011 »nal Media and Communications Support Services Bs PRICE SCHEDULE B.4.1 Prices shall cover the period from the effective date of Task Order award Total Cost June 1, 2016 thre 31, 2017. Toaded Functional CLIN | Functional Areas Area Rates | Levelof Effort | 4001 | Account Management_ 4002 | Ad Production _ [4003 | Media Buy 4004 | Press Fvents/ Famed Media 4005 | Planning/Research 4006 | State Technical 7 Assistance 4007 _ | Creative Collateral 400% | Developme Conference. Mi National Forum 4009 unctional Area Cost rect Cost Rate (If ___ Other Dire Discretionary Advertising _| Miscellaneous Direct Costs NA Travel NIA Statutorily-Mandated Advertisin NA Total Cost_ $ Fotal Othe! Total Task Order 0011 Ceiling Cost (End of Section B) $ DTNH2213D002801 Task Order 0011 2016 National and Regional Media and Commu SECTION C — DESCRIPTION/SPECIFICATIONS/STATEMENT OF WORK C.1 Background jons Support Services The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is an operating administration within the U.S, Department of Transportation whose mission is to save lives, prevent injuries, and to reduce traffic-related deaths and economic losses resulting from motor vehicle crashes. This is accomplished by: © Researching and demonstrating promising strategies to influence positive traffic safety behaviors; Planning and executing strategic communications campaigns to support program activity; Providing grants to State and local governments to enable them to conduct effective local highway safety programs; and © Setting and enforcing national safety performance standards for motor vehicles and equipment. Research has demonstrated that prevention of impaired and distracted driving and increased belt use will have the most significant impact on meeting NHTSA’s mission. NHTSA’s national Priority programs are designed to prevent drunk driving and drunk motorcycle riding; increase seat belt use and to decrease distracted driving. Other important Agency priorities and campaigns include raising awareness of child passenger safety issues; heatstroke, speed, teen safety, pedestrians, bicycles, school buses, older drivers, enforcement and justice services, drugged and drowsy driver safety programs. Reaching the Hispanic popuiation with highway traffic safety campaigns also continues to be a NHTSA pt _ Drunk driving deaths account for 31 percent ofall traffic fatalities annually. Drunk driving is. one of the most often committed crimes in America, affecting | in 3 Americans annually, resulting in | fatality every 53 minutes and 27 deaths every day. Almost 10,000 people lost their lives in 2014 in crashes involving drivers with blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 and above. Seat belt use can reduce fatalities by up to 45 percent for front seat passenger car occupants and 60 percent for front seat light truck occupants. Every increase in seat belt use translates to lives saved and injuries prevented. NHTSA estimates that every one percentage-point increase represents 2.8 million more Americans buckling up, 250 additional lives saved, and 4,000 fewer serious injuries annually. Every day in 2014, on average nearly 2 children age 12 and younger were killed and an average of 307 were injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes as occupants of passenger vehicles. For children ages | through 12, it is the leading cause of death. NHTSA is committed to working closely with partners, safety advocates, and directly with consumers to help those who transport children make the kind of choices to keep them alive and safe. Crash-related motorcycle fatalities decreased by 2 percent in 2014 compared to 2013. In 2014, 4,586 motorcyclists were killed and an additional 92,000 motorcyclists were injured. These cumulative increases have become a challenge to NHTSA’s progress in increasing highway safety. Traffic crashes are among the leading causes of death among Latinos from the ages of I to 34 years. As the Hispanic population continues to increase in the United States, their exposure to 6 DTNH2213D00280L Task Order 0011 2016 National and Regional Media and Communications Support Services traffic crashes and resultant injuries and fatalities has the potential to increase. Therefore, itis clear that specialized public information efforts designed to change positively and demonstrably traffic safety behaviors among the Hispanic population are required. To meet its mission of decreasing fatalities and injuries on our Nation's roadways, NHTSA must continue to develop culturally appropriate messaging and national behavior based communication initiatives. NHTSA’s behavioral communications strategy uses a disciplined approach to develop and implement its communications programs. This disciplined approach includes reviewing traffic data, conducting and evaluating market research data, developing TV, radio, and digital creative ‘materials, placing and negotiating advertising, conducting media relations, developing collateral materials, and developing partnerships. While highly visible enforcement activity continues to be the anchor for the national communications program, other integrated communications activity must continue throughout the year to keep the message fresh and in front of the American public. Consistent and continual reminders of the horrific human and economic costs of motor vehicle crashes must be developed. Effective communication must be maintained not only with the target audience, but policy ‘makers must also be made aware of the potential lifesaving actions that can be taken to alleviate these problems. C2. Objective ‘The objective of this Task Order is to provide NHTSA with timely, efficient, and expert project management knowledge and skills to implement a range of communication services to plan, conduct, evaluate, and document communications results for NHTSA campaigns and programs. NHTSA campaigns and programs may include but are not limited to: integrated media marketing: public relations; advertising; digital strategies; communications and marketing research; and training, C3 Purpose ‘The purpose of this Task Order is to support and enhance the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) behavioral safety programs to save more lives on our nation’s roadways through innovative and effective communications that cover topics such as drunk driving, seat belt enforcement, child passenger safety. distracted driving, and other NHTSA special emphasis priority areas in highway traffic safety. C4 Contract Requirements C.4.1 Location of Key Contractor Staff To ensure close coordination between the Government and the Contractor and to respond to requirements with short deadlines, the Contractor shall maintain key project staff and facilities in the District of Columbia Metropolitan area. The Contractor shall maintain these facili outside DOT Headquarters