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State Board of Technical Education & Training, A.

P, Hyderabad
C-09, Diploma in Civil Engineering
C-305, Surveying II
Duration: 1 Hour

Total : 20 Marks
Part A

3 X 2 = 6 marks

Answer all Questions

1. Draw the neat sketch of simple circular curve and name its elements.
2. Write short notes on EDM.
3. a) Name the different methods of Curve Settings
b) What is G.I.S?
Part B

2 X 7 = 14 marks

Answer any TWO Questions

4. Two straights AB and BC are connected by a simple circular curve of radius 300.00 m.
calculate the following elements of curve if the Deflection angle is 25 0.

Tangent Length
Length of Long Chord
Mid ordinate
Length of the curve
Apex distance.

5. a) What is G.P.S? State any Three Applications of G.P.S in Civil Engineering.

(3 marks)
b) What is Total station? Mention any four uses of Total station. (4 marks)
6. a) Sketch the different types of circular curves

(3 marks)

What is the principle of Photogrammetric surveying? State the different types of

photogrammetric surveying

(4 marks)

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