Sterile Gloving PDF

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Chapter 16

Procedure Checklists

Sterile Gloving





1. Followed Delegation Guidelines: Assisting With Sterile Procedures.

Saw Promoting Safety and Comfort:
a. Assisting With Sterile Procedures
b. Sterile Gloving
2. Practiced hand hygiene.
3. Inspected the package of sterile gloves for sterility.
a. Checked the expiration date.
b. Saw if the package was dry.
c. Checked for tears, holes, punctures, and watermarks.
4. Arranged a work surface.
a. Made sure you had enough room.
b. Arranged the work surface at waist level and within
your vision.
c. Cleaned and dried the work surface.
d. Did not reach over or turn your back on the work surface.
5. Opened the package. Grasped the flaps. Gently peeled them back.
6. Removed the inner package. Placed it on your work surface.
7. Read the manufacturers instructions on the inner package. It
may have been labeled left, right, up, and down.
8. Arranged the inner package for left, right, up, and down. The
left glove was on your left. The right glove was on your right.
The cuffs were near you, the fingers pointed away from you.
9. Grasped the folded edges of the inner package. Used the thumb
and index finger of each hand.
10. Folded back the inner package to expose the gloves. Did not
touch or otherwise contaminate the inside package or the gloves.
The inside of the inner package was a sterile field.
11. Noted that each glove had a cuff about 2 to 3 inches wide. The
cuffs and insides of the gloves were not sterile.
12. Put on the right glove if you were right-handed. Put on the left
glove if you were left-handed.
a. Picked up the glove with your other hand. Used your thumb
and index and middle fingers.
b. Touched only the glove and the inside of the glove.
c. Turned the hand to be gloved palm side up.
d. Lifted the cuff up. Slid your fingers and hand into the glove.
e. Pulled the glove up over your hand. If some fingers got
stuck, left them that way until the other glove was on. Did not
use your ungloved hand to straighten the glove. Did not let the
outside of the glove touch any non-sterile surface.
f. Left the cuff turned down.
13. Put on the other glove. Used your gloved hand.
a. Reached under the cuff of the second glove. Used the 4 fingers
of your gloved hand. Kept your gloved thumb close to your
gloved palm.
b. Put on the second glove. Your gloved hand did not touch the
cuff or any surface. Held the thumb of your first gloved hand
away from the second gloved palm.
14. Adjusted each glove with the other hand. The gloves were
smooth and comfortable.
15. Slid your fingers under the cuffs to pull them up.
16. Touched only sterile items.
17. Removed and discarded the gloves.
18. Practiced hand hygiene.

Date of Satisfactory Completion




























































































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