or other Federal Government facilities. The Government will not provide the Contractor with facilities and/or equipment needed to perform the Task Order. Rather, any costs associated with maintaining the Contractor's facilities shall be recovered as part of the Contractor's Indirect Cost Rates. C42 Reserved DTNH2213D00280L Task Order 0011 2016 Nati d Re; 4.3 General Requirements The Contractor shall perform work that may include the following activities (this list may not be all inclusive): © Provide technical assistance to NHTSA to develop and Promote traffic safety communications to reduce crashes, and the resulting injuries and deaths to English and Spanish speaking populations. Expertise needed includes the ability to: conduct market research, understand the use of multimedia platforms that include TV, radio, digital, social media, print, outdoor, mobile, and Internet; develop, review, and/or evaluate media plans; develop communication strategies and tactics, use social media, and develop collateral materials to support state/local campaigns. * Develop national media buy plans for each cycle of paid advertising and, once approved, place advertising. Media waves support national hit enforcement campaigns to increase seat belt use. and decrease impaired and distracted driving, It is anticipated that a minimum of five national media waves will be conducted during the period of performance and that each buy shall run for approximately 7 — 15 days. ‘® Identify most appropriate market research options, and coordinate, and conduct this research to enable NHTSA and its partners to reach effectively and efficiently at risk and other specific target audiences as they relate to traffic safety issues. '* Develop, maintain, and update new or existing websites; provide web analytics to identify web trends, and assist with ongoing SEO and other website optimization efforts to ensure that website content and management provides optimal audience reach. As a part of the web support, assist NHTSA in identifying best practices and effective strategies for rebranding the agency. Develop year round calendar to promote all NHTSA content. © Develop English and Spanish earned media materials to support traffic safety initiatives identified on NHTSA’s Communications Calendar; other Agency priorities and campaigns that include heatstroke, speed, teen safety, motorcycles, pedestrians, bicycles, school buses, older drivers, enforcement and justice services, and drowsy driver safety programs; and demonstration projects that support NHTSA’s ongoing traffic safety efforts. Materials shall be 508-compliant. ‘© Acquire photography and video services, and manage the execution of photo and video shoots necessary to carry out NHTSA programs and campaigns. The Contractor shall manage talent rights/fees for existing and newly created assets. © Adapt existing materials into culturally appropriate languages, and create new materials that positively resonate with targeted populations, and meet the guidelines set forth by the American Translators Association. ‘© Refresh existing ads and, when appropriate, develop new ads for NHTSA priority areas and emerging highway safety issues. Provide technical assistance to NHTSA’s Program, Regional Offices, and highway safety partners in communication strategies and tactes. DTNH2213D00280L Task Order 0011 2016 National and Regional Media and Communications Support Services # Provide technical assistance in planning the Office of Communication’s National Strategic Communications Forum and/or communications training sessions in NHTSA regions and States at a minimum of one-to- four per year. * Conduct and/or participate in meetings and conference calls in support of basic program ‘management activities and provide meeting/conference notes in a timely manner. ‘* Produce and submit reports that provide well-organized and detailed analysis of NHTSA campaigns and demonstration activities. © Conceptualize, coordinate, and conduct four onsite brown-bag training sessions for NHTSA staff on communications and marketing issues that are relevant to ongoing outreach efforts. C5. Specific Task Requirements Below is a more detailed description of each of the tasks necessary to complete the project objectives C51. Conduct Weekly Status Coordination Meetings The Contractor shall meet with the COR (TO) and other NHTSA staff, in person or via conference call weekly beginning on June 7, for the purpose of project coordination to: * Discuss the status of all Task Order projects under DTNH2213D00280L; ‘© Review technical assistance provided to NHTSA Program, Regional Offices, Office of the Secretary of Transportation, and to State partners; and © Identify, discuss, and resolve any issues or problem areas. Within one (1) day of each status coordination meeting, the Contractor shall submit a written meeting summary which recaps the status meeting, highlighting action items and next steps as discussed, €.5.2, Support NHTSA Communications Plan The Contractor may be required to assist in the development of or provide data necessary to develop a NHTSA Communications Plan and strategy. The NHTSA Communications Plan is used by NHTSA, State Highway Safety Offices, and partners. While the plan is dynamic and changes, it strives to share communications goals for NHTSA’s highway safety emphasis areas for the coming year. This planning and strategy development may include but not be limited to gathering great ideas for new and innovative ways to manage and implement NHTSA ‘campaigns; providing new and better ways to work with Regional and State communications. partners; and providing recommendations to refresh NHTSA’s communications strategy based ‘on new marketing trends and future industry forecasts. If assistance in developing a NHTSA Communications plan is required, the Contractor shall meet within three (3) weeks of award with the COR (TO) and appropriate NHTSA staff to discuss the NHTSA Communications Plan and establish roles and responsibilities. Within two (2) business days after the meeting, the Contractor shall provide a written report of the meeting, clearly outlining the Contractor's, recommendations, roles, and responsibilities; next steps as appropriate: and providing a timeline for completion of their assigned role. The Contractor shall develop a draft Communications Plan and provide a draft for review to the COR (TO) forty-five (45) days after meeting. The COR (TO) and appropriate NHTSA staff shall review and provide feedback to the Contractor wi DTNH2213D00280L Task Order 0011 2016 National and Regional Media and Communications Support Services ten (10) business days. The Contractor shall make revisions as necessary and deliver files electronically in a 508 compatible format or in requested WORD format ten (10) business days after final approval. C.8.3. Provide Technical