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Chapter 19

Procedure Checklists

Transferring the Person to a Chair or Wheelchair







Quality of Life
Knocked before entering the persons room.
Addressed the person by name.
Introduced yourself by name and title.
Explained the procedure before starting and during the procedure.
Protected the persons rights during the procedure.
Handled the person gently during the procedure.







































1. Followed Delegation Guidelines:
a. Safely Transferring the Person
b. Stand and Pivot Transfers
Saw Promoting Safety and Comfort:
a. Transfer Belts
b. Safely Transferring the Person
c. Stand and Pivot Transfer
d. Bed to Chair or Wheelchair Transfers
2. Collected the following:
 Wheelchair or arm chair
 Bath blanket
 Lap blanket (if used)
 Robe and non-skid footwear
 Paper or sheet
 Transfer belt (if needed)
 Seat cushion (if needed)
3. Practiced hand hygiene.
4. Identified the person. Checked the identification (ID) bracelet
against the assignment sheet. Used 2 identifiers. Also called the
person by name.
5. Provided for privacy.
6. Decided which side of the bed to use. Moved furniture for a
safe transfer.






































































7. Raised the wheelchair footplates. Removed or swung front rigging
out of the way if possible. Positioned the chair or wheelchair near
the bed on the persons strong side.
a. If at the head of the bed, it faced the foot of the bed.
b. If at the foot of the bed, it faced the head of the bed.
c. The armrest almost touched the bed.
8. Placed a folded bath blanket or cushion on the seat (if needed).
9. Locked (braked) the wheelchair wheels.
10. Fan-folded top linens to the foot of the bed.
11. Placed the paper or sheet under the persons feet. (This protected
linens from footwear.) Put footwear on the person.
12. Lowered the bed to a safe and comfortable level for the person.
Locked (braked) the bed wheels.
13. Helped the person sit on the side of the bed. His or her feet were
flat on the floor.
14. Helped the person put on a robe.
15. Applied the transfer belt if needed. It was applied at the waist
over clothing.

Date of Satisfactory Completion

Instructors Initials
Copyright 2017, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Procedure Checklists

Chapter 19


16. Method 1: Using a transfer belt:

a. Stood in front of the person.
b. Had the person hold on to the mattress.
c. Made sure the persons feet were flat on the floor.
d. Had the person lean forward.
e. Grasped the transfer belt at each side. Grasped the handles
or grasped the belt from underneath.
f. Prevented the person from sliding or falling. Did one of the
1) Braced your knees against the persons knees. Blocked
his or her feet with your feet.
2) Used the knee and foot of 1 leg to block the persons
weak leg or foot. Placed your other foot slightly behind
you for balance.
3) Straddled your legs around the persons weak leg.
g. Explained the following:
1) You will count 1, 2, 3.
2) The move will be on 3.
3) On 3, the person pushes down on the mattress
and stands.
h. Asked the person to push down on the mattress and to stand
on the count of 3. Assisted the person to a standing position
as you straightened your knees.
17. Method 2: No transfer belt. (Note: Used this method only if
directed by the nurse and the care plan.)
a. Followed steps 16, ac.
1) Stood in front of the person.
2) Had the person hold on to the mattress.
3) Made sure the persons feet were flat on the floor.
b. Placed your hands under the persons arms. Your hands were
around the persons shoulder blades.
c. Had the person lean forward.
d. Prevented the person from sliding or falling. Did one of the
1) Braced your knees against the persons knees. Blocked
his or her feet with your feet.
2) Used the knee and foot of 1 leg to block the persons
weak leg or foot. Placed your other foot slightly behind
you for balance.
3) Straddled your legs around the persons weak leg.
e. Explained the count of 3.
1) You will count 1, 2, 3.
2) The move will be on 3.
3) On 3, the person pushes down on the mattress and stands.
f. Asked the person to push down on the mattress and to stand
on the count of 3. Assisted the person up into a standing
position as you straightened your knees.
18. Supported the person in the standing position. Held the transfer
belt or kept your hands around the persons shoulder blades.
Continued to prevent the person from sliding or falling.
19. Helped the person pivot (turn) so he or she could grasp the far
arm of the chair or wheelchair. The legs touched the edge of
the seat.
20. Continued to help the person pivot (turn) until the other armrest
was grasped.
21. Lowered him or her into the chair or wheelchair as you bent your
hips and knees. To assist, the person leaned forward and bent
his or her elbows and knees.

Date of Satisfactory Completion

Copyright 2017, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.






















































































Instructors Initials



Chapter 19

Procedure Checklists


22. Made sure the hips were to the back of the seat. Positioned the
person in good alignment.
23. Attached the wheelchair front rigging. Positioned the persons
feet on the footplates.
24. Covered the persons lap and legs with a lap blanket (if used).
Kept the blanket off the floor and the wheels.
25. Removed the transfer belt if used.
26. Positioned the chair as the person preferred. Locked (braked) the
wheelchair wheels according to the care plan.







































Provided for comfort.

Placed the call light and other needed items within reach.
Unscreened the person.
Completed a safety check of the room.
Practiced hand hygiene.
Reported and recorded your observations.
Saw procedure: Transferring the Person From a Chair or Wheelchair
to Bed to return the person to bed.

Date of Satisfactory Completion

Instructors Initials
Copyright 2017, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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