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Loading bunker into the

CHA to produce barge
loading appl., shipp bill
and WE Pass appl. to
billing section

Traffic department to
collect wharfage invoice
and Cashier/Traffic
personnel at the Single
Window will collect the

Dy. Wharf Supdt to

verify, app[rove and
forward the application,
wharfage invoice and
WE pass appl. to CISF

CISF to issue security

clearance and WE pass
and give the permission
back to CHA

CHA to submit all the

application to Fire and
Safety Division

Fire Division to verify

the documents
pertaining to fire and
safety only and grant
approval for barge

CHA to submit 1 copy

each of final approval
for facilitating the barge
loading to Wharf
Control Room Fire
Officer of concerned
Wharf and CISF

Barge to berthed at
jetty/berth and
then bunker to be

Loading bunker to the ships at berth from the

CHA to submit wharfage
invoice and Flexible
Hose Test Certificate of
the barge to concerned

SA to submit application
in AnnexI format with
wharfage invoice, cash
and application for WE
pass, at SWF

Dy. Wharf Supdt, to

verify, approve and
forward the papers to

CISF to issue security

clearance and WE pass,
and hand over the
permission back to SA

SA to submit above
approval with barge
Hose certificate and
duly filled in check list
for bunkering
(Annexure-II) to the Fire
and Safety Division

Fire Division to verify

the documents and
accord approval for
loading into the ship.

SA to handover a copy
each of the approval to
ATM/Wharf Supdt of
concerned wharf & CISF
in-charge of the
concerned wharf.

CHA to submit a copy of

MDR/BRR duly signed
by the surveyor/Master
of the ship to the Single
Window Facility for
closing the file.

If the bunker is for vessels at ICTT SA shall obtain the approval of Operations Head of IGT/Security Officer of IGT.
Thereafter barge can be brought alongside the ship and supply bunkers.

If the bunker is for vessels at Cochin Port berth SA shall intimate the Fire & Safety Division of Cochin Port about the
time of commencement of bunker supply to the ship. Fire officer will depute necessary fire personnel for supervising
the bunker supply operation.

Loading bunker to the ships at Outer Anchorage through

CHA to submit wharfage
invoice and barge
Certificates to the
concerned SA

SA to submit the above

approval with barge
certificates and duly filled
in check list for bunkering
(Annexure-II) to the Fire
and Safety Division

SA to submit application
in AnnexureI format with
wharfage invoice, cash
and application for WE
pass, if any, at the Single
Window Facility

Fire Division to verify the

documents and accord
approval for loading on to
the ship after inspecting
the barge.

Dy. Wharf Supdt, Single

Window to verify, approve
and forward the papers to
CISF at Single window

CISF at Single Window will

issue security clearance
and WE pass and hand
over the permission back
to SA

SA to handover a copy
each of the approval to
CISF and intimate the Fire
& Safety Division the time
when the barges starts
sailing from inner harbour
to outer anchorage.

After bunker operation,

the CHA to submit the
copy of MDR/BRR duly
signed by the
surveyor/Master of the
ship to the Single Window
Facility for closing the file.

Supply of bunkers at outer anchorage by special inland waterways barge will be permitted only in the fair
weather season. During monsoon period permission will be given for MS Class Sea going barges alone on case
to case basis

Port Control permission to be obtained prior to barge proceeding to outer anchorage for bunker supply.

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