Assistance NHTSA offers the most efficient, professional, and expert customer service in communications by providing technical assistance on an as needed basis. During the period of performance of this Task Order, on behalf of NHTSA, the Contractor shall fulfill a myriad of requests to achieve special project goals related to communicating highway safety messages for NHTSA and its Programs, Regional Offices, Highway Safety, State, Industry, DOT Office of Secretary, and Agency-wide partners. At the direction of the COR (TO), the Contractor shall provide technical assistance to NHTSA Program staff, Regional Offices, State partners / and DOT Agency-wide partners. To ensure NHTSA is aware of technical assistance needs, the Contractor shall submit all requests for technical assistance received within two (2) days of receipt to the COR (TO) and the NHTSA ‘Campaign Manager for approval (unless otherwise directed) prior to fulfilling requests. The COR (TO) will approve requests for technical assistance within two (2) days of receipt. Technical assistance varies and may include but is not limited to: project consultation; media buy plan review, creative development; retagging or duplicating NHTSA TV or radio ads; resizing NHTSA banner or poster ads; providing digital ads: converting banner ads to posters or vice versa, and providing paid and eamed media advice or assistance as needed. Additionally, the Contractor may be required to provide feedback, training, or advice to NHTSA Program and Regional staff and/or State media firms and review and provide feedback for State ‘media buy plans prior to the four national paid media campaigns identified in C.5.5 Sub-Task 5 — Plan and Conduct National Campaign Activities. The Contractor shall provide a written response on media plan reviews within 3 — 4 business days (D) after the initial request. ‘The Contractor shall r performance. C54. Plan and Conduct National Campaign Acti In consultation with the COR (TO) and the NHTSA Campaign Managers, the Contractor shall plan and execute up to four national NHTSA campaigns to support the: U Drive. U Text. U Pay. Distracted Driving Enforcement Crackdown and Awareness Month activities; the Click It or Ticket Seat Belt Mobilization; Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over (August and December Crackdowns; and the Child Passenger Safety Week/National Seat Check Saturday act Additionally, the Contractor may be required to plan and execute two additional national campaigns during the term of this Task Order. The Contractor shall meet with the COR (TO), the NHTSA Campaign Manager, and other appropriate NHTSA staff to conduct a planning meeting to discuss the campaign(s). Upon completion of each meeting, the Contractor shall provide a report and an updated written creative brief five (5) business days after the meeting. The COR (TO) will approve the updated creative brief and campaign plan for each individual national campaign within five (5) days of receipt. Upon written COR (TO) approval, jew a maximum of 20-25 media buy plan requests during the period of ies! ies. | Refer to the NHTSA Communications Calendar:hiip:/www.traffiesafetymarketing. gov/Events- Presentations/Events/Calendar-+ of Events for specific dates for each national campaign. 10 DTNH2213D00280L Task Order 0011 2016 National and Regional Media and Communications Support Services, the Contractor shall move forward executing the specific campaign plan. The Contractor shall deliver all agreed campaign assets (unless otherwise expressed and agreed in writing) to the COR (TO) or the NHTSA Campaign Manager not less than three months prior to the launch of the national campaign(s). In support of the three paid media campaigns, Distracted Driving, Click It or Ticket, and Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, which run approximately 14 to 16 days, the Contractor may be required to meet with appropriate network representatives, make recommendations on the appropriate mix of programming to target our audience, and develop the national media buy plan, The Contractor shall submit the recommended media buy plan to the COR (TO) for approval not later than 8-10 weeks prior to the launch of the campaign (D). The COR (TO) will approve the media buy plan within ten (10) days of receipt. Upon approval, by the COR (TO), the Contractor shall negotiate and buy national media to air during the campaign's paid media period. After submitting final files for posting, the Contractor shall provide all digital files with contact sheets for each campaign (See C.5.8 - Web & Social Media Support). The Contractor shall submit a campaign final report for each national campaign as defined in F.4.2 - Campaign Final Report. ‘The following provides a detailed list of the campaigns for this Task Order. 1. National U Drive. U Text. U Pay. Distracted Driving Enforcement Crackdown and Awareness Month Campaign Distracted driving has become an epidemic on our Nation's roadways as people continue to ‘engage in distracting behaviors while driving. Congress authorized funding for a national Distracted Driving enforcement campaign with a paid media component. The purpose of the national distracted driving campaign is to raise awareness and provide information to the ‘general public to help make our roads safer. Dependent upon funding, to support this national campaign, the Contractor, in consultation with the COR (TO) and the NHTSA Campaign Manager, shall plan and execute the campaign activities from start-to-finish, providing technical assistance that may include but is not limited to: participating in meetings; developing and submitting a creative brief; participating in the federal OMB process for approval to conduct market research; developing English and Spanish earned media templates; potentially developing new English and Spanish TV, radio, and/or digital creative materials; developing other English and Spanish collateral materials; and making recommendations for new innovative marketing ventures to add value to existing campaign materials. Upon availability of funds and in support of the campaign, the Contractor may be required to meet with appropriate network representatives; make recommendations on appropriate mix of media and programming for the target audience; develop the national media buy plan; negotiate and buy national media to air during the campaign’s paid media period (if applicable); and provide post buy analysis and any additional media and marketing services to support the national campaign. Further, the Contractor may be required to support the national Distracted Driving campaign by working with the COR (TO) and the NHTSA Campaign Manager making recommendations on event venue locations within the Washington, DC Metropolitan area, managing press event staging, and supporting the development of SMT, VNR. and BBR packages. " DTNH2213D00280L Task Order 0011 2016 National and Regi ‘The Contractor shall submit campaign final report as defined in F.4.2~ Campaign Final Report. 