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What do the terms AC1 and AC3 mean?

What do the terms AC1 and AC3 mean?
Product Line:
Products sold and used in the US
Products sold and used in the United States
Understanding how to select a device based on application and ratings
AC-1 - This category applies to all AC loads where the power factor is more than 0.95. These are
primarily non-inductive or slightly inductive loads, such as heating. Breaking the arc remains easy
with minimal arcing and contact wear.
Penerangan :
AC-3 - This category applies to squirrel cage motors with breaking during normal running of the
On closing, the contactor makes the inrush current, which is about 5 to 7 times the rated full load
current of the motor.
On opening, the contactor breaks the rated full load current of the motor.

CTA-ID : 2034591

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