2. National Click It or Ticket Seat Belt Mobilization ‘The National Click It or Ticket seat belt enforcement mobili May and runs thru the Memorial Day holiday. In May 2017 campaign, the Contractor, in consultation with the COR (TO) and the NHTSA Campaign Manager shall plan to update and refresh materials to support the national enforcement campaign. The COR (TO), the NHTSA Campaign Manager, and other appropriate NHTSA staff will meet to plan strategy for the 2017 campaign. The Contractor shall submit a conference report, strategy plan and timeline within five business days after the meeting. Upon approval of the strategy and recommendations, the Contractor shall ‘execute the production of refreshed 2017 digital materials in English and Spanish. The new materials shall be submitted to the COR (TO) and the NHTSA Campaign Manager. The Contractor, in consultation with the COR (TO) and the NHTSA Campaign Manager, shall plan and execute the national campaign activities from start-to-finish, providing technical assistance that may include but is not limited to: participating in meetings; developing and submitting a creative brief; developing earned media templates; developing new and innovative enforcement creative collateral materials; making recommendations for innovative marketing ventures to add value to existing campaign materials; refreshing radio and Web-based materials; and retagging TV ads. tion occurs once each year in Further, the Contractor may be required to support a national press event by making recommendations on event venue locations within the Washington, DC Metropolitan area; ‘managing press event staging: supporting the development of satellite media tour (SMT), video news releases (VNR), and bites and b-roll (BBR) packages; and assisting with press releases. To support the paid media component of the campaign, which runs for approximately 14 days, the Contractor may be required to meet with appropriate network representatives; make recommendations on appropriate mix of media and programming for the target audience; develop the national media buy plan; negotiate and buy national media to air during the campaign's paid media period; and provide post buy analysis and any additional media and marketing services needed to support the national campaign. ‘The Contractor shall submit campaign final report as defined in F-4.2 ~ Campaign Final Report. 3. Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign ‘The national impaired driving crackdown occurs twice each year; in August when it runs thru the Labor Day holiday and again in December when it runs thru to New Year's Day ( refer to the NHTSA Communications Calendar for specific dates). NHTSA’s intention is to continue branding and improve the existing campaign for future growth, ‘The Contractor, in consultation with the COR (TO) and the NHTSA Campaign Manager. shall plan and execute the campaign activities from start-to-finish, providing technical assistance that may include but is not limited to: participating in meetings: developing and submitting a creative brief: developing English and Spanish language earned media templates 12 DTNH2213D00280L Task Order 0011 2016 National and Regional Media and Communi ‘as needed, developing innovative English and Spanish language enforcement creative collateral materials; making recommendations for new marketing ventures to add value to existing campaign materials; developing and/or refreshing radio, digital, and Web-based materials; retagging TV ads: and conducting market research where appropriate to support NHTSA campaigns. ‘The Contractor shall develop new creative collateral (TV, radio and digital) for English and ‘Spanish-speaking populations, using the results of the alcohol segmentation study to help in the development of future campaign materials and conceptual creative platforms. It is paramount to understand the target audience's values and belief systems to craft relevant, impactful messaging. Concept market research will help in finalizing the creative strategy for the new creative concepts. The COR (TO), the NHTSA Campaign Manager, and other appropriate NHTSA staff shall meet to discuss the objectives and goals of the communication check market research. The Contractor shall submit a report, research plan and timeline to the COR (TO) within five (5) business days after the meeting. Upon approval of the research plan, the Contractor shall prepare an information collection request (ICR) package for submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Once OMB has approved the plan, the Contractor shall plan to conduct 12 focus groups — four groups each in three cities to assess the values and perceptions of the target audience. Within five (5) days of completion of the focus groups. the Contractor shall plan to provide a topline summary report highlighting the findings from the research study. A final report with detailed findings and transcripts from the research study shall be provided to the COR (TO) and the NHTSA Campaign Manager within twenty (20) days after completion of the research study. The Contractor shall plan to hold a briefing to present an overview of findings to the COR (TO), the NHTSA Campaign Manager, and other appropriate NHTSA staff. Further, the Contractor may be required to support a national press event by making recommendations on event venue locations within the Washington, DC Metropolitan area, managing press event staging, securing event location permits and/or supporting the development of SMT, VNR, and BBR packages. The Contractor shall submit campaign final report as defined in F.4.2 — Campaign Final Report. Child Passenger Safety Week and National Seat Check Saturday 1s Support Services Child Passenger Safety Week and the National Seat Check Saturday are campaigns designed to inform English and Spanish-speaking parents and caregivers of the most up-to-date advances in child seat safety and the proper methods of installation of car seats to keep kids safe in passenger cars. ‘The Contractor shall participate in the planning and execution of campaign activities from start-to-finish. The COR (TO), the NHTSA Campaign Manager, and other appropriate NHTSA staff will meet to discuss the campaign and plan strategy for the upcoming campaign. The Contractor shall submit a report. strategy. and timeline to the COR (TO) within five business days after the meeting. The Contractor shall deliver all child passenger safety-related campaign materials to the COR (TO) no later than 3.5 months prior to the campaign launch. The Contractor shall provide technical assistance that may include but not, be limited to: participating in meetings, conducting market research, developing and submitting a creative brief, developing earned media templates, new creative including print, digital, radio and social media collateral materials that may include posters, banner ads, and 13 DTNH2213D00280L Task Order 0011 2016 National and Regional Media and Communications Support Services child safety seat videos. Further, the Contractor may be required to support the national press event by making recommendations on event venue locations within the Washington, DC Metropolitan area, managing press event staging, supporting the development of SMT, VNR, and BBR packages, and assisting with press releases. For planning and budgeting purposes, Child Passenger Safety Week and the National Seat Check Saturday occur once each year in September. 5. Seat Belt Social Norming Campaign (Non-Enforcement) The seat belt social norming campaign (non-enforcement), known as Buckle Up. Every Trip. Every Time. occurs each year during the Thanksgiving holiday travel period. To support the 2016 Thanksgiving holiday travel period, the Contractor, COR (TO), the NHTSA Campaign Manager, and other appropriate NHTSA staff will meet and review existing campaign materials and web collateral to determine the types of creative that would be appropriate based on the campaign target audience and digital trends. ‘The Contractor shall submit a report with recommendations and a timeline within five (5) business days after the meeting. The NHTSA Campaign Manager and other appropriate NHTSA staff will work with the Contractor to select from the recommended creative options. Upon selection, the Contractor shall develop creative concepts for web banners ads and other creative collateral selected. Upon approval of the creative concepts, the Contractor shall execute the production of the new 2016 seat belt social norming (non-enforcement) web creative in both English and Spanish. The new collateral campaign materials must be submitted to the COR (TO) and the NHTSA Campaign Manager no later than five (5) weeks prior to the campaign launch (D). 5.5. Plan & Conduct Social Norming and/or Non-Paid Media Campaigns In addition to the national paid enforcement campaigns, NHTSA also has non-paid social norming priority areas that occur each year and are supported by State Highway Safety Offices and partners. For the period of performance of this Task Order, the non-paid social norming priority areas include: Back to School Safety Month, Cinco de Mayo, Motorcycle Safety ‘Awareness Month, Pedestrian/Bicycle Program, Teen Driver Safety, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Pre-Holiday Season, St. Patrick's Day. child passenger safety, car seat registration, drugged driving and distraction/drowsy driver safety programs. * The Contractor shall assist in planning and executing social norming and/or non-paid campaigns which typically occur each year. The Contractor shall support the campaigns and provide technical assistance, and coordinate the development, revision, and/or adaptation, and dissemination of English and Spanish collateral material as well as social media, digital, radio, video, and/or online traffic safety materials to support at a minimum 9 (nine) social norming and/or non-paid campaigns. ‘The Contractor shall support program outreach, provide technical assistance, and coordinate the development, revision, and/or adaptation, and dissemination of culturally appropriate print, electronic, and online traffic safety materials to support the Agency’s efforts to improve traffic ? Refer to the Communications Calendar visit: PRESENTATIONS /Events/Calendar+of+Events 14 DTNH2213D00280L Task Order 0011 2016 National and Regional M safety behaviors among Spanish-speaking and other diverse audiences. These activities may include providing technical support in the development of assets for and/or eared media materials that support the act on NHTSA’s annual Communication Calendars (see list below), and up to three (3) additional campaigns/initiatives. Technical support shall also include the development and pitching of drop-in articles, blog posts, and social media messages to target audience-focused prinvionline publications and Hispanic social media influencers four to six weeks prior to the launch of any campaign (ex. Child Passenger Safety Week/National Seat Check Saturday, Click It or Ticket, Teen Driver Safety Week, the release of the winter and summer Driving Tips, and National Distracted Driving Awareness month). Asa standard operating procedure for campaigns, the Contractor shall part input meetings set-up by the NHTSA Campaign Manager. The Contractor shall also present one hard copy and an electronic copy in Word of a summary report that reflects the results from these outreach activities within three (3) days of the input meeting The report shall identify the strategy used (brief bullets, a “novella-like” story, etc.) list the blog posts, media orgs, and the results of the outreach including clips. The Contractor shall develop and disseminate for approval, a conference report of the meeting and (where appropriate), a creative or meeting brief, and project timeline within three (3) business days following the meeting. The COR (TO) will approve the creative brief and project time for each social norming or non-paid media campaign within ten (10) business days of receipt ‘The Contractor shall deliver all agreed campaign assets (unless otherwise expressed and agreed in writing) to the COR (TO) or the NHTSA Campaign Manager not less than three months prior to the launch of each campaign. The Contractor shall also deliver all archive documents with contact sheets for each camp after final files have been submitted for posting to www.trafficsafetymarketing. gov. C.5.6. Provide Translati mn and Adaptation Support The Hispanic population currently represents 17 percent of the US population. The median age of Hispanics in the US is 28 years and 50 percent or more currently reside among the motoring public in California, Florida, and Texas with South Carolina being the area with the fastest growing population. The Hispanic population is a secondary audience for many NHTSA ‘campaigns and therefore, NHTSA strives to be current and maintain relevancy to make our highway safety materials specific, easy to understand, and useable for our audience. Upon COR (TO) request, the Contractor shall translate and/or adapt into Spanish, earned media materials that include a sample press release and fact sheet with the exception of our national enforcement campaigns when the Products for Enforcement Action Kit (PEAK) materials will need to be adapted in its entirety. The Contractor shall develop culturally appropriate creative materials to complement designated campaigns. Within seven (7) business days of receipt of the approved English earned media materials, the Contractor shall culturally adapt the earned media documents and return to the COR (TO) and/or the NHTSA Campaign Manager. To complement designated campaigns, the Contractor shall design culturally appropriate creative concepts and present to appropriate NHTSA staff for approval. As with the national enforcement campaigns, NHTSA strives to make available all campaign assets three months prior to the launch of the campaign.’ For the period of performance of this Task Order, the campaigns include: 3 Refer to the NHTSA Communications Calendar:hup:/ Is DTNH2213D00280L Task Order 0011 2016 National and Regional Media and Communications Support Se ‘© Daylight Savings Time Safety press release (I piece) * November Holiday © Winter Holiday © Super Bow! Sunday ‘© Seasonal Driving Tips (2 pieces for Spring and Winter) ‘© National Distracted Driving Awareness Month ‘© Motoreycle Safety Awareness Month Bicycle Safety Month * Click It or Ticket National Enforeement Mobilization © Fourth of July * Back to School Safety Month ‘Impaired Driving National Enforcement Crackdown + Halloween + Teen Driver Safety Week * Child Passenger Safety Week © Cinco de Mayo St. Patrick’s Day © Drowsy Driving * Drugged Driving Additional translation and/or adaptation support may be required during this period of performance to support other efforts. Funding will be provided to support added work, as the need arises. 5:7 Provide Web & Social Media Support With the current evolution of the Web and advances in social media, NHTSA’s progress in these areas continues to grow. NHTSA maintains the following web sites:, ‘www traffiesafetymarketing gov, www distraction gov,, www, www., and www. The Contractor shall provide online multimedia support for NHTSA’s campaigns inclu materials for social media web sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. For each campaign, this support may include but not be limited to: Providing social media badges, icons, and/or info graphies; Providing Web only videos; Developing online graphic materials for upload to sites; Developing or providing HTML content for posting to NHTSA Websites; and Assisting in the development of content for new and existing NHTSA Websites and pages. ‘The Contractor shall provide social media support via visual assets, ie., Vines, infographies, animated gifs, web videos et al to support the social norming campaigns during the year outlined on NHTSA’s Communications Calendar. The Contractor shall work with the COR (TO) and Presentations/Events/Calendar tof+ Events for specific dates for each national campaign. 16 DTNH2213D002801 Task Order 0011 2016 Natior NHTSA’s Digital Strategies Team to make recommendations, develop, and plan a comprehensive schedule of collateral assets to enhance and add value to NHTSA’‘s social norming campaigns. Prior to the launch of any NHTSA campaign, the Contractor shall provide digital files via .psd files for upload to NHTSA’s site. Following the launch of any NHTSA campaign. the Contractor shall provide digital files for NHTSA archives. These digital files must follow NHTSA current digital file requirements, obtained from COR (TO). C58. Training As NHTSA continues to brand itself and its national enforcement slogans and manage its several communications campaigns and other NHTSA priority areas; keeping abreast of the most up-to- date advances in media marketing is important for NHTSA Project Managers as they work with internal and Regional staff’ as well as State partner agencies. To ensure that NHTSA. its Regional staff, and State partners are up-to-date on the most current communications information, NHTSA hosts a variety of training, including Brown Bag sessions, Webinars, on-site training for Region and State attendance and participating at no more than two national conferences. Typically this involves development of presentations for the conference, travel to the conference, and giving the presentation. The Contractor shall provide up to two “Brown Bag” sessions for internal staff that are typically one hour in length (but not to exceed two hours) on topics to be determined, to provide knowledge transfer on advances in communications marketing. Previously, Brown Bag sessions have covered topics such as industry trends, market segmentation, media buying, and use of social media. ‘The Contractor shall conduct two (2) one-hour Brown Bag sessions to be conducted in person or by Webinar or video conference during the period of performance. The Contractor shall be required to develop and submit a calendar of proposed Brown Bag sessions within 30 days after award (D). In addition, the Contractor may be required to provide up to two Web-based or video conferences for a larger audience of State and highway safety partners. These sessions typically last no more than two hours and are focused on updating partners on current work or changes in communications technology. ‘The Contractor shall participate in conducting training workshops with NHTSA staff during the period of performance of this Task Order. This training shall be presented to NHTSA Regional and State highway safety partner staff charged with developing and implementing communications activities. This training exposes new highway safety partners to NHTSA’s communications model and provides effective communication strategies to reach target audiences. Most recently these communication workshops covered basic communications identifying target audiences, and working to gain the best value for media budgets. g shall last no more than 15 hours and shall be conducted in a central area outside of Washington, DC which is more accessible to Regional and State partner agencies. The Contractor shall work with NHTSA CO and staff to assist in planning and implementing NHTSA’s Communications Forum. The Forum is a training workshop for NHTSA Regional staff and State Highway Safety partners and their media firms. The Contractor shall recommend state and venue locations, assist in the development and production of the Forum’s training materials, handle registrati and logistics. DIN12213D002801 2016 National and Reg 5.9 Statutos dated Advertising (S Upon receipt of Statutorily Mandated funds, NHTSA will modify the Task Order on a unilateral basis to add funding and inerease the overall value for media buys by the amount of funding provided. The Contractor shall submit a drafi media work plan for each national paid media campaigt all pass through of Statutorily -Mandated funds. ‘The media work plan shall include recommendations for broadeast FV, cable, radio, digital, and online media, The work plan shall include but not be limited to: campaign overview information (advertising period, budget. target audience profile, media strategy for various mediums, and recommended programming). he media work plan shall be delivered to the COR (TO) no later than 12 weeks before the start of each national paid media campaign, ‘The COR (TO) will review the proposal. request any changes as appropriate. and approve the media buy plan ten (10) business days after receipt (M). Upon approval of the media work plan, the Contractor shall proceed to execute and secure the national paid media buy for TV. radio, and online media for each campaign, not more than three weeks prior to the paid media launch, usin The Contractor shall not proceed to purchase media until receiving approval of the refined media plan from the COR (TO). The Contractor shall not charge additional fees associated with the placement of the national ‘media buy using statutorily-mandated funds. Only actual media costs may be charged to the Task Order. (End of Section C) DTNH2213D00280L Task Order 0011 2016 National and Regional Media and Communications Support Services ee SECTION D - PACKAGING AND MARKING Preservation, packaging, and packing of all 1g ofall work delivered under this, Contract shall be done in accordance with good commercial practices and to insure acceptance by common carrier (if applicable) and safe transportation at the most economical rate(s). Except as specifically exempted by the Contracting Officer or Contracting Officer's Representative Task Order (COR (TO)), all deliverables under this task order shal be sent in electronic format, as specified in Section F. For those items that must be ready for printing, the following NHTSA guidelines shall be used: Da TEXT Text files shall be provided in Microsoft Word on a CD or electronic format using the fewest ‘number of formatting tools as possible (i.e. avoid columns, multiple fonts, etc.). Avoid using any design/layout elements, D2 CHARTS AND GRAPHS If the publication has charts and graphs, the Contractor shall insert the chart or graph at the appropriate locations in the publication and clearly identify it in the text with a description. Charts and graphs shall be produced using Microsoft Excel. Charts and graphs should be provided in two forms: 1) inserted within document as described; and 2) in a separate Microsoft Excel data file submitted electronically or on a CD. D.3__ ILLUSTRATIONS Ilustrations can take two forms: Graphics The NHTSA Communication Services Division shall develop any needed graphics in collaboration with the COR (TO) and if desired, the COR (TO)'s Contractor. The Contractors shall provide only the text files in Microsoft Word to the COR (TO). In the event that itis necessary for the Contractor to develop the graphics, only Government Printing Office (GPO) approved software such as Adobe Illustrator shall be used. Photographs When photographs are used in NHTSA publications, the NHTSA Communication Services Division uses its own existing photos or photos purchased through various sources. In the event, that a Contractor or other source will supply photos for use in a publication, the photos must be high resolution images preferably at 300 dpi (4"by 5” in size) or higher. Photos must be supplied on a CD in either a TIF or JPEG file. If photograph is supplied by an outside source a release form must accompany the photo indicating the human subjects in the photo authorize NHTSA to use the photo in its publications and on NHTSA or other government-managed websites. The Contractor shall ensure that all submitted photographs and graphics are released for unlimited rights by NHTSA to use the images in print or on the web. The Contractor shall provide a written statement indicating that NHTSA has unlimited, unrestricted use of submitted photographs and graphics. DINI2213D002801 Task Order 0011 D4 WEBA Occasionally, web-based images may be used in NIITSA publications. cautioned that copy right laws restr indicated at the website. Aditi The Contractor is use of many of these images even if this is not expressly ally. the resolution of most web-based images is not high enough to provide a clear image when published, For these reasons, web-based images should not be used. DS SECURITY AND PRIVACY PROTECTION Al deliverables and services rendered under this eontracvagreement must comply with Federal and DOT security and privacy protection policies and requirements. DOT policies are available for viewing at http: gov ia/iapolicies.htm, (End of Section D) ae DINH2213002801. Task Order 0011 2016 National and Regional Media and C 1H INSPECTION AND/OR ACCEPTANCI The COR (10) as designated in this Task Order will be responsible for performing the inspection of all services rendered under this Task Order and for recommending aeceptai replacement correction of services or materials that fail meet the Task Order requirements to the Contracting Officer, The COR (TO) will also be responsible to the Contracting Officer for recommending acceptance ‘or replacement correction of nonconforming supplies or services that fail to meet the Task Order requirements. Rejection of a final report will delay final payment of costs due under the Task Order. The most ‘common causes for rejecting final reports are: a. Incomplete description of the work objective and its relationship to other work performed in the area. b, Inadequate deseription of methodology or inconsistent technical information to support the findings or conclusions. nceived graphs, charts. and displays. ¢, Incorrect spelling and grammar. (End of Section E) DTNH2213D00280L 2016 N: nd Regional M; id Communications Support Services SECTION F — DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE Fl The Period of Performance for work required. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE ‘Task Order shall be June 1, 2016, through May 31, 2017. All luding preparation, submission, and acceptance of all deliverable items, shall be completed within the performance period. F2 PERFORMANCE MILESTONES AND DELIVERABLES The follos considered important to the successful completion of the project. g performance milestones and deliverables apply to this Task Order and are i 5.1 | Contractor participates in Weekly Status ‘June 7 and weekly =a Meetings (M) thereafter : 5.1 __ | Contractor submits Weekly Status Meeting Within | day of summary report (D) completing Item #1 3 C52 Contractor meets to discuss National Within 3 weeks of award Communications Plan (M) Contractor provides meeting summary repor. | witnin ? business days 4 | C52. | recommendations, next steps and timeline for ; y : after meeting (Item #3) completion (D) 75 days after meeting to 5 C52 Contractor provides draft Communications Plan | discuss the National 52 | for review (D) Communication Plan (Item #3) © | cs2 | CORCTO) provides feedback on 10 business days after ee Communications Plan (M) receipt of Item #5 : C52 | Contractor makes necessary revisions and 10 business days after : submits final Communications Plan (D) receipt of Item #6 a) [ea | Emmet ree fx chia viaten 9 Lesa | COR (TO) approves requests Tor technical vanes assistance (M) vo [653 _| Coast roids cia asisances a pees cad) ‘Contractor participates in input meetings for each a C54 | individual national campaign (M) a ‘Contractor provides meeting summary report and | : 12 5.4 _ | creative brief (as appropriate) for each individual | Within 5 business days i after meeting (Item #11) national campaign (D) ‘COR (TO) approves updated creative brief and 13 5.4 | campaign plan for each individual national Within 5 days after receipt campaign (M) Contractor executes the approves creative Briel | caving approval 14 5.4 | and campaign plan for each individual national or "8 appr campaign (M) (Item #13) 2 DTNH2213D00280L Task Order 0011 2016 National and Regional Me 15 C54 and Commu tions Support Serv ives Contractor submits media buy plan for each jual national campaign for approval (D) 16 Cs4 COR (TO) approves media buy plan for each individual national campaign (M) Within 10 days of receipt 7 Cs4 Contractor executes approves media buy plan for ach individual national campaign (M) Upon ree: ing approval Cs4 Contractor submits all campaign assets and digital files for upload prior to launch for each individual national campaign (D) TBD 19 Cs4 Contractor executes national U Drive. U Text. U Pay. Distracted Driving Enforcement Crackdown and Awareness Month Campaign ™) TBD 20 C54 Contractor executes national Click It or Ticket Seat Belt Mobilization (M) TBD 21 Cs4 Contractor executes national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign (M) TBD 2 Cs4 Contractor executes Child Passenger Safety Week and National Seat Check Saturday activities (M) TBD 23 C54 Contractor executes national Seat Belt Social Norming Campaign (M) TBD 24 C55 Contractor participates in input meetings for each individual social norming or non-paid media campaign (M) TBD 25 C55 Contractor provides meeting summary report, conference report, creative brief, project timeline for each individual social norming or non-paid media campaign (D) Within 3 days following the meeting 26 C55 COR (TO) approves creative brief and project time for each individual social norming or non- paid media campaign (M) Within 10 days of receipt 27 C55 Contractor executes each individual social norming or non-paid media campaign (M) TBD 28 C55 ‘Contractor submits all campaign assets and digital files for upload prior to launch for each individual social norming or non-paid media campaign (D) TBD 29 C55 ‘Contractor submits all archive documents with contact sheets for each individual social norming or non-paid media campaign (D) TBD 30 C56 Contractor provides translation and/or adaptation services (D) TBD 23 DTNH2213D00280L Task Order 0011 2016 National and Regional Media and Communi ‘Contractor provides web and social media 31 | C57 | support and digital files as needed (D) tay 32 | esa | Comtrctor provides proposed calendar oF Brown | 5545.5 ar ward Bag sessions (D) 33 | cag | Contractor conducts Brown Bag sessions as | ry needed (M) 7 er om conducts taining sessions as needed | 7p : E (On or before the 10" day 35 FAL os Status Report (Monthly following the month being ee reported Within 60 days ofthe end of the campaign or not 36 | pag | Contractor submits electronic and hard copies of ‘| less than 30 days after “42 | final campaign reports to COR (TO) (D) final media billing has completed whichever comes frst F3 PLACE OF DELIVERY: Unless otherwise specified, deliverables shall be furnished, electronically, to the following addresses: Item No. Address 2,4-5, 7- | DOT/National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 8, 12,15, | Attn: Glaceria Mason 18,25, | 1200 New Jersey Ave SE 28-32, 35- | Washington, DC 20590 36 | Telephone: (202) 366-5876 E-mail: glaceria, 35 | DOT National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Attn: Seth Moody Office of Acquisition Management (OAM) 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE Washington, DC 20590 Phone: (202) 366-9557 Email: seth.moody’ F.4 REPORTING Fill Status Report The Contractor shall submit the lette-type report electronically to the COR (TO) by the 10th of each month following the month being reported. At a minimum the status report 24 DTNI12213D002801, Task Order 0011 2016 National and Regional Media and Comm: ications Support Services shall be submitted in a letter-type status report electronically to the COR (TO) that provides the following information for this Task Order: 1, Costs incurred during the reporting period: 2. Total costs incurred to date for the Task Order: Cost incurred per proje: Accomplishments made du g the reporting period: For each active Task Onder included in the report, a response to the following statement Bayed upon a comparison between the Task Order Budget established at time of Task Order Award and the actual expenditures to-date, the Contractor anticipates that the cost for completion of all Task Order requirements will be [Within Budget]. [Over Budget]. [Under Budget]. 6. If the Contractor's response to the above statement is Over Budget, then the Contractor shall explain those conditions which resulted in the Over Budget status and explain what steps it plans to take in order to mitigate. or eliminate. the Over Budget status, 7. Planned actions for the following month, 8. Any actions the Contractor requires of NHTSA. 9. Problems or delays that the Contractor has experienced and specific actions that the Contractor proposes to undertake to alleviate the problems or delays. F.4.2 Campaign inal Report The Contractor shall submit a final campaign report for each of the Agency's national campaigns. Click It or Ticket, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over. Child Passenger Safety. and Distracted Driving. The Contractor shall submit two hard copies as well as an electronic version prepared in Microsoft Word. The campaign final report shall include an overall campaign summary. national media buy plan, national media buy. the post buy and value added summaries. any creative collateral materials developed. the earned media, and State activity (e.g...a detailed spreadsheet of all States that requested the retag of the national TV ad). ‘The campaign final report shall also include a post buy report, media analysis. and any additional media and marketing services needed to evaluate the national campaign. At the end of each paid national campaign. the Contractor shall provide a sizzle reel on a CD ROM or fip he value added media received during each campaign. The Contractor shall include in the final campaign report earned media representing where NHTSA’s message was announced in earned media around the country The Contractor shall deliver the final campaign report to the COR (TO) within 60 days of the end of the campaign or not less than 30 days after final media billing has completed Whichever comes first

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